A Quagmire: the State of the British Judiciary
It is some 14 years since I stepped into Nottingham County Court to defend a fraudulent possession claim against my home of 16 years.
At that time, I was reasonably confident in the British Justice system. However, I no longer take that view.
Since that time to the present, I have made numerous appearances at all levels, civil and criminal, in the once highly regarded British justice system, now known as His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Services (HMCTS).
I have made appearances as a defendant: in an attempt to have me sent to prison for refusing to let court bailiffs steal my home, as Claimant in a High Court Claim against a negligent conveyancing solicitor, as a defendant in a jumped up charge of assault against 2 bumbling police constables, as a Claimant in the resulting successful Tort action against said PCs, as a defendant in a bogus hearing over an alleged motoring offence and, of course, as an assistant and observer at numerous hearings where I was helping out a number of people over mortgage fraud, fake trespass claims and even one where my ex partner was charged with assaulting a constable during the course of the state-sponsored criminal eviction of the Crawford family. Some of the hearings – at Nottingham and Huddersfield Magistrates’ Courts – have also involved periods of false imprisonment in the dungeons beneath these courts.
During that time I have witnessed numerous ‘expensively-educated’ sophist judges ignorantly pontificate on matters such as The Great British Mortgage Swindle, a multi-levelled fraud of which they know nothing or, as may sometimes be the case, these judges are set only on perpetuating the swindle and railroading all those who the solicitors falsely claim are “vexatious litigants”.
I have seen a modicum of fair behaviour from a minority of British judges, but more often I’ve borne witness to the ubiquitous usage of logical fallacies, bullying and the sort of strong-arm coercive tactics that bring the judiciary into disrepute.
First in Time, First in Line
Therefore, it is perhaps appropriate that I make comment on the state of the British judiciary following the Corona-Nation of the traitorous imposter Charles Saxe-Coburg Gotha which took place on the day after my latest visit to Nottingham’s County Court.
This overview of the state of ‘His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service’ (HMCTS) is from my perspective as a man, indigenous to the Isles of Britain, whose ancestral origins in this part of the simulacrum, undoubtedly go back millennia before the arrival of King Charles’ ancestors and as someone who has direct experience of what passes for ‘justice’ across these lands.
The matter in which I was assisting on 5th May, 2023 is a fraudulent possession claim brought against the home of my good friend, ‘Steve’. I say it is fraudulent for a number of reasons, but largely because Steve has a notarised perfected equitable lien against Alison Rose, the CEO of Nat West Plc, the phony claimant.
The facts established therein are:
1. There is no valid and enforceable mortgage contract in existence.
2. All bookkeeping entries associated with the alleged loan are being concealed by Nat West Plc
3. There is no valid and enforceable mortgage deed or charge operating as a deed in existence.
4. The insurance policy on the alleged borrower’s note is being concealed by Nat West Plc.
5. The call reports for the period covering the alleged loan are being concealed by Nat West Plc
6. The deposit slip for the deposit of the alleged borrower’s note is being concealed by Nat West Plc
7. The order authorising the withdrawal of funds from the alleged borrower’s note deposit account is being concealed by Nat West Plc.
8. The account number from which the money came to fund the alleged loan is being concealed by
Nat West Plc.
9. Any and all existing allonges, front and back, affixed to the promissory note for endorsements, are being concealed by Nat West Plc.
Notwithstanding which, there is also the matter of the Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) which has TWICE been requested and ignored, bringing the alleged lender into dispute under which it has failed to prove it is the Holder-in-Due-Course (HIDC) of the alleged mortgage ‘note’.
These points are covered elsewhere on this site and the interested reader can find out more here –
1. Mortgage Explained in 600 words
2. How the Deed of Mortgage is a fraud on its face.
3. How every mortgage company is in breach of the legal requirement for a written agreement to be signed by all parties to the mortgage.
4. No Bank Loans Anything – the essential fraud at the heart of the financial system.
To return directly to what happened on Friday, 5th May, 2023.

The hearing was scheduled for 15:25. When we arrived at c. 14:55, we had to go through the ‘security check’ pantomime. Whilst the table tennis-like metal detector bats have been in situ for over a decade, it is to be noted that the guards on the door that afternoon were Pakistani immigrants who speak only broken English and who are, consequently, incapable of engaging in any form of meaningful dialogue or, indeed, providing any useful information for a Litigant in Person (LIP).
