“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator. Attributed. 58 BC, Speech in the Roman Senate
Michael Shrimpton is of the view that the “Supremacy of Parliament” is “a cornerstone” of the British Constitution. Ref: P228, ‘Spyhunter‘ 2014.

With all due respect, RM does not share this view on the basis that the ancient laws of the isles of Britain, as a matter of historical fact, predate Parliament by millennia and go back to the codifications of Dfynal Moelmud which established the ancient customs, rights and protections of the indigenous peoples.
Notwithstanding that fact – one which will soon be gathering increasing amounts of interest and relevance – come 01 November 2014, that purported ‘Supremacy of Parliament’ (if it ever really existed will vanish into the ether when the traitorous Treaties of Nice and Lisbon come into full effect. Or so the EU and its traitorous parliamentary supporters falsely believe.
At that moment, and as correctly stated here by Nomine Deus, there is no longer any ‘Crown’ and as a consequence of the Queen’s de facto abdication, there will no longer be a British Parliament.
At that point, it is the Supremacy of the indigenous peoples that comes into immediate and factual existence.
The Crown and Parliament, both phony iniquitous systems of fake power, cease to exist.
At that point the position of the people is stark:
1. Continue as a Citizen under the European Communist Union, or,
2. Declare oneself a sovereign indigenous man under the jurisdiction of Natural Law (one already and with great foresight created by Universal Community Trust).
The individual either cowardly accepts his switch from subject of a fake crown to citizen of a crypto communist dictatorship or he declares his independence of it all and steps out and away from the trap that is citizenship.
At that point, it is check mate for the EU. The beast is starved, not fed.
It is in a very real sense, the last remedy standing. Anything less is mere pissing into the wind – which is, in effect, what the pied piper, Russell Brand, a statist to this core, is propounding.
Therefore, any one who wishes to go to Stonehenge and support the declaration of the indigenous peoples of the isles of Britain, being made for and on their behalf by Nomine Deus, on the 1st November 2014 is encouraged to do so.
Those indigenous peoples of 27 sovereign micro nations, in the jurisdiction of UCT did, of course, make their declaration on 21st June 2012 but there is nothing to stop any trustee of UCT going along and reading out the UCT declaration in support of Nomine Deus’ declaration.
In short, it is now time for us to put our differences behind us and stand shoulder to shoulder.
The land which we stand on is ours.
Under the terms of the UCT treaty, the stolen land must be returned to the indigenous peoples of the British Isles.
The first step is for the people to make those declarations.
It matters not whether they be on Eire, the Western Isles, the Hebrides, Alba, the Orkneys, Cumberland, Forvik, Deira and Bernicia, Cymry, Norfolk, Dumnonia (Cornwall) the land is there, it is theirs and it is to be taken back.
Thus, the EU may kiss the arse of any indigenous man of these isles who knows his ancestral lineage is his spiritual and biological connection to these isles.: his connection to the land is woven into the very fabric of his DNA. As such, one might reasonably posit that he owes it to all previous, current and future generations to take back and restore, under Common Law, that which has been stolen.

It is as they say game on.
The beast is to be starved. The Queen’s tiara is in tatters, like the fictional emperor of the ancient tale, she wears no clothes and the insane House of Rothschild hegemony is exposed as the parasite it is and always has been.
As of November 1st 2014, the indigenous peoples can slip out of the citizen-subject trap and into sovereignty. All else is a chimera.
The Queen is Dead.
No Crown, no Parliament, no citizenry.
The people are supreme under God only.
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