Exit the Limited Hangouts.

Why I’m exiting an unholy trinity of Limited Hangouts.

For the purposes of this article,  a limited hangout may be defined thus,

a social media platform that censors the writings, speech and/or reach of its users, often without them knowing

When I established this site in 2013, I reluctantly joined the limited hangouts known as  Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, not because I wanted to engage in the chit-chat or make new ‘friends’ but simply as a practical means of extending the reach and size of my readership.

However, it is time to say farewell to this tedious triumvirate of tittle-tattle.

The reasons behind this decision are plain to state:

1. ‘Faceborg’ has regularly suppressed my work and subjected me to a series of ‘bans’, especially during its compliance with the scamdemic – invariably based on the risible notion that its ‘community guidelines’ had been breached. Of course, the actual reason is that it was censoring any and all information that was in contradiction to the fake narratives pumped out by the disintegrating controlled media. And, there is the fact that it was set up by DARPA as a data-harvesting operation to spy on the people who use it.

2. ‘Twatter’, now known as X, was always a tittle-tattle platform, which back in 2013, was largely a vehicle for those who are fluent in epigrams, of whom the self-confessed-sodomite, Steven Fry was a classic example. Now it is primarily an echo-chamber of data-harvesting, nominally controlled by the Arch-Prince of Prats, Elon Musk, a puppet who wants to put an electronic chip in the brain, falsely claims to have launched his ridiculous motor-car into space and wants to colonise Mars. The CEO of X, Yaccarino is a woman who is well-versed in Double-Speak as illustrated by this class example of how she falsely claims users will have,

“Freedom of speech, but not of reach.”

The consequence of which is that those who post information that is in contradiction to the official narrative(s) have their accounts on X throttled down to the point where only 1% of their followers see the posts. In my case, this amounts to 16 people out of 1,600.

3. ‘GooTube’ is run out of Silicon Valley by a cadre of technocrats. They have censored my comments, suppressed the viewing potential of my RogueCasts and now, without any notice, locked me out of my ‘creator dashboard’ which means I cannot access any of it, let alone upload a video.

For what it’s worth, the suppression, over-reach and censorship that the trimvirate indulge in will be their downfall. To put it plainly: they will disappear up their own arses, into a chasm of their own creation as more and more do just what I am doing and leave them lost in their collectivist hubris.

And so, I bid a necessary farewell to these limited hangouts. From now on, if I have anything to state or share with those who enjoy the content at RogueMale, I will post it here and on Substack, for those who frequent it.

That means, if you haven’t done so already, please sign up to the mailing list to be sure you receive the notifications of my latest content. All my work is currently free to view but I do rely on people chucking a few quid into the pot to show their appreciation and to keep things running smoothly, so if you can, drop me a few coins via the Buy Me a Coffee button as and when you are able. Thanks for your support.

Notwithstanding all that, I wil, by means of the third party social media posting platform be posting articles to my X and FB pages and The Bernician. However, I will not be actually there to make any direct posts or comments. If you’d like to leave a comment here, on Rumble or at the Buy Me a Coffee page,  then please do so and I will reply. Cheers.

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