Back On The Farm

A conversation with Dominic and Christian of the Sheep Farm Podcast. After a hiatus, I’m back with a rather different episode of the Rogue Cast. This week’s offering was recorded on 24th January, 2025 and is a conversation with Dominic and Christian on their Sheep Farm Podcast. All 3 of us are former pupils of... Continue Reading →

The Mortgage Monkey

The Great British Mortgage Swindle in Real Time. This Rogue Cast (070) is a condensed exposition of the various components that comprise the multi-levelled racketeering operation which is revealed in the Great British Mortgage Swindle (TGBMS) the eviscerating documentary that was released in late 2018. Whilst I have written extensively about TGBMS, this episode stands... Continue Reading →

A Question of Law: The Triads of Britain

HOW & WHY MAGNA CARTA WAS FOUNDED ON ANCIENT BRITISH HISTORY & LAW. It is reasonable to state that the Peoples of these islands [commonly known as the 'British Isles, including Ireland'] have a long and noble history of common law. Natural law may be seen as the innate understanding of what is fair or... Continue Reading →

Episode 68: The Glass Menagerie

The Alternative Media Menagerie The danger of throwing pebbles in a glass house is a suitable metaphor for those fringe magnets who inhabit the snow dome that is the alternative media. Menagerie noun a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition. a strange or diverse collection of people or things: some other specimen... Continue Reading →

Episode 67: Eccentric

Your Eccentricity is Divine. Recorded on 20th November, 2024, this Rogue Cast is on the priceless value of the individual’s eccentricity. When I was growing up in the town of Huddersfield, eccentricity was relatively commonplace. Those individuals who demonstrated it most were labelled ‘characters’ but there are many other epithets that could be used: The... Continue Reading →

Twenty-Two Thousand Days:

Today is the 21, 914th day since yours truly turned up in this realm but what’s 86 days between friends? This is episode 66 of the Rogue Cast and it concerns my long Sojourn through the Realm of the Moronic. This discourse rambles over a variety of subjects, beginning with the Died Suddenly  phenomenon. In... Continue Reading →

Episode 65: A Perverted Pantomime

As Dame issues a perverted court order and falls into Void in Richard D. Hall Case. The perversion of justice in the fake courts of the UK Plc is a subject I have been writing on for some 11 years now. Last week provided two stark examples of the continuance of the inversion of Natural... Continue Reading →

Episode 62: There is No Money in a Credit system

This RogueCast is a discourse on the subject of my article, Let's Talk about Money which should be read in conjunction with it. Whilst the various frauds of this realm are all around us, one of the biggest is the illusion of money. We each give it a value and have a confidence in it... Continue Reading →

Episode 54 – The Truth

Plainly expressed, the Truth is simple, which is in marked contrast to the falsehoods that are so manifestly pumped out right now, largely by the state-institutions of propaganda but also by individuals who put their rhetoric before the grammar (the data) and logic (reason). However, the Truth is always a beautiful thing for when it... Continue Reading →

Episode 53: Credit Where Credit is Due

Credit creation and the Deception of Banking. In this ramble through the woods adjacent to Beauvale Priory, in Nottinghamshire, I examine the issue of banking and fake debt, with particular reference to the swindle inherent in every mortgage. The entire edifice of what we call money is, 100% credit based, as detailed in my previous... Continue Reading →

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