Far From the Madding Covid1984 Crowd?
On Friday last, two old friends and I were on a 10 ½ mile ramble in Derbyshire. When out in the countryside, it is customary to say hello to those who pass by on their way. After an hour or so, we were happily walking along the broad track alongside Derwent Reservoir when we noticed that a man and woman, both around 60 years old, had stepped off the trail on the right side. They were clearly afraid of something.

As we passed them, the man muttered something about how we should be walking in single file. I asked him what he was on about.
“Social distancing! Single file!” was his reply (whatever that is supposed to mean). He was clearly annoyed about something, undoubtedly caused by whatever was making him afraid. Little did we realise what it was.
“Why are you so angry?” I asked him.
“Two metres – you need to keep two metres away!”
“It’s common sense. You tossers!”
Yes. That is correct. He called us tossers, once he had ‘safely’ passed us.
“No. It’s not common sense at all,” I replied and we continued on our way.
I cite this as an example of the brainwashing that the population has been subjected to by its lying corporate government It was immediately clear to me that his anger was fear-based, with no grounding whatsoever in the facts of the matter.
This extraordinary and ridiculous event is clear evidence of the efficacy that the Covid1984 psyop has had on the majority of the population. This man has bought the lies, hook line and sinker. He is literally a conspiracy theorist who falsely believes there is a dreadful lurgy out there that can jump from person-to-person, even in the open countryside. The psyop has driven many close to insanity – just as it is intended to and the announcement of the next unlawful lockdown will result in more and more people being pushed over the edge of reality as they attempt to find some kind of consistency in the tissue of lies, illogicality and murderous tyranny that spews from the mealy-mouthed politicians and their phoney ‘advisors’.
In any event, we continued on our way, up to and along Derwent Edge, with everyone else we met being greeted in the usual manner of people passing each other on a country walk.
Upon my return, I became aware of the fact that a Freedom of Information (FOI) request had revealed the Covid1984 psyop to be completely naked: the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), which is Matt Hancock’s department, had admitted that it holds no information that proves the existence of a virus known as Covid1984.
Here is the original FOI request dated 25th July, 2020:
“Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly taken from a symptomatic patient of COVID-19 where the sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (not limited but by way of example monkey kidney cells, aka vero cells, liver cancer cells) thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source of sampling.
Please note isolation is used in the normally understood meaning of the word – the act of separating a thing from another. I am not referring, and hence not requesting, to isolation meaning the culture of something else, the performance of an amplification test (eg PCR test which only detect mRNA or DNA) or the sequencing of “something”.
If any records match the above description and are available to the public elsewhere, please provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty (i.e. title, author(s), date, journal, and weblink or location where the public may access it). I remind you full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.”
Here is the stark reply that proves the Emperor is naked:
Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). DHSC does not hold information on the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus.”
This response was followed up by a request on 25th August, 2020 which asked for further clarity to the question of just what evidence the DHSC is relying upon as we move into the next criminal lockdown over Covid1984. Thus, it gave them a further chance to provide any material evidence they hold that demonstrates the factual existence of the virus:
Based upon your previous responses to my FOI: …it has long been known that viral diseases cannot be identified in this way as viruses cannot be grown in ‘pure culture’. When a patient is tested for a viral illness, this is normally done by looking for the presence of antigens, or viral genetic code in a host with molecular biology techniques
Accordingly, please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and / or under your authority, supporting the following claims;
1 – Which symptoms uniquely identify COVID-19?
2 – Which viral antigens uniquely identify COVID-19?
3 – Which viral genetic code uniquely identifies SARS-Cov-2?
4 – What is the accuracy of the testing method for unique COVID-19 antigens upon which those governing rely upon, with supporting scientific verification?
5 – What is the accuracy of the testing method for unique SARS-Cov-2 genetic code upon which those governing rely upon, with supporting scientific verification?
6 – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequ…
shows updates detailing the explanation of the removal of COVID-19 from the HCID list was on the version dated 21 March 2019. However, there is no link to the source document.
Please provide source document from the 4 nations public health HCID group… that supported the decision that as of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.”
