As I walk across the room, I hear a serpent’s hiss,
Then, a demon appears – hell’s bells, it’s the narcissist!
For reasons which I won’t disclose here, I have had cause to look into what has been termed, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). In the previous article, Snow White Gets the Jib-Jab, I mentioned how ancient children’s tales contain the archetypal character of the narcissist, often in the form of the step-mother or wicked queen. There is nothing new under the sun and these wretches have been at it for millennia.
NPD is characterised as a pathology, which means the associated behaviours are common to all those who have it.
The target of the narcissist is subjected to attack. Each and every personal attack is intended to undermine the target’s sense of self and well-being. There is a sense that one is constantly walking on egg-shells in order to not provoke the Narcissist. The following is a list based on direct experience and knowledge of the dystopian and non-sensical world of the narcissist and the method.
- Physical attacks of a violent nature.
- Verbal attacks – shouting, haranguing, threatening.
- Psychological attacks – name calling.
- Attacks on family, friends and associates in an attempt to undermine relationships.
- None of which has any basis in reality; hence comments like,
‘The neighbours think you are an angry/crazy individual.’
‘Your friend is a paedophile. ‘
‘Your colleague is manipulating you and you can’t see it.’ - Blatant lying – by design and by omission.
- An inability to be reasonable – the individual is entirely devoid of impulse control, deliberately choosing to go with their emotional state instead of reason.
- An inability to give a straight answer.
- Justifying the bullying, cajoling and manipulating by falsely claiming, it’s for your own good.
Once the dust of their attacks settles, one comes to see that the individual is manifestly so lacking in any sense of self-worth, they have to attack others in order to make themselves feel better. This is why they are always seeking a rise from the target. Also referred to as ‘supply’ – they need to make the target feel angry and/or see them suffer in some way. After all, a healthy individual does not seek to cause harm, is capable of empathy and, in direct contrast to the narcissist, does not seek to control others. How could he when he values his own freedoms?
In the simplest of terms, the narcissist is one who engages in mind-fuckery. Might is right – as long as he is the mighty one.
The Narcissist is a Tyrant and ‘Government’ is a Tyranny
What we are looking at here is tyranny. A tyrant is a narcissist.
All of which is characteristic of the behaviours of those narcissists who falsely believe they rule over the people and have the right to subject them to cruel and unusual treatments.
The Big-Pharma-Bankster-Government, in other words.
The tyrannical narcissist is someone with an over-preening sense of self-importance – developed to cover up their own frailties, as exemplified by their own low self-esteem.
This may take the form of self aggrandisement – falsely claiming powers of perception, understanding and empathy when they are manifestly non-existent. (Neil Ferguson?)
An inability to learn from their mistakes – after all, when the blame is entirely on the target, who in their eyes is a fool who cannot see what the narcissist presumes to see, then any violence (physical or other) is entirely merited. (Tony Blair?)
The victim brought in on himself: ‘I punched him but he deserved it. It was his own fault for challenging me.’
Gaslighting – never giving a straight answer, doing things and then denying they did it. Did you steal the key? Answer – no. Key then found in their possession.
Constantly presenting a false narrative.
There is a plethora of information across Social Media, with many dedicated YouTube channels, focusing directly on the issue of narcissism.
When one zooms out from a personal understanding of the pathology, then one can see how the Big Pharma Mind Controllers and Propagandists of SAGE are not only operating under its sway but are ‘skilfully’ manipulating the minds and behaviours of their targets. (None of which would be possible if the victims simply threw away their televisions and ceased reading the mainstream repetitions of the fake narrative).
In other words, the population is being gaslit by the scripts that are performed by the public figures.
Hypocrisy is another aspect of the sickness that is narcissism. There can scarcely be a better example of this than Susan Michie.
I have previously pointed to the likes of Susan Michie, the Communist Party member who inherited upwards of £50m (largely valued by way of inclusion of a family-owned Picasso painting from her similarly influenced mother):
The painting was in fact sold by 30-year-old Ms Murray’s mother, Professor Susan Michie. She and her two siblings had been left the picture by their mother, the celebrated IVF pioneer Dame Anne McLaren.
