Playing the Populace: Mass Formation Psychosis

  • The Divoc 91 plandemic is blatant brainwashing.
  • Hypnotised and Brainwashed into compliance with the tyranny, the recipients of the jib-jab have slipped into a nonsensical netherworld of delusion.
Lud’s Church, the Roaches, NYE, 2021.

On New Year’s Eve, four old friends and yours truly were out tramping over and around the Roaches of the North Staffordshire Moors. At 14’C. it was a blustery and balmy day out, with clear views all round. A 12 mile ramble, finishing at Wincle and a pint of ale at the Brewery there. Superficially, all would appear to be well.

However, each of my friends has had at least one dose of the jib-jab and one jokes around the fact that I told him, back in May, that he may be magnetic as a consequence of the Graphene Oxide, the ‘trade secret’ that the vile vials are ladened with. Rather than delve into the issue of full disclosure being required for informed consent to exist, he prefers to take the piss out of me for ‘fear-mongering’.

Yet, rather than fear-mongering, I have been presenting the information that has come from what are valid sources; particularly OrwellCity. This end-of-year ‘review’ provides a chilling summary of the research into the hidden ingredients of the death-shot and the potential health damage caused by it:




Whilst not everyone will show as being magnetic post-innoculation, to believe one has dodged a bullet is simply wishful thinking. As Richard Delgardo details in the above video, the long term consequences and longevity for those who have been jib-jabbed is alarming, to say the least.

My friends and I are each in our fifties and, between us, we have 10 children.

Given the medium-to-long-term damage caused by the jib-jab, I continue to wonder how many orphans will be left behind as a consequence of the genocide that is manifesting around us. As I write this, a fat woman in a nurse’s uniform waddles past the window. She is wearing the blue-duck bill of the cult follower and a visor/welder’s mask over that. She is, evidently, a moron and probably rooster-boosted and, naturally, I wonder how long she will live.

However, just like millions of morons the world-over, she is a victim of mass-formation psychosis (hypnosis).

The controllers of Mankind know only too well how people can be psychologically and emotionally manipulated. Any fool who pretends that Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich had the people’s interests at heart simply needs to delve into how Goebels et al engineered the entire Nazi regime by way of brain-washing, manipulation of the legal system and dividing the population in order to control them:

AS CAN BE SEEN, the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime cannot be isolated, like some sort of mere accident, from the prevailing philosophy of the powerful German legal profession.


German lawyers were eager, even anxious, to legitimise a brutal regime which denied any ‘inalienable right’ of the individual against the all-powerful State.


Those lawyers were hostile to liberal principles of the rule of law and generally welcomed the Nazi regime, in 1933. In many respects, lawyers played a decisive role in the decline of justice and equality in 1930s Germany.


To conclude, the contributions of the German legal profession were of inestimable value in the legitimisation of the Nazi regime. The German legal profession provided justification for the murderous actions of that regime, which otherwise would have been recognised as unlawful and devoid of constitutionality.


Above all, the German legal profession supported the use of emergency powers that facilitated the ultimate denial of ethics and metaphysics in conceptualisations of the law, which eventually resulted in a lack of legal basis for lawful resistance against that totalitarian regime.

Source: Lessons from the Totalitarian Past

What is mass formation psychosis?

As previously quoted,

[…] Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Matthias Desmet, who has studied the psychology of totalitarianism has done an excellent job of explaining how we got here and how we win.


In dictatorships, obedience comes from a basic fear of the dictator.


But with totalitarianism, people are hypnotized into obedience.


In psychological terms, this mass hypnosis is known as mass formation.


And totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population.


A mass formation requires 4 conditions for it to take root.


1) The masses must feel alone and isolated and


2) Their lives must feel pointless and meaningless.


These conditions have been growing for years with social media, mobile devices and 4 years of massive division experienced during the Trump administration that made people on all sides feel more isolated.


3) The masses then must experience constant free-floating anxiety and;


4) They must experience free-floating frustration and aggression.


This simply means there is no discernible source for the anxiety or aggression.


And so, the person begins to irrationally crave a remedy, no matter how absurd or destructive it may be.


And these conditions were met in 2020, with the COVID lockdowns and the BLM Riots.


They are now ripe for hypnosis.   Read more here


Further to this, we have this explanation from the Tap Newswire,

You cannot comply your way out of tyranny


In a horrifying altercation, a German police officer denounced the humanity of the unvaccinated. This is but one sign that mass formation psychosis is at work


“Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now


The stigmatization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. “Fully vaxxed” individuals are just as infectious and “dangerous” as the unjabbed.” 


