Snow White Gets the Jib-jab

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a timeless warning to young and old alike of the inherent dangers of the psychopaths who live among us. RogueCast Episode 20 digs into the isue of our tyranny and narcissism go hand-in-hand.

Tyranny: the narcissist rules, ok?

Not necessarily. This episode is an overview of how this malevolent state of consciousness permeates every level of our lives to varying degrees of destruction. It also asks the ultimate question as to whether the narc is actually in control of anything.

The last 3 years have revealed to many of us exactly what constitutes tyranny and its murderous abuses. Examples proliferate as much, for some of us, at least, in our domestic lives as well as on the phoney stage of the geopolitical and those politicians who tread the fraudulent boards.

To suggest narcissism and psychopathy are at play in those men and women who flounce about in the corridors of Parliament and the laboratories of the Rothschild Controlled genocidal Big Pharma, in all its murderous forms, is not to overstate it. The state-corporate is dripping in the bloody, graphene oxide ladened entrails of those who took the 3-Dart-Finish.

However, as we have also witnessed these last years, when individuals stand up and refuse to accept the bullying, psychological coercion and all the blatant attempts at mind-control, the bully backs down. It was always thus and will continue to be thus – tyranny collapses under rightful opposition.

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