When she died in 2007 she left an estate valued at £52,105,910. The vast bulk of that sum represented the value of the painting.
In her will, the Mail can reveal, she stated that if her children chose to sell then ‘if possible it should be sold to an art gallery or museum in the United Kingdom’.
According to a source, family members were ‘disappointed’ at the decision to put the painting on the market. While the sale attracted a tax bill of £20million, that would have left the trio about £10million each — more than enough to share around other members of their extended family.
Months after the painting was sold, Ms Murray was registered as the owner of the family’s £1.3million five-bed home in North London. It had previously been owned by her mother. At almost exactly the same time her older sister purchased a property for £1.2million nearby, albeit with a mortgage.”
A communist and self-proclaimed member of the working class with a multi-million pound valued Picasso and sizeable family estate? The moral hypocrisy of Michie and her type is laid bare. And this woman claims to have the right to psychologically manipulate millions of people? As with all of them, she is evidently a woman who is akin to some of the worst examples of the malevolent stepmother archetype found in children’s literature.
As is the Modus Operandi of the Behavioural Insights Team
As one would expect, this has been years in the creation: David PigFooker Cameron was instructed to use the ‘nudge’ tactic in order to affect the behaviour of the populace, by way of psychological manipulation –
Nudge is actually about bypassing rationality and reason, political accountability and transparency – democratic process, critical debate. The government are substituting those with manipulation, coercion, and an all-pervasive psycho-political experiment.
Like a moth to a lightbulb, the narcissist is drawn to positions of power – especially those that allow him to partake in tyranny over others,
It’s not really surprising that people with personality disorders are drawn to political power – narcissists crave attention and affirmation, and feel that they are superior to others and have the right to dominate them. They also lack empathy, which means that they are able to ruthlessly exploit and abuse people for the sake of power. Psychopaths feel a similar sense of superiority and lack of empathy, but without the same impulse for attention and adoration.
But pathocracy isn’t just about individuals. As Lobaczewski pointed out, pathological leaders tend to attract other people with psychological disorders. At the same time, empathetic and fair-minded people gradually fall away. They are either ostracised or step aside voluntarily, appalled by the growing pathology around them.
“As a psychologist, I would certainly not attempt to assess Johnson, having never met him. But in my view he is certainly surrounding himself with the most ruthless and unprincipled – and so most pathocratic – elements of his party. The former prime minister David Cameron even referred to Johnson’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings as a “career psychopath”.
Another of the same wicked step-mother type (and I mean that in the full-blown psychopathic/narcissist sense) is someone called Sarah Gilbert who is described as the “co-creator of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab” and has had a Barbie doll created in her image –

The above photograph stands as a bizarrely prescient image considering the content of this piece. I’ll say no more other than to state that Gilbert is on target to pocket some £22m as a direct consequence of her involvement in the creation of the lethal jib-jab and the associated fear inducing fake narrative pushed out by the likes of her co-stepmother figure, Michie. The profits of genocide by jib-jab –
Prof Sarah Gilbert, the scientist who led the team that created the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, is set for a payday of more than £20m as the biotech firm she co-founded prepares to float on the stock market in the US.
Gilbert, who became a household name as a result of her work creating Oxford’s Covid-19 vaccine, owns 5.2% of Vaccitech, a Oxford University spin-out company that owns the biotechnology behind the AstraZeneca vaccine and others for Mers, hepatitis B, the virus that causes shingles, and a range of cancers.
Source: The Guardian
The narcissist only ‘rules’ in his own head. Tyrants are narcissists and they are full of self-deluded nonsense, which is not to say they are not dangerous.
From what I can gather, there is no cure for NPD other than death. Blind to reality, consumed by a fake sense of their own self-importance and entitlement, the narcissist is doomed to never learn, to dwell forever in a cave of their own making, hopelessly lost in their own false self, bereft of kindness, stranded and, ultimately, alone.
Further reading:
Gaslighting signs in relationships
As ever, a big thank you to David R and all those who have made a donation recently. It’s truly appreciated and if any reader is feeling they would like to throw a tip into the donation jar, please use the donate button. Cheers, Michael
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