Source: The Tap News Wire

All of it, like now, aided and abetted by a cowardly cluck of judicial jobsworths and foolish lawyers who went along with writing the diktats into ‘legalese’ as a way of ‘legalising’ that which is unlawful; a fact which is, for those who are paying attention, most pertinent to these apocalyptic times.

Nevertheless, the truth will out and the consequence of that is the demolition of the fake narrative, a phoney script that continues to blow up in the face of the whoring-presstitutes who pump out the government propaganda and who take the Corona Shilling in return for their services to the Lie.

This is a situation which cannot last for the point is coming where the effects of the genocide are becoming ever more blatant.

Dire warnings were made over a year ago about the side-effects on those vial recipients in certain public roles, not the least being the airline industry when pilots have been injected.

Lo and behold, it is now at this point:

Pilot’s own experience of being jabbed and associated dangers


The lie is simply unsustainable. The narrative is collapsing around us and as it does it will demolish the mass formation psychosis that so many of our fellow men and women are under. Stand your ground and remember, we will win this war.


This coming Sunday at 11am, 9th January, 2022 I will be giving an introductory presentation to any and all who are interested in stepping out of the oppressive UK jurisdiction and into that of the Bernicia and Deira Anarcho-Nation, under Universal Community Trust. This will be a private meeting at the Dew Drop Inn, Station Road, Ilkeston and any reader who is interested and able to join us is hereby invited to do so.


Further reading/viewing:

PUB files criminal charges

Dr Bhakdi: “You will see manmade horrors beyond your comprehension.”

Attempt to kill John O’Looney, Milton Keynes Funeral Director and Whistleblower

Mass Formation Pyschosis generated by SAGE et al


21 thoughts on “Playing the Populace: Mass Formation Psychosis

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    1. I am a late starter, but I have been working through these also:

      • Wear’s War – John Wear Blog Articles

      • DER STÜRMER Blog Articles

      • World War II Was Stalin’s War – Paul Craig Roberts (Unz Review)

      And here is Ron Unz himself:
      • American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (see also the entire American Pravda series)

      This can be followed or listened off-line as an audio reading in four parts.

    2. Wear’s War – John Wear

      DER STÜRMER Blog Articles

      World War II Was Stalin’s War – Paul Craig Roberts (Unz Review)

      And here is Ron Unz himself:
      American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (see also the entire American Pravda series)
      This can be followed or listened off-line as an audio reading in four parts.

    3. I’m an anarchist, pal. That means I don’t accept the state as having any authority. That includes the Third Reich, the rise of which was funded by Wall Street. Whilst I accept what passes for His-tory is falsified, I have looked into the National Socialist Party, its Theosophical origins, the dubious narrative of Hitler’s life, Operation Paperclip, Antarctica etc. So, kindly don’t assume I have written my comments about the third Reich in a vacuum of ignorance. The parallels with the tyranny now and then are blatant for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear.

      More dicatatorial fake ‘government’ is, and never has been, the solution. All the best, Michael

      1. Yea but Michael you mentioned hitler. that’s like spreading the seed for pigeons to gather. orthodoxy of thinking is required by all…./sarcasm

        Anyway, I totally agree with your article. What you’re describing is exactly what’s happening.
        For me, the question is, whattya ya do?
        Personally, I’ve put some thought into this. Resist, speak out and confront at every opportunity all lies with truth.
        And, make the ‘enforcers’ of this evil, argue (publicly as possible) their logic and their reasons why they’re implementing inane government policies!?
        They’re trying to make the medical profession into society’s hammer.

        They’ll lose if we refuse to roll over.

      2. So…communitarianism? Amitai Etzioni? Sounds all touchy feely until you realise the Sanhredin sits at the head of ‘community based’ law courts, which are based on Talmudic Noahide Law. And what would spur this dissolution of Western governments into a technocratic AI ‘social justice’ communitarian New Age ‘Utopia’? Total loss of trust in government/institutions? Anarchists are playing their role in the NWO…

  1. Hello again Michael. Thanks for your blog. Just wanted to share these additional resources.

    As WWI, the Balfour Declaration and the Diktat of Versailles are the cornerstones for WWII, let’s start there.


    Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor

    • Jeff J Brown with David Pear On Who And Why WWI Was Started, Then Prolonged. MSM And Your Textbooks Are All Lies.

    Here is the co-author himself, Gerry Docherty in an interview with James Corbett.

    • Gerry Docherty On The Hidden History Of World War One (James Corbett Interview)

    James Corbett produces an excellent three-part series which can be found here

    • WWI Conspiracy

    Part One: To Start A War
    Part Two: The American Front
    Part Three: A New World Order

    Complementary reference:

    • Ponsonby Arthur – Falsehood in War-Time (1928)

  2. Something lightheaded…

    • Hitler’s Actual Plan for Taking Over America

    You might spot the flaw in this otherwise excellent history lesson from 6:45 – the long range bomber

    7:10 – “there was just one problem – none of Hitler’s plans were even remotely realistic.”

    7:46 – “Hitler’s dream of a bomber capable of reaching US soils was pure fantasy.”

    You see, the problem with that is that Hitler had, as we all know, already established moon bases. (wikifact}.
    Apart from that, the rest of the video sounds like pure wikitruth.

    1. It boggles the mind how one can ruggerate the Hitler meme and totaly discount the murder and butcher of over 60,000,000 by communist stalin. It takes work and going against the grain to find the TRUTH. As stated in scripture; 2 ;10Thessalonians
      and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the LOVE OF THE TRUTH that would have saved them.
      11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe a lie.

      1. Of course I meant ‘lighthearted’ and should have added [‘sarc’].

        “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.

        Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those historical weeds of historical truth.”

        Sefton Delmer – former Jewish British/Australian chief of ‘Black propaganda’ in a conversation with Dr Friedrich Grimm (German Professor of International Law)

  3. So, does it come as much of a surprise that Hitler was financed by the very people he was supposedly targeting!?
    Seems strange but sometimes truth is surprisingly strange.
    Then, the strangeness continues knowing that same people who funded Hitler also funded Stalin.

    So, maybe the “Lead Singers” of the bands of history were not really the songwriters after all? and those songwriters are still penning their deceptive tunes to every idiot with a radio strapped to his head and peering into his TV and ‘smart device’.

  4. …I was on a forum the other day discussing all of this covid mandate nonsense and I was asked my opinion. So, I gave it. Maybe it will interest you guys? Maybe not but I’ll add it here. Delete it if you don’t think it’s apt.

    …I’ve travelled through the Aussie outback over the past year. Camping mainly. No Caravan.
    Up in the Gulf Country, the desert Outback and up in the NT and out to the very extremes of that place too.
    I’ve spoken to thousands of people with thousands of opinions and views about what has been encroached upon our world. I salted the conversations but mainly, I listened.

    Some believe in the narrative.
    Those who do believe the narrative, seem to believe that our Government are good and couldn’t play any part in doing anything evil. In fact, most of those people can’t even admit that evil exists.

    To me, they also seem ‘conditioned’ to believe, that to believe in a conspiracy somehow, proves that they are low IQ or, somehow more mentally deficient, for want of a better term.
    They also believe that of others who DO believe in conspiracies.
    They basically consider them dumb asses.

    This, for me shows that the psychology that’s been in play for the past 20-25 years through the many avenues of power have been very very effective.
    At least since 9/11, there has been a psychological stream at play. (you haven’t noticed?)

    This psychological push has been at play to garner the overall acceptance of certain attitudes and to establish certain world views that encompass, moral, racial and social beliefs.
    Then of course, with the advent of social media, people have been washed surreptitiously with these strict guidelines of ‘groupthink’ so as to be allowed to participate only IF they ‘think correctly.’
    Language has been altered, values have been attacked and lampooned and the tenets that once were the pillars of western civilisation have been mocked and eroded. Many destroyed.
    The worst thing maybe, is that so many haven’t even noticed?

    Those who refuse to speak and think and act ‘correctly’ are cancelled, lampooned and labelled. Many people feel scared to voice their opinions these days.
    Job losses for incorrect opinions are now Government policy! (Think about that!)

    Then, there’s the younger generation who’ve have been doubly dosed with all of that psychology because, they’ve been incredibly indentured into these ‘beliefs of thinking’ through their education and the normal Human condition of wanting to fit in and be accepted. Especially during their formative years.

    Many many Families now have been split based on ideological differences that should never even matter (and once never did!!) but, because of the psychological environment at play, they now do.
    This poison is everywhere!