Whilst the hearing was listed on the County Court’s schedule, it was, in fact due to be heard in a court room at the Magistrates’ Court (the Justice Centre) some five minutes walk away. This necessitated in us having to go through more of the security nonsense at the behest of another team of foreign ‘guards’, each of whom was as humourless and over-zealous as the previous one.
At the hearing, it soon became clear that the Defence and Counterclaim Steve had posted in a box at the Court, as formerly ‘instructed’ by the security guards, had not been received by the Court and the District Judge had not seen it. Until recently, Nottingham County Court had a Public Counter at which documents could be filed, affidavits witnessed and questions asked. This service has now been reduced from a 4-desk counter to just one in a tiny box room which is ‘appointment only’.
It was also brought to the Judge’s attention that the claim for possession of the property is 2 ½ times in excess of the amount alleged to be owed. In simple terms, a claim for a property and land valued at £200k when the amount owed is just £80 is an inequitable one. When asked if this was a court of equity, the judge replied that it was and that all courts of England and Wales have been since the nineteenth century. In other words, the matter has to dealt with in equity now Steve has evoked it.
The Judge apologised for the shit service and said it was best to serve the Defence and Counterclaim by email.
During WW2, the civil court jury system was suspended and never reinstated. The consequence of which is that, in the current system of ‘law’, one man, acting as the all-knowing judge, presides over a matter which was previously heard by a jury of 12 men and women. This state of affairs allows for all manner of conflicts of interest and bias to hold sway in each and every possession hearing. After all, money talks and bullshit walks and the judges are handsomely rewarded for finding in favour of the fake financiers over individuals, even when there is material evidence of fraud – a fraud in the factum. The Civil Court System of which Charles III is the nominal head is a captured operation that always finds in favour of the Bank when it comes to disputes between those entities and LIP.
HMCTS frowns upon the LIP, falsely regarding him as an unpredictable and vexatious litigant who deserves short shrift from the Judge, from the office staff and even the in-security guards.
Above and beyond all that, we have a system of faux statutory legislation which lies like a cracking and deeply potholed layer of tarmac over the bedrock (or the cobble stones) of the British people’s Common Law. An apt metaphor, given the manifest deterioration of the highways and byways of our realm.
To extend the metaphor, this ‘tarmacking’ over the cobblestones of our ancient jurisprudence is the same as that fake narrative that would have us believe that the Romans were the ones who built our major highways and byways, when, in fact, those roads already existed and had done since time immemorial.
As previously stated,
“it (our ancient jurisprudence) goes back to 2400 years ago and the establishment of the Moelmutine laws which created a system of equity – justice with no fear or favour. That system is in our ancestral blood and the time is coming when the wonderful people of these islands, being well-aware of their common law inheritance, will stand up to claim it. They will simply have no other choice, for it is in their very nature to assert their ancient common law, with its protections, customs and rights.”
The sticky black overlay of ‘legislation’, statutes and various deceptive practices such as the use of ‘legalese’ is akin to the use of graphene oxide in the jib-jabs: its existence prevents the mind and body from functioning correctly.
When the very arteries of the courts are clogged up with phoney legislation and a modus operandi that thwarts the ordinary man before he has even set foot in the court, then it is only a matter of time before the corpus (HMCTS) collapses – just like the ever-increasing numbers who have fallen victim to the #3DartFinish.
The courts were in a slow state of degeneration 14 years ago. The UK Government was warned about the disastrous consequences of securitisation back in 2008. The legislative arm of the ‘State’ has done fook all about it, the 650 treacherous MPs who preside in Parliament have ignored the degeneration and fattened themselves on the public purse.
Whilst the odds of a fair hearing are certainly stacked against Steve in his dispute with the fake lender, it is worth remembering that it is always best to take action and, of course, that may include self-defence in all its forms, including defending oneself in the rigged court system.
Doing nothing is not an option.
As ever, my gratitude goes out to David R for his relentless support of Rogue Male. Should any reader like to contribute to the running of the site, then please ‘Buy me a coffee’ via the button. Thank you.
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