- Heavy metal based lifeforms?
- Microbiota found in vials.
- Beyond the Graphene Oxide and into the world of the immortal Hydra Vulgaris.
The presence of the trade secret ingredient, Graphene Oxide in the mag-jab is becoming increasingly obvious to those who are paying attention.
However, we are in an apocalypse and that means everything is being revealed. Frauds, mass-murder and corruption of all natures are being exposed to the point where, eventually, only the truth will be left standing.
As the great unveiling continues, the more macabre it becomes and the discovery of a hydra-like creature in the poisonous serums being pumped out and into the brainwashed victims of state genocide is a prime example of that.
For many it will be too outlandish to contemplate, a revelation that goes too far and appears to belong to the realms of fantasy.
Yet, the allegorical tales of old offer us plenty of warning.
The purpose of the tales of old is to reveal the whirled through allegory.

Imagine, if you will, the multi-headed Hydra, the creature Hercules fights in his second labour:
The first mention of this ability of the Hydra occurs with Euripides, where the monster grew back a pair of heads for each one severed by Heracles.
In the Euthydemus of Plato, Socrates likens Euthydemus and his brother Dionysidorus to a Hydra of a sophistical nature who grows two arguments for every one refuted. Palaephatus, Ovid, and Diodorus Siculus concur with Euripides, while Servius has the Hydra grow back three heads each time; the does not give a number.
Depictions of the monster dating to c. 500 BC show it with a double tail as well as multiple heads, suggesting the same regenerative ability at work, but no literary accounts have this feature.” Wikipedia
There’s Nothing New Under the Sun
The Polish researcher, Dr. Franc Zalewski, has demonstrated that the Pfizer ‘shots’ contain not only Graphene Oxide but a microbiological invertebrate that is immortal, that regrows itself in 20 days and replicates at will, reconstituting itself even after being chopped up or blended.

It’s going to turn out that the Polish guy (Dr. Franc Zalewski) was right about these things feeding on graphene[…]
Dr. Sevillano: And it’s not contamination. Because the vials were sealed. The ones that came open have never been used for these things. Those have been used for other purposes. We have done other things with them, like leaving them in culture, to know if there are things that move or not. We’re even going to try to put this in culture, as suggested to us yesterday in the program. At a temperature of 36ºC. Let’s see what comes out of it.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. We take into account all the ideas that you share with us. But it’s not contamination. These images come from sealed vials that have kept the cold chain.”
The story of Hercules fighting the hydra has thus become a microbiotic reality:
The “Immortal” Hydra
Eternal life. For humans, it’s a fantasy pulled from science fiction, but for the Hydra (Hydra vulgaris), a small freshwater invertebrate, it’s a reality. These organisms, which look like miniature, fleshy palm trees with swaying fronds of tentacles, boast stem cells that exist in a continuous state of renewal and seem to hold within their genomic code the key to biological immortality. Every 20 days, the whole organism renews itself.
“As far as we can tell, it doesn’t age or die,” says Assistant Professor Celina Juliano, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. “You can cut little pieces out of the animal and it will regrow and maybe the most amazing thing is that you can dissociate the animal into single cells, mix them all up, put them back in a ball and a new Hydra will just grow out of it.”
Hydra are virtually immortal in a lab environment. Their unique abilities make them ideal for studies in healing and aging. Hydra regeneration was noted in 1744 by naturalist Abraham Trembley. Almost three centuries later, this animal’s amazing capabilities remain a mystery. Juliano hopes to solve some of those lingering questions and further establish the Hydra as a model organism for regenerative research.
“If you or I were injured, say our hands were cut off, there’s a specific genetic program that is activated and is required to heal the wound, but the hand wouldn’t grow back,” says Juliano. “That same genetic program is activated after injury throughout the animal kingdom, but in some cases, instead of triggering scarring, it triggers regeneration and thus the missing body part is replaced.”
Juliano and her colleagues have meticulously conducted a single-cell sequencing project on Hydra, defining the exact genes expressed in each cell type. They’re developing tools to help them better control this gene expression.
As technologies advance, UC Davis scientists and researchers are gaining unprecedented windows into the machinations of life. With the help of model organisms, they’ll reveal the causes of disease and illuminate potential paths to treatment and prevention.
