All children love a game of hide and seek. They like the thrill of concealment as much they enjoy the role of seeker. This week’s RogueCast is from Shipley Hall Park, Heanor and is about the metaphorical notion that we are in a perpetual game of hide and seek.
The game of ‘pee-ka-boo’ begins in infancy and continues throughout our sojourn in this realm – a realm in which things suddenly appear, then vanish. A realm in which thoughts fly through the receivers known as our brains, in a manner similar to how radio waves ripple in to radio sets.
We ignore, or choose to discount certain thoughts, whilst we simultaneously falsely think ourselves to be the originator of those thoughts, which ‘magically’ pop into our brains.
The realm we are in is one of dark and light – night and day -that dances around us as an invisible informed field – one which some may term the Akashic record (field). It is a perceived reality in which that which is hidden by the darkness is brought into bright relief when a light is shone upon it.
Light and dark – now you see me, now you don’t.
Open and hidden.
Thus, life teaches us that we are in a perpetual game of hide and seek. Sometimes we are hiding, sometimes seeking.
Each magician’s trick relies on deception, on the use of smoke and mirrors to conceal the sleight of hand. Like the media coverage of the UK General Election, it’s all hide and seek, a method of distraction of the factions and concealment of the hidden infiltrators.
All I wish to state on this particular subject is summed up by Mark Twain . who so succinctly wrote,
“If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let you do it. “
One of the more interesting aspects of the recent (s)election campaigning has been the revelation of media manipulation, which has revealed the old game of hide and seek in astonishing clarity.
if there is anyone out there who is unaware of just how scripted, corrupt and inverted the ‘media’ is, then these examples may go some way to helping you see. Or maybe not, for everyone – and I mean everyone – is in a self-perpetuating game of hide and seek.
There is always something to hide – thoughts, feelings, shameful tendencies … the list is endless and it is part and parcel of who we are. To have secrets, to conceal our thoughts or emotions is simply to be hman.
When you are the seeker, however, you are in the role of the one who is uncovering secrets.
The first example of an attempt by the media to influence the election is Channel 4’s purchase from another ‘media’ group footage of an actor, posing as one of Reform’s assistants. The bloke is an actor with his own IMD profile, agency and website.
He was acting out the role of a ‘right wing’ character. However, he got rumbled and he was outed within minutes as being a plant. The media co which sold the footage to Ch4, openly promotes its use of fake ‘hidden camera’ techniques.
The second is the BBC being found out to be paying members of its Question Time audience to question Farage.

The interminable game of life is one of Hide and Seek. Sometimes, we hide, sometimes we seek and all the while we are filtering out information just as we are selecting data that interests us.
in support of which, I offer this from the Kolbrin Bible (4:16 )
The Earth is not for the pleasure of man, but is a place of instruction for his Soul. A man more readily feels the stirrings of his Spirit in the face of disaster than in the lap of luxury. The tuition of the Soul is a long and arduous course of instruction and training.”
In what sense is the world a fiction?
The key? To know that you are a sojourner passing through a shadow-play construct in a biological-meat-suit; to remember how much closer you were to this realisation as a child, fresh from the source of all that is. Namely, God.
Further listening – Sheep Farm Podcast
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