Carl Scrivens’ False Imprisonment and Forced Medical Treatment Continues.
Drug Licensing Requirements Exceeded.

The brutal treatment of Carl Scrivens at the hands of those purportedly looking after him is detailed in this account which first appeared and can be read in its entirety at the Bernician site.
The Demonstrable Facts
On 20th October, 2021, Carl Scrivens, of Coalville, Leicestershire, was relaxing at home when a gaggle of social workers, council employees and police started to bang on his door.
He politely informed them that he did not want to speak with them and that they should leave but they ignored him, and, aided and abetted by the police, his front door was then battered down, before he was kidnapped and ‘sectioned’ by way of a plainly void warrant.
Void Warrant
This warrant has been purportedly initiated by an unidentified individual named Collins Ntoko but the grounds for the application are self-evidently non-existent, on the basis that the warrant gives the following two options for the substantiating grounds:
a) Has been, or is being, ill-treated, neglected or kept otherwise than under proper control.
b) Being unable to take care of himself, is living alone.
(Delete as appropriate)
Since neither ground was appropriately deleted, the warrant is void ab initio for being fatally incomplete upon its execution with unreasonable force.
From which a horrifying question arises:
Is this story not emphatically reminiscent of those of Nazi Germany, where those who questioned the authority of the state were sectioned and promptly euthanized ‘for the greater good’?
Absence of Material Evidence
Once again, there is no material evidence substantiating the completely spurious claim that Carl is somehow mentally unfit, nor has there been any form of mental health assessment conducted.
Moreover, the grounds relied upon are completely false and the only signature on the void warrant is that of PC Aciens, who is not qualified to assess anybody’s mental health.
Unsigned Warrant
In any event, the warrant is demonstrably invalid because it has not been signed by a “Justice of the Peace, sitting at Leicester Magistrates Court on 19/10/21”, as it falsely purports to have been.
This alone is enough to render the already void warrant a legal nullity, on the basis that without the signature of the JP in Leicester Magistrates Court it has not been validly issued and as such is incapable of enforcement.
However, this placed the CEO of Leicester Partnership NHS Trust in serious jeopardy because they [and their accomplices at the Unit] are fraudulently acting under the authority of what appears to be a fake or forged warrant.
Which renders each of the accused personally liable for their civil and criminal wrongdoings, regardless of what they do from henceforth.
Witness Testimony
Those responsible implicitly claim that Carl’s alleged condition has been caused by a chronic anxiety relating to Carl’s paternal roots.
However, whilst Carl has been engaged in lengthy investigations into his lineage and in particular his family name, three witnesses are willing to testify under oath that, having communicated face to face and electronically with Carl over the past three months about these very matters, he has exhibited no signs of chronic anxiety whatsoever.
On the contrary, he has been perfectly lucid, calm and of sound mind throughout, which render him more than capable of looking after himself and incapable of being lawfully sectioned, in the absence of any material evidence to the contrary.
Fraudulent Mortgage
However, it is worth stressing that Carl declined to attend a mortgage possession hearing, initiated by Santander over purported arrears, on 20th September 2021, at which the judge ruled against him in his absence, due to the fact that the bank named ‘Carl Tudge’ as the defendant and not ‘Carl Scrivens’.
The judge ignored this blatant fact and issued a possession order against Carl’s property, in spite of the evidence that the mortgage relied upon is fraudulent, in the absence of either a valid contract or deed, in fatal breaches of sections 1 and 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989.
This is no mere coincidence, as it would seem that the judge was disgruntled over the fact that Carl blew wide open both the fraud of the purported mortgage and the fact that the entirety of the bank’s claim was based on a manifest fraud surrounding his real legal name, ‘Scrivens’.
Substantive Case Presented
In relation to which Carl presented the documentary evidence of an ancestral line of registered births that goes back to 1862, when his great great grandmother falsely gave her ‘illegitimate’ child the name of Tudge, the man she married subsequent to the arrival of the child.
Which, in and of itself, is evidence that Carl is clearly of sound mind, given that it would otherwise be impossible to present a substantive case in such a precise and measured manner, under the pressure of being threatened with the loss of his home and without any legal training or representation.
Nuremberg Code Breached
More pressingly, Carl is currently being unlawfully detained in the Ashby Ward at the Bradgate Department of Mental Health at Glenfield Hospital, where he is being subjected to forced medical treatment that is in direct contravention of the Nuremberg Code.
Having spoken directly with the manager of the Unit yesterday, she blithely stated that her first objective was to “do no harm”, yet she was the one who actually injected Carl in his buttocks with 100mg of a substance called Zuclopenthixol, as he was being forcibly held down by her staff.
She did so BEFORE she stated to PUB that her first objective was to “do no harm”, which can only mean that either she was lying or she sincerely believes the drug she injected Carl with is incapable of doing him any harm.
Voluntary Consent Absolutely Essential
In the light of this irrefutable evidence, it appears that the drug is technically experimental, since the frequency of the side effects is marked as “not known”, which, in the absence of full and informed voluntary consent, is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code, Part One:
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity […]
False Diagnosis
To state it plainly: by injecting him this drug, the manager and her staff are likely to cause the symptoms of the anxiety they falsely claim Carl is already suffering from.
