Traitors – Episode 23 (Re-edited).

The traitor is the one who permits foreign infiltration.

Traitors: How a Cadre of International Grifters have Infiltrated Parliament.


noun a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.: they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy.

turn traitor betray a group or person: to think of a man like you turning traitor to his class.

ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French traitour, from Latin traditor, from tradere ‘hand over’.


Traitor is one of the terms that few go anywhere close to a critical examination of, despite us currently being witness to levels of treachery that are easily spotted.  Episode 23 of the Rogue Cast dives into those murky waters that lap around Traitor‘s Gate, at the Tower of London.

Interestingly, one of the referenced carpet-baggers, Nadim Zahawi, has been sacked as of today, his money-making scams being so brazen that his position in government became untenable, even by the immoral standards of those 650 useful idiots who sit in the same Parliament.

However, just because few are prepared to go into who these traitors are and how they came to be there, makes it an excellent subject for this episode.

So, grab a brew of your choice, sit back and listen to the Rogue Male take on a geopolitical stageshow that is as awash with treachery as its ever been.

History repeats and maxims hold true, when traitors are in our institutions, what do the people tend to do?

The current pantomime set is being dismantled and its puppet manipulators taken down to be replaced by a new troop of players.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.

But it cannot survive treason from within.


An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.


For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”


Cicero (pronounced, See-Se-Ro, contrary to my attempts at saying it correctly)

In the context of this quote, it is those who signed the UK up to the EU and opened Britain to mass immigration that stand as traitors.

Let’s be clear: 99.9% of those who immigrate to the isles of Britain do not do so because they have a deep and profound love of these lands, the culture and its ancient history (which includes a legal system that is entirely beyond their superficial reasons to be here). No. The vast majority are here for the ‘money’, the free housing and the benefits. They don’t give a flying fook about our culture as they neither know nor understand it.

Some, like the dubious Zahawi, an Iraqi whose rags to riches story is a nonsense, are palpably rinsing the system for personal gain to such a degree that it is astonishing that he was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time he allegedly owed millions to HMRC.

Sunak is another who is engaging in money laundering operations that were created before he too was Chancellor. All of which was a massive conflict of interests. He is from a family of international grifters, has several passports and a wife who is, reputedly, a tax dodging billionaire.

[Reading of  article on Rishi Sunak and his crimes against the people.]

However, when we are faced with a series of money laundering operations that blatantly involve two former Chancellors of the Exchequer and current Prime Minister,, the question arises, who was responsible for the appointment of these two international carpet-baggers?

Grifters keep on grifting.

Who were those who decided it would be an excellent move to place these two in nominal charge of the public finances? Where were the checks and balances and whose duty was it to carry them out?

Naturally, those questions will not be answered, ever.

It’s more than likely that, just like others of their ilk, they have been placed there by their puppet masters.

Fall guys? Yes, I think we are about to see a number of these dodgy types taken down. Public anger will heighten and the controllers will throw some of their marionettes to the wolves. It’s all set up for that and, over on Twitter, Elon Musk is acting out the role of circus master, as exemplified by a series of Twitter Files that reveal the deep state’s alphabet agencies control of social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google/YouTube over the last 3 years and further back.

It is all a pantomime and, to continue the analogy, it would appear Sunak has turned up from his stint in Snow White as one of the seven dwarves and Zahawi from his role as the dark wizard in Aladdin. However, on a more serious note, it would appear that the UK Government has indeed been infiltrated by a cadre of international grifters and that the infiltration was a direct consequence of the actions of those traitors who sold out their country and its interests decades ago.

It is also worth noting that each and every individual who collaborated with the foreign agencies like the WEF and WHO and the international companies who rolled out the injectables, experimental clotshots falsely authorised under the lie that there was a pandemic, could reasonably be accused of being a traitor. Why? Because they actively took part in a fraudulent eugenics programme of population reduction by way of needlepoint.

A mass injection programme that has caused immeasurable harm to large swathes of the British population. To go along with this, without any degree of critical thinking, to impose draconian and illogical measures on the people by way of scurrilous propaganda and to be culpable in the unleashing of torrents of deadly serum into the arms of the people who elected them is to commit betrayal against the British people on every level. Indeed, to curtail a threat that was never proven to exist, by way of an experimental thus untested series of injections, the ingredients of which have not been disclosed reveals a level of treachery that could keep Traitor’s Gate at the Tower of London open for custom for years and years.

For the reasons stated in this recording, it is time to sack all 650 of those self-serving parliamentarians. It is a system that has been inverted. An inversion that has been caused by traitors in our midst who opened the doors to international infiltration, the apogee of which we are now witnessing in front of our very eyes.

As ever, thanks for listening. Please like, comment and subscribe to receive notifications of my latest articles and podcasts and, if you so inclined, feel free to buy me a coffee.

5 thoughts on “Traitors – Episode 23 (Re-edited).

  1. My comments just vanished – try again!! I agree we have been betrayed. By unelected leaders: Teresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and now Rishi Sunak. I wonder now whether it makes much difference as they don’t refer to us anyway. THEY WORK FOR US is a website I use sometimes, which I think is a misnomer. Have you heard yet about the Digital ID consultation that ends on 1 March 2023? There’s been no press or news about it. Some details: to fill in their form AND to email them and just say NO.

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