Graphene Oxide: a ‘Trade Secret’

A gossamer thin layer of graphene oxide

Lies hidden in translucent sight

The lie is spun out, so vast, so wide
Like a trawling net, heaving on the tide.
Cartoon media spools out the infernal lie:
That without the jib-jab, you will die.
The entirety of the lie depends on this:
The virus is real, it’s been proven to exist.


Mind Games

Let’s not beat about the bush: the premise that viruses are communicable and contagious is false.

It is utter horseshit.

Any and all images of ‘it’ are nothing more than cartoons. It has never been isolated, purified and photographed.

No so-called ‘authority’ holds any material evidence that there is such a thing.

On the other hand, the presence of Graphene Oxide in the jib-jab is irrefutable. The magnetism is demonstrable: the vile vials are 99.5% graphene oxide.

Well, why aren’t the vials contents dark? The graphene oxide is a single nano-particulate layer that is transparent.

Aided and abetted by the Eugenist Tavistock mind-manipulators like Susan Michie, whose role on SAGE has been well-documented, there has been a Big Pharma takeover of the criminal Governments of the whirled (sic).

The weapon being used in what we can now rightly call, World War Three, is, simply stated, poison. A poison pumped out of the genocidal Pharmaceutical industry which in reality, has nothing to do with health. It is a war being waged at needlepoint, in which the Eugenicists of the anti-christ have claimed they are above God for they are the ones who can choose who is to live and who is to die.

To any critical thinker, this is wholly abhorrent, a phrase that doesn’t come close to expressing the sheer scale of the genocide that is taking place, right under our very noses.

This is not some sophisticated, intelligently created concoction that works to build up resistance to infection.

All the talk of it being designed as a genetic intervention, or a gene therapy is a smokescreen, usually relied upon by the Quacks who push it and spin out word salads to obfuscate the fact that they know fook all about what they are saying.

I previously posted a link to the Google patent held by a Chinese company for the usage of Graphene Oxide in the snake oil:

Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier

Source: Google Patent

Yet, when one reads the list of ingredients for any one of the vile vials, there is no mention of Graphene Oxide. How can that be?

It is because Graphene Oxide is a Trade Secret.

A Secret Ingredient in a commercialised weapon of genocide.

That’s why it is not listed in the ingredients.

Let that sink in.

Now watch this,

DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms GRAPHENE Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’

The facts of the matter are plain to see, for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear:

Dr. Martín Monteverde, spokesman for the group of health professionals who submitted the request for the report on the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in Argentina, and who announced that graphene oxide was found in Vaxigrip Tetra and Moderna vaccines, gave a special interview for Radio Fresh a few hours ago.


Throughout the interview, the doctor put the listening public on notice about the truths that the globalist media will not tell them: no country in the world has isolated the so-called SARS-CoV-2; the PCR test was created to be the support of the plandemic; and the graphene oxide introduced in the flu vaccines of the 2019 and 2020 campaigns was the real cause of the so-called first wave.

We are at war. Open thine ears and eyes for thine enemy relies upon you being deaf and blind.

Further reading – Orwell City

Scientific Research Paper Proves the Toxicity of Graphene-family Nanoparticles

16 thoughts on “Graphene Oxide: a ‘Trade Secret’

    1. Thanks, Jim.

      The analysis of these VaxiGrip Tetra flu jib-jabs is of the 2020 batch, which is unlikely to be different from the previous year.

  1. LOL there is no lead in pencils and lead is not graphite (end of that video). Also found it very interesting that the Pfizer whistle-blower called mRNA a ‘virus’ then carried on to say it can be ‘killed’. Hello! RNA is not alive it is just strings of nucleic acids and it is not a ‘virus’ either but then they have been claiming strings of nucleic acids from dead and dying cells are the viruses. I wish someone else had interviewed this woman so we could make sense of what she’s saying.

    1. As ever, excellent points, Tracey. The falsities are like briar patches of disinformation. Hacking them away reveals the truth of the matter.

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