The cracks are appearing in the crumbling brick wall that politicians and their acolytes falsely believe protects them from the public. A public which they stupidly believe to be as dumb as fuck. A public that for the last year and a half has been subject to a blitzkrieg of Big-Pharma-State propaganda and all forms of pernicious mind control.
One of the most culpable in all of this is the cesspit of lies and liars known as the British Broadcasting Corporation. This short clip, from Monday, 14th June shows a certain enabler of tyranny and propagandist, Nick Twat (sic), a face-nappy and lanyard-wearing member of the Cult of Covid who, for some inexplicable reason, thought it a good idea to venture forth into a well-informed and intelligent group of those who, quite rightly, stand as resistance to the on-going tyranny. The irony being, of course, that his Chinese-produced blue mask made him stand out like a sore member at a brothel.
As one would expect, the response from the spineless and treacherous members of the criminal UK Dictatorship was one of horror: Boris Johnson, the man acting as ‘Prime Minister’ and Priti Patel, the woman acting as ‘Home Secretary’, expressed their condemnation of him being challenged by members of the public (a public that pays for the psychological sewage pumped out by the BBC).
However, this faux outrage only serves to reveal just how scared the fraudulent overlords are. In fact, I would suggest they are terrified of the people. This suggests the power is beginning to swing towards the people, which is just how it should be:
Even within the ranks of the Government Diktat, the cracks are beginning to show. The following is from the avowed Leninist Dominic Cummings’ blog and is largely an attack on the biggest tit in the COT (Club of Tits), Matt Hancock.
Cummings falsely claims that it is the Cabinet Office which is running Government, when, in fact, it is run by a Rothschild-funded-Big-Pharma coup d’état .

‘I think I’ve just shat myself, Lord Rothschild.’
But the revelation is that there is self-evidently no Government in charge. Bozo Johnson, Cummings, Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson are like the inmates of a special school for narcissistic children – a very special Club in which each deluded inmate believes that jibber-jabbering flim-flam they spout passes for achievement and power, whilst simultaneously providing them with the opportunity to “have some fun and make some money”, as Johnson appears to be engaging (in if Cummings’ assertions are taken to be accurate).
If anything, it reveals a collection of boys who are lost in an airy-fairy world of fuckwittery, of snide asides and prattle that leads nowhere if not to ruination. Cummings’ writing is largely indecipherable, characterised as it is by a form of rhetoric that amounts to little more than a word-salad of obfuscation, shallow inference and defensiveness.
It would be hilarious if the consequences were not so deleterious to the well-being of the people over whom they falsely believe they govern. In fact, in that regard they are dangerous for such individuals are easily manipulated like the pawns they are by those deep state players who control the chessboard.
Whilst it is a tiresome tirade, marked by his flat and incoherent prose, it is worth looking at some of his outpourings.
Here is one example:
This is why even on 18 March, a SAGE member emailed me, the Cabinet Secretary and Hancock’s Permanent Secretary saying we would look back on SAGE discussions as ‘a strange dream’ because lockdown had not even been discussed: ‘Literally all the models assume that there will be a full-blown epidemic, and its just a matter of how much it can be drawn out, compressed, or the herd immunity directed to one section or another of the population’ because thinking was based on assumptions (no test-trace, population won’t listen to tough rules, reinfection from abroad etc) and ‘Once you take these assumptions for granted, the only paths that exist are to achieve herd immunity’. But, he rightly said, suppression should be considered partly because the imminent collapse of the NHS was so horrific and because ‘prior models and assumptions are WRONG [emphasis in original]. We could do this, ie a total lockdown. We’ll look back on it like a strange dream, but we could – and should – do it.’ source
What on earth does any of that actually mean? My take on it is that the COT were wholly reliant on the phoney modelling of a fake pandemic by Neil Ferguson and his chumps at Imperial College.
Cummings states that
Covid was the biggest crisis faced by Westminster since WWII.”
No it wasn’t. How could it be when there is no evidence that ‘Covid’ actually exists and there is no evidence that germ theory is true?
Testing, like vaccines, was removed from his control in May because of his incompetence and dishonesty March-April.”
What test is that, Dominic? Are you referring to PCR, a method designed for collecting samples of genetic and cellular debris that returns false positives when the number of amplifications is above a certain number of cycles? A methodology that its inventor, Kary Mullins, stated plainly could never be used as a test?
Hancock and No10 are creating a new version of reality in which: ‘there was no shortage of PPE’ and on 11 April Hancock removed procurement restrictions imposed by HMT. The reality… DHSC failed to plan for PPE demand and their procurement operation collapsed.”
What proof is there that PPE has any effect whatsoever when it comes to viruses – viruses which are inert and not in any way contagious? Is a mask of any use whatsoever when there is and never has been, throughout history, any physical transmission of a virus from one person to another?
On the original ‘plan’, testing, PPE, procurement, care homes and more, Hancock gave a fictitious account to MPs last week and portrayed himself as a heroic figure who had been in agreement with the PM throughout the crisis.The PM has supported this fiction and ordered the No10 press office to support many arguments he knows are lies. At the time, the PM agreed with me and all serious people around No10 and the Cabinet Office — in his own words, Hancock’s performance on critical issues was ‘totally fucking hopeless’ and he had to be removed from crucial decisions: PPE to Lord Deighton, vaccines to Bingham, ventilators to Agnew, testing to Harding.”
What crisis? A disease so deadly that 99.99% of people recover from it, just as they do from a cold or a bout of flu?