The answer was late – a reply was due on 14 September, 2020. When it did come, on 28 October, 2020, it simply re-confirmed that the DHSC, under Matt Hancock, Health Minister, has admitted that it has no material evidence to prove the existence of Covid-19:
After careful consideration of the subject matter, I have concluded that the response you received was compliant with the requirements of the FOIA and I uphold DHSC’s statement that the Department does not hold the requested information.”
Charlene Carter
Casework Manager
Freedom of Information Team
Could the fraud get any plainer? And the people are supposed to accept the lockdown without the Department of Health and Social Care having any proof that there is a virus?
When the criminal legislation is founded on fraud, it is immediately null and void, under Common Law.
This is why the 650 members of Parliament who have spinelessly acquiesced to the groundless diktats of Covid1984 are facing Private Criminal Prosecution under Common Law.
At this point, it becomes our moral duty to disobey the tyranny.
You cannot avoid it, try as you might for anything less is to be complicit in the fraud.
Drop the fear and refuse to comply:
As ever, a huge thank you for the kindness of David R.
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Whilst I agree that the response from that person was ridiculous and the response from the world leaders to a flu virus is sickening evil at work, I feel that the post title and the FOI request response is a tad misleading. To get evidence of the presence of a allegedly lethal virus, one would not go to the Government department, one would need to go to a medical laboratory where research on such a virus has supposedly taken place. Hence the response is what one would expect. On the other hand when people have sought this information from a lab (for example CSIRO who recently wrote papers on the presence of the virus on surfaces over time and who claim to have found “live viable virus and not RNA or cell fragments, I have yet to hear from them on what exactly they mean by “live viable virus”), and the response was such as to state that there was no such information available then this would really count for something. Yes?
I hear what you’re saying. However, I see it as further evidence of the scamdemic fraud. Why did they sit on it so long? Given the lockdown is a diktat issued by Johnson and his sidekick, Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, with encouragement by Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, it is not unreasonable to ask them to provide evidence of their claim that the Covid1984 virus exists. After all, why wouldn’t they simply point the request to whichever entity holds the information they are reliant upon? He who asserts a claim must provide material evidence in support. None appears to exist. Maybe the title could be changed to ‘… Offers No Proof…” – however, we are in the midst of psychological warfare and fraud by omission and/misrepresentation is the quagmire they are in, not me.
Surely Sansome this should have been one of the first things the Dept of Health should have requested ie; “Proof” of a new deadly virus before they took the extreme measures which have wrecked the economy and peoples lives, and if they haven’t got proof on file they should be able to direct the questioner to the source of that information. they can’t do this because there is no proof as we all know.
Exactly. There’s no way round it, Steve: without proof, there can be no claim. Therefore, it a criminal fraud that has been perpetrated against the people, by traitors in Parliament who suck at the teat of big pharma and will be facing genocide charges in a criminal court, under Common Law.
An office, containing detailed lab reports with scientifically trained staff able to provide that specific detailed information? I guess if I go to the department of transport they will have a detailed report and diagrams of the internal combustion engine for a Rolls Royce too then?? Goodness me.
What exactly is it that the gov and its depts are relying upon then? Are we to simply take their word for it that the virus actually exists? Again, we are back to the salient point which is that without proof, their claim fails. They have committed a series of criminal acts that amount to fraud, treason and genocide.
Was there any suggestion that I wrote anything to that effect, as in “take theri word for it”? Government puppets just do as they are told. The leaders of government do too, yet they are at least more in the know that the admin/ office workers.
They have committed fraud, treason, as for genocide, that is more difficult to determine as in all the extra deaths are still remarkably similar this year to the previous 10 years. It would appear that they are guilty of concentrating deaths to a time just after the lockdowns for a month or so. Many suicides and deaths from other illnesses must be included too as patients failed to get treatments due to the sickening policy of covid focus.
And in all they are working to a long planned agenda that is totally undemocratic as is this response via police state and training the populace for the new normal.
My only point was that the response you got was to be expected. Other than that I agree with you.
The problem lies when those who claim authority are revealed to be liars and con-artists. It’s the illusion of power writ large and at its heart is what Larken Rose refers to as the ‘most dangerous superstition’- Statism. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sansome – it’s appreciated.
They are claiming that the WHO followed by their scientific advisors, Fergusom, Vallance and Whitty, as well as SAGE has provided the necessary evidence that Sars Cov 2 is real and dangerous.
