Episode 019: The Great British Grand Jury

Reviving the Ancient Laws of these lands and the Grand Jury necessitates the collapse of a Fraudulent Court System.

Let me begin by wishing all listeners a splendid Yuletide: may your glass and stomach be full, may joy and laughter be replete, all around you, in the midst of this Winter Solstice.

Over the last 13 years, I have had more than a gutful of the Rigged System commonly known as His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS). This applies to my standing as Claimant and Defendant. Much of this can be read in the Rogue Justice section of the Rogue Male website.

As with pretty much every public institution – health, education, banking, government in all its forms – our British Court system has been captured by those who wear the little caps and genuflect to their criminal overlords who reside in the House of Rothschild.

In each of these institutions we see clearly that public servants have become tyrants. It is akin to a group of household employees mutineering and locking their masters in the cellar whilst they gallivanting about, drinking and eating to their heart’s content whilst stealing all the family silver. In other words, enriching themselves by way of their plunder.

In this episode, I posit that the current ‘Legal System’ of these lands is but a fraudulent layer of flaky tarmac, spread over the cobblestones and the bedrock of our ancient systems of common law, stretching back 3,00o years into our hidden history. Smoke and mirrors abide when we allow one man to preside over matters which were previously always heard by a jury of the people , formerly well-known as the Grand Jury.

Further reading: From Brutus to Magna Carta 2020

Thank-you for all those who have made a donation and especial thanks to David R for his loyal support down the years.


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