The Fog Descends

Just as the Isles of Britain were recently covered in fog, a fugue hangs over Nottingham University’s exhibition on the Caves of Nottingham. For whatever reason, I have recently garnered a number of new subscribers to my Substack pages and I would like to begin by welcoming each and every one of them. Regular readers... Continue Reading →

The Mortgage Monkey

The Great British Mortgage Swindle in Real Time. This Rogue Cast (070) is a condensed exposition of the various components that comprise the multi-levelled racketeering operation which is revealed in the Great British Mortgage Swindle (TGBMS) the eviscerating documentary that was released in late 2018. Whilst I have written extensively about TGBMS, this episode stands... Continue Reading →

A Question of Law: The Triads of Britain

HOW & WHY MAGNA CARTA WAS FOUNDED ON ANCIENT BRITISH HISTORY & LAW. It is reasonable to state that the Peoples of these islands [commonly known as the 'British Isles, including Ireland'] have a long and noble history of common law. Natural law may be seen as the innate understanding of what is fair or... Continue Reading →

Episode 68: The Glass Menagerie

The Alternative Media Menagerie The danger of throwing pebbles in a glass house is a suitable metaphor for those fringe magnets who inhabit the snow dome that is the alternative media. Menagerie noun a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition. a strange or diverse collection of people or things: some other specimen... Continue Reading →

Episode 67: Eccentric

Your Eccentricity is Divine. Recorded on 20th November, 2024, this Rogue Cast is on the priceless value of the individual’s eccentricity. When I was growing up in the town of Huddersfield, eccentricity was relatively commonplace. Those individuals who demonstrated it most were labelled ‘characters’ but there are many other epithets that could be used: The... Continue Reading →

Welby ‘Avin’ You – Bashing the Bishop

Welby gone Justin Time as Church of England Slides into the Mire. The notion that the Church of England cares for the spiritual well-being of the peoples is as ridiculous as claiming that Jimmy Savile was a great childminder. This fake fish-hatted actor first came to my attention in the midst of the Convid91 Genocidal... Continue Reading →

Twenty-Two Thousand Days:

Today is the 21, 914th day since yours truly turned up in this realm but what’s 86 days between friends? This is episode 66 of the Rogue Cast and it concerns my long Sojourn through the Realm of the Moronic. This discourse rambles over a variety of subjects, beginning with the Died Suddenly  phenomenon. In... Continue Reading →

Episode 65: A Perverted Pantomime

As Dame issues a perverted court order and falls into Void in Richard D. Hall Case. The perversion of justice in the fake courts of the UK Plc is a subject I have been writing on for some 11 years now. Last week provided two stark examples of the continuance of the inversion of Natural... Continue Reading →

64 – Narcissism: the Lights are on but no-one’s home.

Narcissism goes hand-in-hand with the demiurge. The last almost 5 years has served to reveal many aspects of this realm in which we find ourselves. One particularly pertinent revelation has shown us just how prevalent narcissism is amongst the populace, at every level, but especially in the realms of public authority - finance, governance, psychology,... Continue Reading →

Episode 63: Your Mortgage Contract

Contract is agreement. You want me to perform? Fine, first show me the conract, show me exactly when and where I agreed to any of it. This week’s discourse is on the subject of contracts. The first thing to note is that, no matter who or where you are, each and everyone of us is... Continue Reading →

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