For a Few Shekels More

Taking the Shekel: ‘Red-Pilled’ Podcaster Pushes the Perpetuation of the Great British Mortgage Swindle.

Shekels are defined as,

shekel | ˈSHek(ə)l | noun the basic monetary unit of modern Israel, equal to 100 agorot.

historical a silver coin and unit of weight used in ancient Israel and the Middle East.

(shekels) informal money; wealth. ORIGIN from Hebrew šeqel, from šāqal weigh.

Given the fact that all UK mortgages are riddled with fraud and that the levels of deception are on a scale that more than matches those of the plandemic, why would any so-called red-pilled truther take money from a money-changer, licenced by the Crown/House of Rothschild?

The ‘Dead Pledge’ that is a ‘mort-gage’ is one element in a multi-layered financial scam; a thousand year old unconscionable tool for financial and state tyranny that was created by the ‘ingenious’ Jewish Money Changers as a means of ‘legally’ stealing people’s wealth:

“The Jews, whom the Normans brought to England . . . [or who financed and followed the invasion – Ed.] brought a refined system of commercial law: their own form of commerce and a system of rules to facilitate and govern it. . .


Several elements of historical Jewish legal practice have been integrated into the English legal system. Notable among these is the written credit agreement – shetar, or starr, as it appears in English documents.


The basis of the shetar, or “Jewish Gage,” was a lien on all property (including realty) that has been traced as a source of the modern mortgage. Under Jewish law, the shetar permitted a creditor to proceed against all the goods and land of the defaulting debtor. . .


Jewish law that debts could be recovered against a loan secured by “all property, movable and immovable” was a weapon of socio-economic change that tore the fabric of feudal society and established the power of liquid wealth in place of land holding. . . . Jewish Law, wherein personal debt superseded rights in real property had become the law of the land.”


Foootnote 11: H.C. Richardson, The English Jewry Under Angevin Kings 94 (1960) (Jews liquidation of land obligations broke down rigidity of feudal land tenure and facilitated transfer of land to new capitalist class).


Footnote 15: CF. 1 F. Pollock and F.W. Maitland, supra note 3 at 469… (alien to English law for creditor not in possession of land to have rights in it).


“The Shetar’s Effect on English Law”, The Georgetown Law Journal; V. 71, P 1179 – 1200); Judith A. Shapiro. SOURCE

The racket is blown apart in the documentary, The Great British Mortgage Swindle. If you have a mortgage and haven’t seen it yet, then I would recommend you do so.

One cannot claim to be ‘awoke’ to the machinations of the deep state without an understanding of the invidious workings of the financial controllers, aka the banksters and how it is a hive of deception and fraud. It is correct to state that Money and its creation is the one ring which controls it all.

The little hat money changers control it and, as a consequence, they are able to also control the media, the public institutions of law, health, education, entertainment and religion. It is an age-old game of usury, with those in charge able to plunder the people at will whilst simultaneously using its monopoly to control to the minds of the ‘public’.

Of course, anyone who claims to be knowledgeable or ‘awake’ to the deep state and its methodologies cannot truly be so without, at the very least, a basic understanding of this ring of control.

Imagine my surprise then when I was listening to an episode of the podcast, ’London Calling’ which features the voices of Toby Young and James Delingpole and, at 51’24 minutes in the latter reads out an advert for a certain Dan Gaskin owner of ‘Crest Mortgages’, evidently based in Leicester.

It proudly states that ‘Dan’ is a ‘fellow sceptic’, a ‘free thinker’, the ‘father of  6 children’, an ex Royal Navy ‘Warfare’ officer who has “driven ships (sic), supply companies and helps people with financial conundrums because he genuinely enjoys looking after people, nothing motivates Dan more than bringing fellow sceptics financial good cheer…”

At the end of the shekel-bought ad, James reads this,

We have to say this bit to be FCA compliant, Crest Mortgages is a trading style of Epiphany investments… Your house may be repossessed if you do not keep up with payments on your mortgage.”

The Crest website states,

We’re in the business of making home-purchasing dreams come true, and we do this by providing expert mortgage advice from Leicester to the entire UK.


People want quick, accurate answers to their questions. They need the best advice available so they can make good decisions about their future. That’s why I started Crest Mortgages.”

Toby Young runs the Daily Sceptic.

A sceptic is defined as

a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.
a person who doubts the truth of Christianity and other religions; an atheist or agnostic.

How can Mr Young be a sceptic whilst simultaneously promoting a company that engages in the continuation of the frauds of the Great British Mortgage Swindle?

The simple answer is he cannot. After all, “Fraud Vitiates All” which means that by promoting a fraud, regardless of your knowledge of it, you are complicit in it.

I would, therefore, politely suggest that James Delingpole and Toby Young wise up and ditch any and all associations with such a disingenuous proponent of financial enslavement and the shekel payments made by way of the ill-gained mortgage operations of Mr Dan Gaskin. After all, if one is a sceptic, as Toby purports to be, then all narratives are to be questioned and examined, particularly the financial one, just as if one claims, as James does, to be red-pilled and aware of the total inversion of the truth.

I’ll not be holding my breath.


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