Our tiny relatives in the animal kingdom are making mammoth contributions to scientific research and helping us answer the biggest questions about life.” Source
But hold on. I can buy the graphene oxide as a means of mass murder being the chosen poison for the vials and, quite possibly, its ability to connect with the internet of things but you’re saying they are deliberately placing these tiny self-replicating mico-biological forms, commonly known as Hydra Vulgaris, inside the vials?
How does any of this make sense?
It doesn’t. Unless you realise, finally, that this is truly one planet-wide mass experiment on the uninformed peoples of the world that simultaneously satisfies the following requirements of the insane engineers of a doomed plan for a satanic world:
1. Mass population reduction down to 500 million.
2. An experiment on how Graphene Oxide can be used to create a neural and/or biological lace that can transmit and receive certain frequencies within a 5G grid.
3. An experiment as to how Artificial Intelligence can be used to control the thoughts and emotions of the trial participants.
4. A mass experiment in causing sterility amongst the participants.
5. A mass experiment on the usage and effectiveness of micro-biological organisms when injected into people’s bloodstreams.
6. To create a new specie of being that is transhuman.
However, because it is all carried out by way of treasonous criminal fraud and deliberate intention to commit mass murder, all those who are complicit in the genocide, from the top down, will inevitably be held accountable for their actions.
The script writers are typing furiously, spewing out the same plot-lines, the same false premises, all reliant on a whoring media to regurgitate just what it is fed.
Inevitably, mistakes are made – the story jumps the shark, the scenery shakes, the crisis actors over-act as the glitches become forever wider in the matrix of deceit. Omissions and misrepresentations proliferate. Narratives are broken, too ridiculous to be believed any more.
Some will, in desperation to avoid the truth, regard the distinct possibility of an aluminium-based life-form, a self-replicating microbiota, being deliberately used in the vile vials as science fiction, or a horror story that is as macabre as they come.
However, it behoves us to rise above the fear and look at the emerging evidence that this, combined with Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things/ 5G network is a clear and present threat to Mankind.
The 12 challenges of Hercules are immense but he overcomes each one. The hydra is present and it is here to be slain.
Further reading, listening and viewing:
Sheep Farm Studios
Sheep Farm on ‘The Parasite Effect”
Orwell City on the appearance of micro-biological organisms in the vials
Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents
Mag-jabbed Man Collapses Whilst Talking to Man acting as Prince Charles During Visit to Asda
Medical Emergencies in Crowd Twice Delay West Brom Game
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In reality, it is the 99% who are responsible for the actions of the 1%. The 99% who use the State SURNAME for personal gain, give life to a fiction which the Banks and State use to fund wars, genocide, child trafficking, drug distribution, etc etc etc. We all have the ability to put an end to this global madness and bring about the demise of all that is evil.
Remove the God given name, which is the intellectual property of Jesus Christ, from the Public Record.
Of course, few will.
Instead of choosing God and all that’s good, they are likely to continue supporting Satan and his legal system with its Fiat currency.
All for the perceived illusion of material wealth. Which ALL belongs to the same entity that owns the SURNAME.
The people give up their Life to serve the State.
They are soulless fools.
As you state, John, it is a trap required and used for many nefarious purposes –
Hey Groover,
I read your articles weekly thereabouts and would like to encourage you to KEEP GOING!!
Personally, I like your style. I’m up on all of this stuff re the covid vaccine poison/mandates etc. and what they’re planning to do with humanity. Well, what the plan is, is still up for conjecture as far as I’m concerned. Some say depopulation which I believe is a by-product of the vaccines but personally, I think there’s another intriguing evil play at work.
People should watch a Doco made pre covid in 2015 called, The Minds of Men. That Doco goes for 3 hours but its most basic message proves that Science and Psychological maniacs have been attempting Human control since the 50’s and, by the 70’s they had almost perfected the practice and were prophesying to Congress that they could control entire suburbs of LA with microwave technology until they were officially shut down. (For being evil)
I think that these vaccines provide that interface. That’s what I think this entire facade is about. Some will die. Maybe many? These bastards don’t care because ‘they’re doing all of this for science’. /sarcasm intended
If they can control the minds of humanity they can enslave entire countries and then they can kill off whoever they decide to at any time they choose and in any manner they choose.
Then, to take all of this into the dimension of spirituality. Myself, being a Christian believes that the Bible is the word of God (even though there are many interpretations of some of it’s prophecies) I’m starting to understand that the beast in Revelations may well be the system that we are all dependant on and threatened to be locked out of. The very system that we will be locked out of if we don’t get the vaccine. Some Christians friends who’ve already bowed to the beast for many reasons tell me that God wouldn’t allow them to be deceived. Well, I tell them to read Rev 19:20.
