Have you been persecuted by a state-sanctioned extortion agency?
Have you been subject to an unlawful eviction?
Has an agency of ‘government’ ridden roughshod over your common law rights?
Have you experienced any form of tyranny perpetrated by individuals working for a bank?
Have you been subject to unlawful action(s) by a man acting as a constable?
Are you a survivor of state-sanctioned banking fraud?
Have you experienced a grievous denial of due process of the law?
Has a Judge in a Court refused to provide you with lawful redress?
Have you been subject to an unlawful fine or forfeiture unlawfully issued by a private corporation that has not been through the court system?
If so, read on for the remedy is at hand and it lies not in those institutions and/or individuals that have wronged you.
This article is an attempt to provide a step-by-step guide of how this might be possible: it is not to be taken as a definitive guide but rather as an overview that may be of assistance to those who wish to establish a Grand Jury in their part of these Isles.
Rather, as has always been the case, it lies the hearts and minds of the islanders of Britain…
On equally solid grounds of evidence, the social state of Britain has been described as from its first settlement by Hu the Mighty, that of a civilized and polished community. Had no other monument of Kymric antiquity but the Code of British Laws of Molmutius (B.C. 600), which still forms the basis of our common or unwritten law, descended to us, we could not doubt that we were handling the index of civilization of a very high order. In such a code we possess not only the most splendid relic of pre-Roman Europe, but the key to all our British, as contra-distinguished from – Continental institutions. source
It is accurate to state that there are many individuals across the Isles of Britain who share the view that now is the time for the peoples to do that which they have always done and stand up for what is right when faced with the tyranny, thievery and treachery that is so manifestly present throughout every institution of the state-corporatism that falsely claims to govern them, with or without the individual’s consent.
It is accurate to state also that many individuals have come to understand that their only remedy lies in the Common Law.
This is known as Natural Law and it is nothing less than the ancient birthright of every indigenous man, wheresover on this planet he may be.
In the isles of Britain, the Common Law remains on the simple basis that it cannot be subsumed, repealed or disregarded in any way.
It predates Parliament and stretches back millennia.

The Rex known as Molmitius codified it. King Alfred wove it into his Anglo-Saxon system, Magna Carta reiterated it and the Bill of Rights further substantiated it.
Just because it has been deliberately obscured under reams of legalese and phony statutory legislation created by an illegitimate government under a fake Crown, does not mean that it no longer exists.
It is the right of the people to exercise their common sense in matters of justice when the apparatus of the law has failed them by way of a denial of the common law rights and protections to the individual.
Given that armed insurrection is neither desirable or possible (the elites and their agencies have got all the bullets, after all), the way forward is to form Grand Juries and since 11 October 2014, that way is now clear.
On Saturday, 11 October 2014, a Grand Jury consisting of indigenous men and women from across the lands known as the British Isles was convened in the city known as Nottingham.
Historical background:
The last Grand Jury that sat in these lands was August 29, 1933, at the London Sessions.
In 1933, at the ‘debate’ to abolish the Grand Jury, the only member of the Commons to speak against the provision was the Marquess of Hartington, who said:
Suppose it came to pass that we had in this country a Fascist Government which created a whole mass of new offenses-such as holding views disrespectful of the Government . . . (In such case) the grand jury might be a very constitutional safeguard and prove of immense value.”
SOURCE: NATHAN T. ELLIFF, “Notes on the Abolition of the English Grand Jury”, Summer 1938.
Zoom to the present:
Given the machinations of the fake ‘UK Government’ and its head puppet, ‘Dave’, that time has indeed come to pass: those words have a relevance to the present that cannot be denied.
Mussolini’s definition of fascism has stood the test of time: it is State Corporatism – a violent albeit phony system of social control which is, ipso facto, dominated by corporate business interests and specifically by the banking sector.
Given that it is clear that State Corporatism is the very system under which the peoples of these lands find themselves right now (if you wish to deny that, then ask yourself why the Ministry of Justice is a registered company and how the Councils are able to produce their own liability orders, or why parking and speeding tickets are issued by private agencies when those matters have not been heard in a court of law?), and,
Given Davie Cameron’s utterly fallacious statement to around 17 people at the UN on 25 September 2014 that,
We must be clear: to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism – not just violent extremism.” SOURCE,
it becomes ever clearer to any right-thinking individual just how and why it has become necessary for the peoples of the Isles of Britain to wipe away the detritus of Roman Law and fake European Hegemony to re-establish their ancient Common Law.
It is, regardless of what any statist may falsely claim, a fact that the first Grand Jury to sit since 1933 has paved the way for others to be formed in any part of these islands where injustice has occurred.
Forget the sop that was introduced in the form of ‘Judicial Review‘, a de facto replacement for the Grand Jury, the real remedy for the correction of wrong doing by all agencies of the fake state is a Grand Jury formed of the indigenous people.
In other words, it is not the state apparatus of the JR that will provide redress, but the GJ and it may be used to bring to account any and all agencies and/or individuals of state-corporatism that have caused harm and loss to any individual.
The correction of a wrong-doing could be at the instigation of any one who has experienced loss and harm through the malign and morally repugnant fraudulent actions of any and all financial institutions who have, for instance, been using TGBMS as a means of asset stripping the peoples of their land and property, a fact that the Judiciary has turned an unconscionable blind eye to for at least the last 5 years.
After all, is it not the case that the Courts have failed to provide the people with the remedy as prescribed in the Law of Mortgages?
