Licence to Kill Bill: UK Gov Sinks Further into Criminality

Like a blood-thirsty cadre of vampires, the Bankster-backed Big Pharma coup d’état of the UK ‘gov’ is peopled by men and women who falsely believe they have the ability to grant other people the right to commit crimes. 

When I state the UK Gov has Gone Rogue, in no way is it to be inferred that said ‘gov’ has any legitimacy whatsoever.  Moreover, it is currently operating criminally with and through a corporate structure, under the mask of a lawful one, with a fake mandate from the people. 

However, behind the mask of ‘government’, it is plain to see just what its real nature is:

  • UK ‘Gov’ operates through and with a cadre of corporate entities, just like most ‘govs’ around the world. It is not unreasonable to state that the ‘hand-in-glove’ quality of this, with the influence of corporate ‘think tanks’ and ‘lobbyists’ over MPs, is state-corporatism; which was Mussolini’s definition of ‘fascism’. 

“This briefing explains how 3,038 companies relate to each of the 17 central government departments;1 and shows how the number of companies has increased since 2010. It is based on five publicly available sources of information on companies in government as at 31 March 2014. It explains the basis for each source and how the results differ.” Source: National Audit Office

  • Rishi Sunak, the alleged Chancellor of the Exchequer, is a multi-millionaire, who is self-evidently the banksters’ moll.
  • The Remembrancer  is the City of London’s overseer in the House of Commons.


Now, and here is the schism within the state-corporate, the de facto UK ‘gov’ claims to have the ability to create any and all legislation, i.e the ‘rules’ by which any corporate entity, whether it be a registered company or the ALL CAPITALS legal fiction, or person, as defined under admiralty or Civic Roman law. 

When government is criminal, Parliament is illegitimate and the country is a police state civil disobedience is mandatory.

When this legal system creates a statutory instrument and it goes against spirit of and freedoms enshrined with the more ancient common law of these lands, then that statute is immediately rendered null and void.  This is why the Covid1984 Act is a nullity.

The Fundamental Lie.

The fact is mankind is answerable only to Natural (God’s) Law: Do No Harm, Take No Shit is the most succinct expression of this. When the Common Law stands in harmony with Natural Law, then we have justice. Should an individual go against Nature, then the inescapable law of Cause and Effect (Karma) comes into effect – another fact of our existence which we ignore at our peril.

The maxim, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ is familiar to all of us and it continues in mankind’s conscience as we know in our hearts, our heads and our guts that this is exactly how we should treat one another. Treat people cruelly and without consideration and, gradually, you will come to a point where you will be plagued with dis-ease, inner angst and rejection from your fellow man. As sure as day follows night. 

Under Natural Law, none of us has any right to be cruel, to hurt or to kill another.  Only in self-defence, only in the protection of one’s body and family may we cause injury. Some call this the Non-Aggression Principal. Do not attack others but be prepared to use any and all reasonable force to defend yourself when violence is perpetrated against you and/or your loved ones. 

It stands to reason that when we are consciously living under these divine and simple principles of Natural Law, then we have no right to seek to cause harm to others. Why? Because that right does not exist. To be in harmony with this is to be in Christ-Consciousness. To knowingly (or otherwise) go directly against it is, ipso facto, to be of the Anti-Christ. It is the way of liars, murderers, thieves and all plunderers. 

In reality, I cannot gather together a group of mates, decide that we are going to kill someone and issue a piece of paper that purports to give individual men and women that right.

To suggest otherwise is fallacious. The licensing of powers to commit crimes is the way gov rolls and it is utter horseshit.

And yet, this is exactly how ‘gov’ operates and how it may thus be deemed to be Satanic in its intent. 

The Covid1984 Act is one example of such. The fact it goes against Natural Law and purports to take away our natural freedoms means it is completely unlawful. 

The latest and most appalling example is the ‘Licence to Kill Bill’ – aka as The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2020  .

It is an Act that purports to give individuals working for a number of government agencies the right to commit crimes, including murder, rape and torture, against the people, 

“This Bill seeks to put the ability of undercover operatives to commit criminal offences in the course of their deployment on a statutory footing. It will be achieved by amending the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) to allow a diverse range of state agencies to authorise their Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) to commit criminal offences where necessary for protecting national security, preventing or detecting crime or disorder, or protecting the economic wellbeing of the UK. This will have the effect of making such activity “lawful for all purposes”, which, without providing so explicitly, effectively means full civil and criminal immunity for those who act within the terms of the authorisation. […]


For some time, those acting for the foreign branch of our Intelligence Service (MI6) have been permitted by statute to commit criminal offences in the course of their operations on foreign soil (s.7 Intelligence Services Act 1994). The CHIS Bill, however, is the first time that legislation has been drafted to allow offences to be committed in the UK. Perhaps more importantly, the Bill allows for authorisation of such activity, not just for those working for MI5 seeking to disrupt terrorist activity but, as alluded to earlier, for a very wide array of state agencies engaged in law enforcement activity. The National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Serious Fraud Office may seem like the more obvious users of such techniques, but the Home Office, Department of Health and Social Care and Food Standards Agency may not. Yet all these agencies and more will now have explicit authority to allow their CHIS to commit criminal offences “In the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of a covert human intelligence source” (s.8(a) CHIS Bill).”  Source: Garden Court Chambers


Could it be made any clearer? The UK ‘gov’ is, quite literally, a satanic and treasonous entity that is openly refuting the Common Law. All in the name of ‘National Security’, which is invariably an expression used to cover up genocide by government.

To resist the tyranny, in all its forms, is not a choice – it is a necessity, under Natural Law and Common Law:

Please take the time to read this and the related articles at the Bernician


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9 thoughts on “Licence to Kill Bill: UK Gov Sinks Further into Criminality

  1. This Justinian Deception (first promulgated by Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor from 529-565) is the origin of the person, citizen or strawman-fictional-dead-man identity for the living man. We are considered a corpse-er-ration or dead entity under the Admiralty Law or Law of the Sea or UCC. When this is fully understood by we, the people, we can rise up lawfully and return to Common Law, the Law of the Land, Justicium Terrae, the tenets of the Magna Charta.
    To start this process off it is crucial that Donald Trump be re-elected next week and the new Quantum Financial System be unveiled, which will free us from the slavery of fiat money and interest. This is not about Trump v Biden, or Republicans v. Democrats, but about Good v. Evil. We have to return to Faith, Family and Community.
    With respect,
    P.S. There is a strong rumour out of Washington that Biden will drop out this week.

  2. Dang, you’re SO right about the CHIS License to Kill bill
    – yet seeingly in denial about a real virus, that shows on microscopes…?

    The fact that Johnson Junior AND Senior wrote articles, whole BOOKS on ‘overpopulation’, that thier cokehead pal Cummings gave the ‘herd immunity and let the granies die’ speech should surely have given you SOME clue who the bad actors here? New Zealand, had a REAL lockdown for a LIMITED time and thier death toll was a FRACTION of ours – all those people killed, for what ? So Bojo saves some money on Benefits to snort up his nose?

    I could say a LOT about the “political class and complicit media” haveing WORKED for one (‘Baron Brexit’ Glasman) for a year, and the crimes against truth I witnessed – but I think youre barking up the wring tree with covid PRECAUTIONS being the “tyranny”

    And what the FUNK is “Natrual Law”? What I see is truth vs falsehood, science vs non-sceince, the 99% vs Edge Cases … Sure there have been ‘Pfizer Widows’ but thats the 1 percent group, who’s tale though tragic, should NOT impede the 99% getting some help against a killer virus

    Feel free to share contrary data…? Pete G, BribeTheBuddhaFilms, London

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