At which point, additional NICE guidelines also state that the infamous lethal injection drug Midazolam should be prescribed to sedate those suffering from the anxiety, which is first on the list of Zuclopenthixol-specific side effects in the foregoing.
Midazolam is a drug which has been ordered in record amounts by the UK Government since February 2020 and it is alleged in PUB’s Private Criminal Prosecution against Hancock et al that the drug has been used to euthanize an estimated 136,000 people in UK care homes and hospitals, after the over 65’s, the disabled and the mentally ill were placed on the end-of-life-pathway.
Final Warning Notice
For the avoidance of doubt, PUB has reason to suspect that it was the intention of the manager and the staff at the Unit to cause the symptoms required to justify the sectioning of a plainly sane man.
Whilst we also have reasonable cause to believe that the current UK Government policy which they are bound by seeks to maximise the number of people diagnosed as ‘mentally ill’, who are placed on the end-of-life-pathway and prescribed Midazolam to give them ‘a good death’.
PUB has therefore put those responsible for the crimes against a PUB beneficiary on their final warning notice, stating clearly that the sectioning of Carl Scrivens is void and he must be discharged immediately. […] Full Article
Warning not heeded as pressure mounts on CEO of NHS Trust
Carl has informed me that at around 7pm on 4th November, 2021 (yesterday evening) he was again subjected to a forced medical intervention without his consent, this time with an increased dose of Zuclopenthixol Decanoate (300 mg), which is THREE TIMES the original dosage he was forcibly injected with.
According to the evidence, it
was administered in right gluteal by Vusumzi Aninyere & Alex Boffin. Co-ordinating manager Saul Duri”.
I have previously spoken with both the unit manager, Muna Awal and one of its consultants, Dr Gupta, the latter having contacted me after I had left a message on his voicemail.
Both individuals were at pains to stress their hippocratic oath:
Do no harm”.
However, this, to any critical thinker capable of cutting through the fog of their hyprocisy, is a sham of egregious proportions as they have evidently ploughed on with a practice that is self-evidently harmful to Carl.
As with all liars, the truth will eventually catch up with them.
Carl’s situation remains plain: his life is in peril.
To reiterate: the CEO of the Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and all those working within the Ashby Ward have been placed on notice by the People’s Union of Britain that the facts demonstrate Carl’s detention is unlawful and his treatment a clear breach of the Nuremberg Code.
Unfortunately, those involved appear to be continuing blindly down the harmful ways of common practice. In the simplest of terms, they are full of dangerous and criminal nonsense – both at law and medically.
These are the stated guidelines for the drug, ZUCLOPENTHIXOL DECANOATE. Note, it states it is for the long-term treatment of acute psychosis, a condition which has not been diagnosed in Carl and one from which he is demonstrably not suffering. If the information received is accurate, the hospital has exceeded the recommended dosage:

Cults within Cults
The NHS, just like the criminal Government has been captured by the Big Pharmaceutical Mafia and has become a death cult.
This cult, just like the Cult of Divoc 91, of which it is a part, adheres to a Big Pharma code book wherein every ailment can be alleviated by the popping of petroleum-based pills and injection of dangerous chemicals.
Snake Oil and Quackery go hand-in-hand, dancing across these apocalyptic lands.
In the meantime, we strongly urge Carl’s daughter, as his next of kin, to intervene to deny any further medication of her father and demand that Carl be immediately released from his false imprisonment. She has been provided with a draft Notice and Demand for that purpose.
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Is Dr Gupta in any way responsible for this? I was seriously harmed and left for dead by him when he was working for NHS Highland, shortly before he moved to Leicester.
Yes, Gupta is the consultant on the ward. He rang me and I spoke with him directly. He was calling in response to a voice mail message I had left. To sugest he was arrogant would be to put it mildly.
Dr Gupta doesn’t stop until the “patient” is dead, he is a truly evil man. I remember being in the worst state of my life after being forced drugs called for by him at maximum dose. I was suicidal, had completely lost all functioning and developed akathisia, I was then told Dr Gupta would come to visit me out of “concern,” on this visit Dr Gupta was in the best mood I had ever seen him in, smiling, making jokes and wrote me off in the notes as doing well and noted improvement. He had an awful reputation at New Craig’s hospital where he worked just before moving to Leicester. He seems to enjoy drugging people as a form of punishment and watching them suffer the consequences.
Dr Gupta himself is likely the one that falsified information as grounds to put Carl under the mental health act, this also happened in my case where Dr Gupta alleged that I had done something which I had not to put me under the act. He needs struck off the register.
Hi, Aeon.
I have reached the conclusion that these white-coated assasssins infect every level of a health service that has been captured by nefarious forces. As you suggest, such types actually ‘get off’ on the thrill they receive when they inject the death shots. When I spoke to the staff on the phone, it was interesting to note that each of them had Indian or African names and that they spoke English as their second language. Nevertheless, such blatant psychopathy goes beyond nationality and, indeed, infests every level of our society.
Gupta falsely believes he is above the law.