    So sadly on my trip, I noticed the most educated seem to fall into this ‘belief’ more than the working man or, those ‘self made men/women’. (Mostly men)
    It’s difficult to draw simple lines but generally, this is what I found.
    I’ve learned that IQ has nothing to do with insight. And, the self made man has a strong confidence in his personal identity whereas, some of the high IQ’s don’t really. They seem to garner their value of identity by those above them on their corporate, administrative or Educational Ladder.

    Many older men (in their 70’s & 80’s) clearly see what’s happening!
    They know what the game is and ‘what the powers to be’ are trying to bring about. Most older fella’s have nothing to lose really except their lifestyles. They are in their twilight years and are unafraid to speak out however, many are not prepared to fight a war at this stage of their lives and so, they will begrudgingly submit to having an injection they totally disagree with because, they just want to be allowed to travel and be left alone.
    I do understand their situation because, real wars are fought by younger men. I try not to judge people even if I do notice ‘stuff’.

    But the younger men won’t be fighting this war! Why? Because, the other very noticeable thing is (and many here won’t like this) it seemed very apparent, that the generation of say, under 40’s, lacked something that was quite tangible. (and not only to myself)

    I liken it to an incredible lack of zest or passion. I’m 64 and I seem to have more zest and passion in me than all of the ones I met put together.
    They were all nice, respectful, and were all happy ‘to obey’ but, they kept to themselves in a personal/hidden way. It’s difficult to define. Possibly a lack of self confidence maybe or, an inability to express? Scared? they were very reserved in ways. I likened them to ‘cardboard cutouts’. They really seemed to lack soul, passion and that incredible ingredient that was once overflowing in young people of this country only 30-40 years ago.
    A wildness maybe has disappeared or, been tamed?
    This is not meant to be a criticism and it’s only a generalisation but it was very apparent.
    You may think that all of this is just an opinion. Indeed, it is but, I can tell you as an budding Anthropologist, it’s a valued one.

    The Covid agenda is just that. It is an agenda. It has nothing to do with health. It has everything to do with power and control and keeping society in fear so they are easily controlled and manoeuvred like cattle into their new green clean and utopian ‘top down’ world.

    I’ve had covid. It was nothing more than a Flu in many ways although admittedly, it was hard for me to shake for a while but, I can tell you it NEVER deserved what they have spent selling this to us!
    The agenda is and always was fear and control.
    And please know, this agenda has only just begun.
    It will not end without real resistance and without people refusing to comply.
    If you cannot entertain the fact that conspiracies exist in this world well then, you are ignorant of history and are subject to repeat it and sadly, are probably victim to the psychological programming.

    One more thing. I am NOT ever trying to convince people of my views or talk them around. I have given up doing that because what I’ve also ‘learned’ is, that whatever side of the fence where you find yourself, on this subject, it’s because you have bought into a ‘belief’. An ideology! And, you cannot talk people out of a belief.
    It’s a spiritual thing.
    People will tell you that they are not religious yet they ‘believe’ in SO MANY ideologies. So many in fact, that they fail to realise that their beliefs are ‘Religious Constructs’, complete with gods, prophets and even sacrifice.
    Even the Covid narrative demands sacrifice.

    The Covidians are willing to die for their belief and expect that you will want to come as well.
    After all, there is no ‘I’ in Jonestown!
    (allow me to be somewhat sarcastic)

    I write this because I see what’s happening in our world but many can’t. I can only assume what has bewitched them?
    Personally, I’ve decided that I will sacrifice whatever I need to sacrifice to refuse these illogical and dangerous demands being made by our Governments.
    I won’t wear a mask, get the shot or comply in any way.
    That is MY belief!
    I have ethically and publicly eviscerated a local Doctor who I know who, has demanded that all of his patients be double vaccinated or he refuses to see them.
    He was totally unable to logically or medically defend his position to me and sheepishly retired to his room totally embarrassed. Just as he should be.

    To me, this is my only way to fight this evil insanity.
    Resist at every opportunity.

    In Oz the accepted adage among the last few generations has always been, “To each their own!” but the freedom we once had to embrace that ideology has now been taken from us.
    We are being forced to comply or else. Well, I choose ‘or else!’
    Someone somewhere has to speak up and tell the truth and in my small insignificant world, that someone is me!

Respectful and insightful comments are greatly appreciated, so, please fire away and I will reply. Cheers!

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