Stop Funding the Terrorist State

Are you funding a terrorist state?

If you’re not sick to the gills of the tyranny and genocide being perpetrated by the terrorist state known as the criminal UK Government then stop reading now.

Taxation levels in the UK are currently rising and destined to further increase by direct correlation to the plundering that has been escalated by the traitors in government who initiated a plethora of self-enrichment scams via the numerous inherent frauds of the Divoc 91 psy-op.

These bloated pigs who suckle at the teat of the Banksters and their criminal associates in the WHO, the WEF, the Gates Foundation and any and all big Pharma producer who has profited from the death by needlepoint mass murder campaign of the last 3 years are beyond contempt.

Every utterance they make is in tune with the pronouncements and programmes of those listed foreign agencies, from whom they have taken payments to buy their silence over the genocide by injection.

Traitors is the collective noun for those who falsely claim to be representing the interests of the people yet who simultaneously take back-handers from those outside agencies to promote mass-murder agendas, as initiated over 125+ years ago by the Eugenics movement.

The hoax that is evolution would have us believe that only the strongest and finest of our humanity survive, the best examples of Mankind. Thus, even on that ridiculous level, it is staggering that those who espouse Eugenics are manifestly not the Adonis figures they believe themselves to be. If the horseshit that is Eugenics were remotely true, then the likes of its advocates, for instance, Bill ‘Bitch-Tits’ Gates and Boris ‘Pfeffel’ Johnson would not have a hope in Hell of influencing or controlling people for in no way could either be held up as the standard of being to which Mankind should aspire. They are as short in stature as they are in intellect; their lying reveals their Crowleyian immorality and their physical prowess is is as puny as the false gods they serve.

No. We are ‘ruled’, not by lions, but by some of the worst examples of humanity imaginable.
This is, of course, their weakness. They are palpably not statesman-like, they are not intellectual heavy-weights replete with great powers of reasoning; they have little, if any creativity, they lie and rely on false narratives to propel themselves onwards and are clearly of a parasitic nature for they leach upon the people they ridiculously claim to have power over.

The one ring which controls everything and everyone across this cess-pit realm most effectively is MONEY. Each and everyone of the traitors in Government is in thrall to it.

As readers will be aware, I have previously challenged a number of these treacherous banking and state entities and I am loathe to give them so much as the steam off my piss. Imagine my annoyance when, 3 weeks ago, I returned to my motor to find one of the black and yellow Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) stuck to my windscreen. It falsely claimed that a parking charge was owed due to the conveyance being in an alleged ‘Permit Parking’ zone.

Why do I say it is a false claim?

For the simple reason that under the Bill of Rights, 1689, which is in full cause and effect, it is illegal under the Laws of these lands for an individual to receive any form of levy, tax demand, charge, punishment etc that has not been through a Court of Law. Common Law that is.

Within 2 days of it being stuck on my windscreen, it was returned directly to the CEO of the Borough Council from which it originated, along with the following Notice. You will notice that it was ‘refused for cause’ – in other words, in accord with the established Laws of these lands, there was no valid cause to issue it as the matter had not been heard by a Common Law Court of Record, which renders it unlawful.

Note well the clear reference to what I reasonably regard as the right to not contribute to the continued existence of what I consider to be a terrorist state.

Notice of Attempted Levy (PCN) Refused for Cause
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal
Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

K*** Mar***tt, CEO,
Rushcliffe Borough Council
Rushcliffe Arena
Rugby Road
West Bridgford

Monday, 20 March 2023

Dear K*** Mar***tt,

please find enclosed a ‘Penalty Charge Notice’ (your ref: NQ26245324) that was purportedly issued by one of your agents on 18/03/23 and is refused for cause on the following grounds:

1. It is unlawful on the simple basis that the Bill of Rights 1689 is in full cause and effect, meaning that all Grants and Promises of Fines and Forfeitures of particular persons before Conviction are illegal and void.

2. It is illegal on the simple basis that it is purportedly issued by ‘Rushcliffe Borough Council’ for and on behalf of Notts County Council (the beneficiary of the parking scam) and under International Law it is the right and obligation of an individual not to support violations of international law by any State.

Given the criminal actions of the UK Gov which include but are not limited to:

1. The imposition of criminal ‘lockdowns’ against the people;

2. The mass-vaccination of its people with improperly tested serums and associated damage to the health of the population, over an alleged virus that has never been proven to exist;

3. Governmental treason via the UK States collaborations with foreign agencies such as the Gates Foundation, the WHO and WEF ‘recommendations’ over said Covid ‘virus’ and,

4. The illegal funding of a war in Ukraine, including the Azov Battalion,

The trustees take the view that it would be immoral to pay a State levy when said state is engaged in demonstrable acts of terrorism/criminality against the people it falsely claims to represent.

We trust this clarifies the matter.

However, in the event you continue to pursue this matter in a vain attempt to levy moneys for and on behalf of the rogue UK State, each piece of correspondence will incur a £1,200 administrative charge, nunc pro tunc.

Yours sincerely, etc”

In other words, if you can articulate the how and why of the UK being a terrorist state (which is manifestly easy) then you are morally and lawfully bound NOT to give the Eugenics-lead genocidal maniacs so much as a penny. This applies to any state entity which is fraudulently claiming you owe it anything.

As the tag-line for this site goes,

Do no harm, take no shit.


A heartfelt thanks to David R for his ongoing support.

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