A critical thinker will have long-since discerned that the Divoc 91 hoax was never about protecting the well-being of the people over whom the criminal UK Government falsely claims to rule. One of the clearest illustrations of this fact was the appointment of the former banker and Rothschild acolyte, Savage Jabhead, as the successor to the discredited Matt Dazolam. The wee fellow acting as Chancellor of the Exchequeur, Richboy Soknacked is also a former banker with a very rich father-in-law.

The official narrative for both wee fellows is that they were earning millions per year as bankers, Richboy Soknacked at Goldman Sachs and Savage Jabhead at Deutsche Bank, and that they both jacked in their highly lucrative jobs to nobly become members of Parliament on £82k per annum. Both are married to women belonging to exceptionally rich families.

Any critical thinker will know by now that the
Covid-1984Divoc 91 psychological operation (psyop) has many elements to it. One crucial element has been to provide a smokescreen for the controlled demolition of the economy which has resulted in millions of people losing their jobs and businesses. Which was one aim of the ‘plandemic’.Covid-1984Divoc 91 is a highly effective psyop that has injected fear into a populace that has been brainwashed by the mainstream:
Across these lands, people have already gone into default on their mortgage payments and once three months arrears have accumulated, the bank will claim the right to bring a possession claim in one of the rigged system’s ‘County Courts’. That is problematic in itself in the event that it proves to be true the Queen has been deposed, for then all public, judicial and privy Council oaths will be nullities. No court will be operating under the aegis and authority of the Crown and that would make them unlawful, for they would be unable to provide a lawful jurisdiction without a valid seal. Either that or they will continue to fake their authority.
It is reasonable to state that many of the UK’s 11 million mortgagors will have been unable to make the payments on their fraudulent mortgages during the last 6 months and that this total is only going to get larger as a consequence of the
Covid-1984Divoc 91 hoax.
Now the furlough payments have ended, the wave of arrears will reach tsunami proportions. Potentially, or probably – take your pick – millions of homes will be under threat and with an average of 4 people per household, the threat of eviction and homelessness to the people of these lands could be in the tens of millions as we head into 2022.
Whilst the odds are stacked against any individual who takes on the banks over their fraudulent repossession claims in a County Court, these are extraordinary times and it expected that there will be an inexorable rise in the numbers of brave mortgagors who launch valid defences against the criminal banksters and their whoring solicitors.
Wherefore, I would recommend that any one who has a dead-pledge (mortgage) hanging over them read the following links as a matter of urgency: watch TGBMS and join the class action via the Forged Signatures site.
Make no mistake: the mortgage swindle is being demolished, irrespective of what Jabhead and Soknacked carry out on behalf of their bankster-masters.
1. class action law suit to end institutionalised mortgage fraud and signature forgery
2. The commercial lien as common law remedy to banking fraud
3.Magna Carta 2020 Declaration of Rights
4. Watch TGBMS for free
5. Liverpool woman battles Bank of Scotland for alleged Mortgage fraud
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Is it not way past time for this to become general public knowledge- if possible via main stream or another avenue equally as effective?
Unless it does become public knowledge the programmed masses won’t believe a word, all could be dead or in seriously bad health at this rate.
There is a serious inability of others to make the connections and join the dots, particularly in the system these people operate in.
Forewarned is forearmed.
This cartoon breaking damn wall sums up not only the Divoc 91 fraud but also the position that the banksters are in. It’s a question of when, not if the damn wall breaks.
Whilst most will not ‘get it’, there will be many ‘newbies’ who suddenly do comprehend and they will be seeking answers. This is the nature of the war we are in – it’s an information war.
Please excuse me compiling my reply here via our shared lawfulbank-platform. I personally have some 20,000 hours invested in helping it and us to evolve, and Michelle has a comparably vast library she’s brought us, plus numerous contacts.
Michael is absolutely right that “Death Cult Media” is falling apart, Michelle / all.
Even via Slave-Token world the other Michael made huge strides compiling / producing / airing documentaries, and fellow PUB man David Laity also has form in this regard.
This Michael, we know already, is a dab hand with everyday English language as she is spoken and written by we the sheeple, and I have a 1976 start in business magazine publishing, which went more interactive and online than most from 2006.
I’m also more than confident that I can oversee what and who gets broadcast by any radio or television channels, as we start to reclaim those lands and buildings and infrastructure. Richard D Hall / Richplanet TV Andrew Johnson is “BBC 2 / Radio 5Live” already, in my head at least.
I have fake-money ex-colleagues / editors / journalists / sales staff and readers and advertisers aplenty, with multi-media methods of contacting them, where some are still operating “at the highest level”, like commercial director of all Murdoch UK scams. And what I’m insisting on achieving before I expose myself and us to them (again), is my reclaimed and set in granite tiny sliver of land with home-office up and running, solid contact details, etc.. Otherwise, like even most of my immediate family, they’ll assume I should “just have kept up mortgage payments”, like they do.
Hello Michael, how might it be proven that the queen has been deposed? I wish that it would be of course.
The damn walls will break…the sooner the better. How much more destruction will the
People accept? As Leonard Cohen sang, “there are cracks in everything- that is where the light gets in”.
God bless you and all those assisting you..Thank you for helping me understand so much more.
The veils will fall off everything that is being concealed. i’d argue that the appearance of Prince SausageFingers at the COP26 pantomime where he advocated, in the manner of a communist state, a militarised approach to coercing the people to accept the Agenda 2030 nonsense is a huge ‘tell’. Were he a committed ‘monarchist’, he would be speaking out against it, not endorsing it.
The people will only take so much before there is a massive pushback. That’s why the control system is rolling out its technocratic policies so urgently: the clock is ticking down and they know it.
I was charged in Gibraltar. I believe I irrefutably challenged the courts’ jurisdiction. They fined me anyway. I irrefutably challenged the Lawfulness of the Bank of England’s legal tender in the fine, which I sent to them and the Gibraltar courts and others. https://fraudinthelegalsystem.wordpress.com/2019/01/02/central-banking-legal-tender-fraud/