Episode 44: Tribal Matters

How tribal affiliations are a matter of resonance.

Following my previous article, The Tribe, I took a ramble across the gentle hills near Cossal, West of Nottingham, to further ponder the issue.

The subject matter arose from an enjoyable conversation I had with Dom and Christian of the Sheep Farm podcast, which certainly had a resonance or what one might term an affinity, in part resultant from the fact we grew up in the same local environment, including gong to the same secondary school for 5 years of our lives.

In this episode of the Rogue Cast, I posit the view that this world is a perceived reality, that it is one of the mind and that in this realm, it is all – and I mean, ALL, a resonance.

The implication of this is that we are literally in a cymatic field of information in which the higher your vibration, the more wonderful it becomes. Given that our intuition is never wrong and that that, in and of itself is a resonance in the gut and, of course, that water reacts to the imprint of positive words – as perfectly illustrated by the findings of Masaru Emoto – and that we are receivers and transmitters of frequencies, then it can be stated that our connections with others are indeed matters of resonance.

Whistle while you work – or, if you cannot whistle, then get down with monkish chanting or Buddhist ‘om-ing’ and if you can’t do that, simply sing – do it all within your natural frequencies and you will be in harmony with the resonant realm in which and through which you are passing.

Failing that, get yourself inside a grand old church, observe the cymatic patterning of the architecture, the frequency production of the organ pipes and realise the vibe is all around you as well as within.

When you realise this life is, literally, all a vibe, then those who resonate on your frequencies are your tribe and they appear naturally and magically.

It’s all very simple and, ultimately, very powerful for it releases the individual from all that restricts him, particularly the MSM BS that is pumped out by the usual culprits in an attempt to lower his frequency.

I also consider the Donald Trump ‘assassination’ incident in Pennsylvania and cui bono from this latest piece of dramatic theatre.

Thank you for listening and a particular thank you to those who bought me a coffee – Ellen, Sue Newsome, Jane Edmonds, Lynne, James, Steve Kettle and Wendy: it’s greatly appreciated.

Until the next time…

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