Finally, we may have arrived at the end of the book!? If so, things are gonna get interesting!!!
The Bible states that people will worship the beast. Well, I’ve spoken to many many people who didn’t want to get the injection but stated, “I got it because I want to travel”
Well, that is worship of the beast. Anything that goes against your God given personal sovereignty, is a form of worship to the system. People don’t get it! Christians don’t even understand what worship even is. They think it’s lifting their hands to soulless songs with the dumbest lyrics. It’s not! It’s actions, It’s intent. It’s choices.
Anyway, I’ll stop now because I’ve already gone on too long. We’ve only started in this trip and we haven’t even seen the oppression of the whole Green Governance Army being thrust upon us yet. It’s coming. They’re coordinating it all now. This will all come down to a personal decision. A personal fight. A personal sacrifice and a personal salvation.
The choice is yours!
Hello, fellow Groover!
Thank-you for taking the time to write the post.
I agree entirely with you – I bumped into the local vicar and his wife last Sunday. During the course of our conversation he told me he had been jabbed 3 times. These so-called men of god evidently have no critical thinking skills and have placed the fake authority of the state between themselves and the creator. Whilst I pity him, I’m not surprised as, in my life, all the vicars I have met have struck me as being lacking in spirit and common sense, with a certain dry academic quality about them. There is a distinct lack of ‘firebrand’ men of the cloth who truly place their faith in god. I told him just that and that the last 20 months have served to strengthen my faith and that, for me at any rate, the bible is akin to a Warrior’s Manual. They both knew what I meant and we quietly went our ways.
Time will tell as to whether a truly biblical apocalypse is upon us. In any event, there is clearly some kind of apocalypse upon us, with new revelations being uncovered every minute.
I agree, it a personal choice to stand one’s ground, individually and collectively.
God bless thee!
Hey Fellowgroover,
Yes, it’s SUCH A SHAME that Christianity has been turned into this vanilla, soul less, be nice at all costs, sub culture where, it denies the power of the Gospel that it decrees upon it’s adherents.
Very sad what it’s become.
And so, please believe me, I could go on and on and ‘bag’ the church and what it’s become with unrelenting fury but, I will choose not to because, I think we both see the same thing anyway.
So, what’s the point!?
I KNOW for a fact, that it takes huge ballz to firstly, find and then bow, to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and then, trying to live in this world. I just personally hope that I won’t be found wanting when my time comes. ‘For there go I but for the grace of God!”
BUT at least, so far, I can see what’s taking place. These so called Leaders/Pastors/Priests of the church can’t even see what ‘s happening! It’s so sad although not surprising.
The worse thing about what’s taking place in our world right now, is that there’s so much deception at play and, its coming thick and fast and, in so many area’s. 8 people could be looking at the very same thing and see 8 different things!! People are living in completely different realities and they don’t even rhyme with one another anymore.
These so called, global elite’s and politicians, have (successfully in some ways) removed God from his throne and appointed themselves in his place and are boldly making their decrees!
And, they’re doing it unashamedly AND, it’s all deception.
But people don’t see it.
“2Thessalonians,2;9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
We have to remember, that the very same people who are telling us that boys can be girls and girls can be boys are also the ones telling us, that they care for our health. Even more than we do!
They are liars who have an evil agenda serving their master who’s plan is to enslave us all.
The global warming con or is it climate change now?(I can’t keep up) will be the final nail used, to complete their take over and destroy the free world and install their NWO.
A global dystopian world of satanistic decree. All for our own good of course. We’ll own nothing and be happy.
I may survive this agenda or I may not but, I DO know one thing. When the time is right, the lord Jesus Christ returns and destroys them all with the ‘breath of his mouth!’ It just sounds so complete, so simple, so encompassing and even so anti-climactic. The “breath of his mouth!”
I never thought I’d live to see this day but here I am. I really hope I’m there to see that take place too.
My biggest concern is seeing loved ones being taken by the lie. And, there seems to be little you can do to sway them, other than try and show them some facts that they seem unable to perceive. They’re blinded! and seem to have other, more important issues that they want to achieve, than to realise, that there’s a war been declared. And, there are only 2 sides to this war. No one can choose to be a spectator because, everyone is a participant.
The only choice we have is, which side do we choose to be on?
Keep writing Michael and may God give you inspiration with all of your efforts,