Is Elon Musk a Nice Man?

... is a Nice Man. Nice is an incorrectly and much over-used word, at least as far as the English language is concerned. I have been writing essays for close on 50 years, a discipline that was instilled into me throughout my state-education. From O-level, to A-level to a Degree in English Language and Literature,... Continue Reading →

Education: A Discourse on its True Meaning

In this RogueCast, I consider How Education Has Been Inverted. The word ‘Education’ is from the Latin, Educare, the definition of which is, ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin educat- ‘led out’, from the verb educare, related to educere ‘lead out’ (see educe). Notes How the Truth has become an Inversion. Appointment of Sir Hamid... Continue Reading →

They Shoot Footballers, Don’t They? How Football is Crocked.

In this Discourse, the Rogue Male Considers How Association Football Shot itself in both feet and how Staged Events Like Football Are to Be Expected in a Theatrical World. Has Association Football Moronically Assigned its Thoroughbreds to the Knacker’s Yard?   Notes Welcome and a heartfelt thank you all those who have kindly left a... Continue Reading →

The World is a Fiction

The construct is necessarily a fiction. Notes Firstly, a heartfelt thank you for the kind donations and welcome to all new subscribers Debanked by the Co-op - 1k per day in UK The irony of being falsely accused of fraud by a fake 'bank' when every UK High St bank is operating fraudulently 24/7 Data... Continue Reading →

Defendant’s Barrister Relies on Forged Affidavit in Fraud on County Court

What follows is a redacted account of how a False Lender, in this case, the Defendant (D) the Nationwide Building Society, apparently Forged the Claimant’s Affidavit in a hearing at Hull County Court. Whilst I have written extensively on the various frauds of the banks, with particular regard to the void Deed of Mortgage, which... Continue Reading →

A Winter of Discontent

In which the Rogue Male discourses on this Winter of Discontent, State Plunder, the Inevitability of the Swing to the Reich (sic) and how the Dissenting Individual is More Powerful than He Realises. The discourse continues with a discussion of how his good friend Dave’s Claim of Mortgage Fraud against a UK Lender was Railroaded... Continue Reading →

The Rise of the Taxi Wallah.

A wallah is defined as,   wal·lah | ˈwälə | noun [in combination or with modifier] Indian or informal a person concerned or involved with a specified thing or business: a rickshaw-wallah. • a native or inhabitant of a specified place: Bombay wallahs. ORIGIN from the Hindi suffix -vālā ‘doer’ (commonly interpreted in the sense... Continue Reading →

Kicker Conspiracy 2: Are the jabbed players crocked?

Here is another kicker about football for your consideration. Luton Town Football Club proudly proclaimed that all their players had been jabbed and boosted. Subsequently, their captain, Adam Lockyer, suffered 2 heart attacks on the field of play: Back in 2021, I wrote an essay in which I compared the jabbing of professional footballers with... Continue Reading →

The Right to Bear Arms.

Is it necessary, given the current threat of knife attacks from criminal immigrants, that the natives of the Isles of Britain exercise our immemorial right to bear arms? After all, have we not been deliberately disarmed and stopped from being able to effectively defend ourselves from any scumbag who pulls a knife out on us?... Continue Reading →

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