Aye, false claims abound in times of universal deceit and snake oil salesmen like those referenced are up to their necks in it. Jon Rappoport
What is the express purpose of the department of health? I was not aware that they themselves had the sciemtific facilities and duty to check on nationall viral threats?
It doesn’t surprise me in the least you got the response you did from the DHSC. Some civil servants have not forgotten the public service ethos or been brainwashed by Common Purpose and are prepared to stick their necks out. It’s well-known that Vallance has shares in pharma and is compromised. Witty I wouldn’t believe until I’ve seen hard evidence to back him up. Yet Johnson and Hancock both slavishly kneel down before them and do a re-enactment of the scene from “Wayne’s World” where they do the “We are not worthy” routine. I am seeing the population falling into two groups – Sheep, who believe anything and everything the government and MSM say, and the lions, who question everything and are truthseekers. This is psychological warfare and, as 77th Brigade has found, you can’t pull the wool over the eyes of the awakened. Johnson’s ill-intentioned laws are going to be a bugger to enforce when mankind is waking up in their droves. I have a feeling mankind is about to unleash a backlash not even Johnson or Schwarb will be expecting or want.
I totally agree, Michael. The ‘Common Purpose’ brainwashing is all-pervasive. Here is a comment from a friend, ‘ “Stephen Barclay, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, implied that stricter rules in the Greater Manchester region were necessary for the ‘common purpose’ of getting the virus under control by the festive period. ” Interesting use of language there.’
It has now come out the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been bribing countries by offering large loans in return for them bringing in police states and other undemocratic measures. This shows the international bankers are in this up to their necks. It is time to round them up and lock them up. However, before that is done, those, like the Behavioural Insights Team, 77th Brigade and other psyop bodies, must be dismantled and those involved in the scam brought to justice. And the World Economic Forum? There is no doubt this body is involved in what is going on and those who make up its membership must face justice for crimes against humanity, including genocide. The sheep may wish to graze, but the lions are going to roar. And it’s the lions those involved in this scam need to fear most.
The international banksters are, as always, pulling the strings of the governmental marionettes Unmasked: Banking & Genocide
Hi Michael – could you please post your evidence for this claim regarding loans. I apologise for asking, but there is a lot of misinformation flying about….
Hi, John. Are you referring to the article, https://roguemale.org/2020/10/21/unmasked-banking-genocide-plandemic-covid1984/ ?
In any event, I have written extensively about fake loans and credit control. These may be useful to you:
the banking con
the financial sleuth
Andrew Kaufman examines every claim in detail & shows that no virus has been isolated. He has a presentation on youtube. In addition, postmortems carried out by pathologists across Europe have found only bacteria in tissues of victims certified of dying from Covid.
Absolutely the case, Jennie. Thank-you for your comment.
The damning evidence is building and mankind is waking up a lot quicker than, I suspect, Schwarb and the members of the World Economic Forum thought it would. If anyone has shares in the makers of Imodium and toilet-paper, I suspect those shares will be doing very well as bankers and other criminals associated with the COVID scam clear supermarket and pharmacy shelves of those products. As for Boris Johnson’s plans to extend the lockdown to March, I can see the lions rising up against him and the other quislings and ripping them to shreds.
The only way to resolve this situation is to jail all those involved in this global reset impound all their assets ie who, Bill and Melinda gates foundation George soros and the rockerfella foundation. Between all their wealth there should be enough to rebuild the world economy which they so willingly destroyed for their own ends. I am also horrified that Prince Charles (our future king) is making speeches supporting this global reset. After all they won’t need their wealth whilst languishing in jail.
I strongly suggest people start looking into the British Pilgrims Society. Therein lies the corruption of royals and banking elites that have controlled EVERYTHING since 1909, including the ongoing scamdemic. You will note that Charlie Windsor plays a prominent role. Members include, Kissinger, Mnuchin, Weinberger, Volcker, Wesley Clark, George Tenet, CIA, Larry Summers, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Poulson, James W. Breyer, Mike Pompeo, Larry Ellison, Knights of Malta, English Priory, plus many others including the top banking mafias. Seek out aim4truth.org kindly given by Anna Von Reitz. Therein lies the true perpetrators of this global genocide.