The public inquiry cannot fix this. It will not start for years and it is designed to punt the tricky parts until after this PM has gone — unlike other PMs, this one has a clear plan to leave at the latest a couple of years after the next election, he wants to make money and have fun not ‘go on and on’. So we either live with chronic dysfunction for another ~5 years or some force intervenes.”
I agree. A public inquiry never fixes anything other than to provide a cover-up. However, bringing a Private Criminal Prosecution, backed by hundreds of pages of witness testimony, is a different beast altogether.
Further down, he includes images of his doodlings on his whiteboard – which amount to something akin to the proverbial writings on the back of a fag packet –
must avoid NHS collapse
To stop NHS collapse, we will probably have to ‘lockdown’ – 13th March, 2020
But what the fuck does he means by ‘collapse’?
“100,000 + people dying in corridors”
It is utter horseshit and the fact they were seemingly using these airy doodles and non-defined terminology as some kind of basis for criminally shutting down the entire country shows the fuckwittery at play.
What it does serve to illustrate is the utter redundancy of ‘government’ – who needs it, other than those who sit on its gravy train, swallowing the bribes and associated benefits which enable these millionaires to pretend to lord it over the people and make as much cash as possible in the process?
Quite how ex-public school-boys and Oxbridge educated toffs can claim any ability to ‘govern’ is beyond my understanding. Unless they are all narcissists, that is.
And so, we see the unedifying spectacle of the rats not only jumping ship but also turning on each other. Back-biting, back-stabbing, whilst the chief narc Bozo Johnson and his bride, Princess Nut Nut ‘elbow-bump’ fellow deluded narcissists in Cornwall and lord it up behind a wall of security, designed to protect them from the public which they falsely claim to be serving.
Like with concurrent vaccine development, much of the system had still not adapted to a world in which the cost of economic disruption was so high that spending billions on testing was a huge return on investment. I was pushing for the system to plan on the scale of a million per day.”
What is that supposed to mean? Does Cummings actually proof read any of his writings?
The economic disruption was entirely caused by him and his fellow tits in government, none of whom appear to have any grasp of reality or indeed of the actual facts pertaining to disease and its transmission. They have been played like collection of violins, with Lord Rothschild as conductor of the whining string section.
The inevitable conclusion, for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear, is that the overlords’ biggest fear is materialising in front of them whilst they cower behind a crumbling wall of corruption.
In other words, take heart, dear reader: the Resistance is winning and its triumph is inevitable for it is built on a bedrock of critical thinking, also known as Christ Consciousness:
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, Ephesians 6:14
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Maybe something of interest to your article today Michael.
Cheers, Jim – though I don’t think Gove went to Eton 😉
Thanks for the correction regards to MG.
Either way, he is a part of the criminal entity masquerading as the UK ‘gov’.
There must be no let up. No excuses. These bastards planned this event and they need to pay in full for their crimes.
It’s only going to get worse for them.
Love your style, are your books this funny? Any news on the CP?
Thank you, Tracey. I have written only one book: ‘Fuck the Buddha’ – an unpublished and currently inaccessible account (on a knackered PC) of a journey around the Himalaya and what I learnt from the 8 fold path of Buddhism. There is news on the PCP and it will shortly be released. 🙂
Behind your sachrine words, and squinting through your beguiling pastel mists of adoration for our aristocratic and noble masters Templar, I perceive your real intent, that should the sadly beknighted Brits become sufficiently enlightened, you would be up to your balls in revolution in an effing heartbeat.
Well, that’s a breath of fresh air.
I will even donate part of my precious gruel fund, which government assures me is my generous age pension. Jolly good and all that. Tony Ryan, Australia (that’s the bit down there at the bottom).
saccharin | ˈsak(ə)rən |
a sweet-tasting synthetic compound used in food and drink as a substitute for sugar.
Alternative name: o-sulfobenzoic imide; chemical formula: C7H5NO3S.
Are you suggesting I am attemmpting to sweeten the bitter pill of the cirmcustances we find ourselves in? In any event, I hold no “adoration” for the Luciferian “masters” and would describe them as ingnoble, not noble on the basis they eminate from the Synagogue of Satan, and like their fathers before them, are liars and thieves.
Ambiguity rules, ok? Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Tony and, of course, I am appreciative of the donation, so many thanks for that too. All the best, Michael
Michael ref: the picture of Bojo with Rothschild.
Perhaps I could solicit your opinion after giving you mine.
Rothschild is the British equivalent of the federal reserve. That is printing money out of thin air and lending it to the government at a fixed interest rate. The government pay this loan with taxpayers money! What do you think?
The House of Rothschild controls the central banks of all countries. The Federal Reserve, like the Bank of England is a private banking cartel, which, as you say, is in the business of printing money (backed by fraudulent securities – bonds, mortgages, loans). They steal the credit and then falsely mispresent it as a ‘loan’, to be ‘paid back’ with interest. Racketeering by another name. In the case of government loans it is indeed the taxpayers’ money that is stolen by the criminal government to pay back the fake debt.
I can be even more precise, if you don’t mind, Michael. Every reserve bank in the western world is owned and run by the Rothschilds through the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is 100% Rothschild-owned and is headquarted in Basle, Switzerland.. This is kept especially secret down-under, where the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and Treasury, not only run the entire country’s finance, it recreated the Northern Land Council which was originally intended to protect Aboriginal Lands. Its corruption knows no barriers.