Given he has first hand knowledge of such an action, the RM will use the example of a mortgagor who has had his house violently stolen on the back of a void mortgage and a miscarriage of justice at HMCTS. After all, there is REMEDY FOR EVERY INJURY:
“Every right when with-held must have a remedy, and every injury it’s proper redress.”
—William Blackstone

That mortgagor first needs to gather all the evidence in support of his claim (his indictment) that he has been subject to a swindle perpetrated by the bank and an unlawful eviction carried out by the bailiff.
This may have led to him being left not only homeless but without legal recourse.
He may, for instance, as was the case with the RM, have been banned from the Courts via the false procuration of an Extended Civil Restraining Order (ECRO) or he may simply no longer have the means to continue along the bramble strewn path that obscures his route to justice.
The word is put out through trusted means that a Grand Jury is to be formed, jurors are carefully chosen and, on the day of its convention, a foreman and the fellow jurors are sworn in. It is held in secret, with the names of the jurors never disclosed, for the purposes of guaranteeing their security from any malice that may be afoot via the various agencies of the state-corporate collective.
The man then presents his case that his mortgage was void ab initio and how he was unlawfully evicted to the GJ.
In the event it rules in his favour, the GJ issues a public declaration that the previous proceedings are void and that the man has the common law right to sue for restitution and/or issue criminal proceedings against the guilty parties.
From there he has the right to issue any other type of legal or criminal proceedings – the GJ declarations can be used to set aside or declare void any order seeking to enforce a miscarriage of justice. It is always beyond the interference of HM courts.
The man then takes this declaration to a court, having already served it upon the other parties, and uses it as evidence that he has the right to proceed and the court does not have jurisdiction to interfere.
Thus, given the declaration is issued by the highest authority in the land (the people), a county court would be obligated to issue an order of restitution upon being presented with the GJ’s bill of indictment and the man’s application for such.
This is the power of the GJ: in one fell swoop, the power of the people is restored and brought into immediate effect. This is on the basis that natural (or common) law, since time immemorial, is THE REAL LAW
The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land; the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are not the law. Legislated statutes enforced upon the people in the name of law is a fraud. It has no authority and is without mercy.
Justice without mercy is Godless, and therefore repugnant to the ancient rights and protections as enshrined under Molmutine Law, further established under Anglo-Saxon Law by Alfred, the Magna Carta and so on through to the Bill of Rights.
Lawmakers were given authority by the people to legislate codes, rules, regulations, and statutes which are policies, procedures, and “law” to control the behavior of bureaucrats, elected and appointed officials, municipalities and agencies, but were never given authority to control the behavior of the people of the Isles of Britain. It thus follows that all laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Common Law are null and void.
In the third volume of his Commentaries, page 23, Blackstone states two cases in which a remedy is afforded by mere operation of law.
“In all other cases,” he says, “it is a general and indisputable rule that where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law whenever that right is invaded.”
PEOPLE are supreme, not the state. (Waring vs. the Mayor of Savanah); The state cannot diminish rights of the people. (Hertado v. California); …at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects…with none to govern but themselves. (Chisholm v. Georgia)
The following is taken from an American Handbook on Grand Juries: given it is founded upon the earlier British systems of common (natural) law, the observations are entirely relevant to these islands also.
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
—Thomas Jefferson
DUTY OF THE GRAND JURY. If anyone’s unalienable rights have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, from their lands, home, liberties or lawful right, we [the twenty-five] shall straightway restore them.
And if a dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the twenty-five Grand Jurors, the sureties of the peace. (Magna Carta, June 15, A.d. 1215, 52.)
Whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” (James 1:25)
Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.” (Prov 4:5-8)
Thus it came to pass that on Saturday 11th October 2014, an ancient and fundamental right of the natural peoples was re-established: namely, the right of the peoples of these lands to form a Grand Jury as and whenever necessary to take to task any and all institutions of state and/or individuals who have attempted to usurp the Common (Natural) Law as enshrined by the Laws of Molmutius.
It thus follows that as of 11 October 2014, there exists a lawful objection to any and all traitorous attempts to impose the fake hegemony of the European Union and its continental legal system on the peoples of these islands.
Given the well-documented failings of the Crown’s Court System to provide the people with the remedies to which they are entitled, it was always going to be a matter of time before the maxim “justice delayed is justice denied” came into effect.
Wherefore, none of this should come as a surprise: if the system does not provide justice, then the people will find their own.
The decks have thus been cleared for the re-establishment of the ancient laws, rights, customs and protections of true Common Law courts of the people.
By their actions shall ye know them.”
On equally solid grounds of evidence, the social state of Britain has been described as from its first settlement by Hu the Mighty, that of a civilized and polished community. Had no other monument of Kymric antiquity but the Code of British Laws of Molmutius (B.C. 600), which still forms the basis of our common or unwritten law, descended to us, we could not doubt that we were handling the index of civilization of a very high order.
In such a code we possess not only the most splendid relic of pre-Roman Europe, but the key to all our British, as contra-distinguished from – Continental institutions. After perusing it, we stand amazed at the blindness which wanders groping for the origin of British rights and liberties in the swamps of the motherland of feudal serfdom-Germany.
We need not go so far as to affirm, with a learned author, that “barbarism and slavish institutions first entered Britain with the German Saxon”; but we may safely contend that no part of the Continent could supply Britain with what it never possessed itself. British spirit and freedom are wholly of native British origin, and out of Britain they are imitations or fallacies, not realities.
The Continent is an aggregate of nations ruled on the despotic principle. The Anglo-Saxon of America returns out of Britain to just what the Anglo-Saxon of Germany and England was—a seller and driver of slaves.” Lord Chief Justice Fortescue
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