The refrain of the wicked Queen in the children’s tale of Snow White is a timeless warning to young and old readers alike of the inherent dangers of the psychopath,
Mirror, mirror on the wall, roll up for your jab, one and all.
Wicked ones take note: narcissism and psychopathy are destined to fall.
In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the wicked stepmother/Queen wants Snow White dead.
Her reason for this is that she is evidently a narcissist and psychopath: she regards Snow White as a threat to her mantle as the most beautiful woman in the lands.

Beauty, of course, is but skin deep and Snow White is beautiful on the inside too. She is kind and thoughtful, as exemplified by her relationship with the 7 wee fellows and her connection to the natural world around her in the forest.
By contrast, the Queen is cruel and psychotic: she is actively attempting to murder Snow White. Thus, it is a battle between good and evil.
Parallels with Snow White narrative and the jib-jab
There are a number of parallels with the jib-jab which, on reflection, are not far-fetched.
The black mirror, the screen on the wall, is like our computation devices – it reflects her own image with which she is enthralled, just as so many in these times are falsely enamoured with their own body image, as exemplified by the rise of the ‘selfie’.
Initially, the queen instructs one of her servants, a huntsman, to take Snow White into the forest and murder her. The huntsman’s conscience prevents him from carrying it out, so the queen undertakes to do it herself.
The first method by which she attempts to kill Snow White is to attack her respiratory system. The over-tightening of the laces in her bodice is intended to cause death by suffocation: constricting her lungs and resulting in respiratory problems. Difficulty in breathing and consequential heart problems. Does this ring any bells? The respiratory systems of the old and vulnerable are currently under such a murderous assault. Graphene oxide evidently is harmful to all major organs.
When that fails, the second attempted murder is by needlepoint (the comb) – an attack on the head, the seat of the pineal gland, of individual well-being. The jib-jab’s contents are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, as is the Graphene Oxide that is in the vile vials, as well as the swabs that are inserted into peoples’ nasal cavities.
Her third method is by poisoning – the queen injects poison into half of the apple, the side she persuades Snow White to bite into. A poisonous injection? Persuading the target to take the fruit? Forbidden fruit?
All of these attempts at murder are conducted under stealth – the queen is heavily disguised, she wears a mask, as one participating in a masquerade.
The behaviour of queen/stepmother is that of a psychopath, as is that of Big Pharma and its acolytes across the governments of the earth.

Yet, good triumphs in the end. Snow White is detoxified and love wins out. There is a resurrection.
Speaking of detoxification, nature always provides remedy and in this interview there is a series of natural means for those who are seeking to detoxify the contents of the vials from their systems:
Josep Pàmies: We don’t know if all the crap will come out with what we recommend, but a lot of it will. That’s to say, the liver and kidney have to be in perfect condition. If they are not, you have to start taking hepatic and renal herbs.
Hepatic in the morning and renal in the evening or afternoon.
Which ones are hepatic? Dandelion, milk thistle, desmodium. Those are basic plants for the liver.
For the kidney, dandelion can be taken as well, horsetail grass, and nettle.
Those are plants that will improve the functioning of the kidney and liver, which are the filters of our blood.
When there are heavy metals, which there will be, we must add, for example, Tulsi, which is a sacred plant from India. It’s called Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum). Or you can use Houttuynia cordata.
Those are two potent plants that help in detoxifying poisons, heavy metals, and are also helpful for radioactivity.
Be careful, eh? We don’t know what shit they have put in the vaccines.”
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A bit of good news I hope from Canada. Waiting on transcript….
Just brilliant !!!!!
Scientists say “6 out of 7 dwarves aren’t Happy”
Thank you – borrowed if you don’t mind 🙂
The allegory of Snow White is also an ancient pagan sun story. Snow White being the sun, the seven dwarves representing the seven colours created from the white light passing through the prism. The wicked queen is Saturnian… It’s a tale of transition, from one ruling age to another, from the Old Testament to the New. Very good analogy here too, all allegories are as valid today as they have always been..
Thank you for that – I was waiting for someone to bring up those points. Much appreciated, Michael
Most welcome 😀
This will interest your readers … (thank you for the reminder Binx)
The Voice Of Our Ancestors
I first encountered this essay under the pen name ‘Wulf Sorensen’ and did not realise at the time that it was actually Heinrich Himmler.
A brilliant allegory on the Snow White theme.
My favourite line is
• “Let a man be noble, benevolent, loyal and good.”
Just found this audio reading