Why Hasn’t Bill Gates Been Assassinated?

Indeed, will any of the Elite Controllers be assassinated?

When one considers the manifest world-wide genocide of the peoples of the world and the clear and persistent threat posed to Mankind by a list of Eugenics-enthused murderers, of which Bill Gates is the most visible and enthusiastic proponent, this is a question that may naturally arise.

Off the top of my head, and in no particular order, Lord Rothschild, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the head of WHO, Bill Gates, any and all of the underling poli-puppets like Sunak, Dan Andrews, Macron, Merkel, Hilary Clinton and any other liar like the stooge Noah Harari might reasonably be deemed legitimate targets for assassination on the basis of the manifest threats they pose to the lives of millions across this realm.

Do any of these individuals even fear assassination attempts?

Probably not from the people – after all , is the threat not more likely to come from their dark masters should they step out of line?

Could it be that assassinations are  carried out exclusively by the Deep State, usually against figures who may have ‘gone rogue’ or, by bankers whose deaths are invariably of a ritualistic type? After all the ‘Banker Jumps to his death’ is a common enough headline:

Is it testimony to the fact that, contrary to how the media presents them, the people are not dangerous and are, essentially, peace-oriented in nature?

How often do we find that so-called suicide bombers, gun or knife-toting ‘terrorists’ turn out to be patsies who have been duped into acting out roles on behalf of the ‘Security Services’?

Everything would point to the fact that it is those who seek control over others who are attracted to positions of authority – the ‘Crown’, Organised Religions, the Judiciary, Bankers, Lawyers, Politicians, Police ‘Constables’, Teachers, Social Services, the Mass Media Propagandists, Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists . How darkly ironic then that those of the most pathological bent infest the higher levels of the pyramid of control.

There are numerous studies which point to the tendencies of psychopaths to seek out roles in which they get to sit atop the various dungheaps of ‘office’ and exert control over huge swathes of the populace, of which some 80% are easily hypnotised by the propaganda of the captured state as the events of the last three and a half years so clearly demonstrate. Indeed, the global finance racket is riddled with them.

In the light of which, it’s sensible to conclude that assassinations of dangerous individuals at the head of certain agencies of globalist terrorism are exclusively carried out by the military arm of the state and/or secret alphabet agencies.

All of which adds further credence to the view that there are no ‘lone wolves’ behind the false flag terrorist attacks as perpetrated by the CIA, MI6 and other state perpetrators of the psy-ops.

It’s a huge pantomime of the macabre and only around 20% will see through the propaganda/mind control.

Don’t expect any super hero to rise up either – that suggestion, as programmed via the media’s Marvel and Co’s comic-book heroes is merely the stuff of children’s stories: the only hero in your life is yourself.

The pantomime that is played out on the global stage is but a dramatic performance, in which all the actors are following their scripts, often to the point of utter absurdity. 

After all, would it not be relatively easy for Putin to have the members of the ‘International Psychopathy Club’ assassinated in the interests of Mankind’s safety if he was a genuine maverick who wanted to free the world of tyranny?

No: the Bread and Circus parade must continue in its crafting of the staged reality in which divide and rule has always been the aim of the game and it never stops, which is why this clickbait nonsense amounts to a desperate attempt at providing solace for those who fall, time-after-time, for the false hero narrative:

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