Apocalypse Now

The Apocalypse Reveals the Enemy and, inevitably, the Warrior Steps forward.

It scarcely needs stating but an apocalypse is upon us.



Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’, from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover’.”

Yet, every force has its opposite; and so, the forces of tyranny are matched by the warriors who rise in the name of freedom:

As I write this, we are at the Equinox: light and darkness are balanced.

In the same way, the on-going, yet increasingly faltering, false Convid narrative means that what is happening right now is the best of times and the worst of times.

As Charles Dickens wrote, such epochs are not new.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only….” A Tale of Two Cities (1859)

These are dangerous and exciting times. However, they will not last. The falling house of cards will inevitably result in the emergence of new systems of organisation. These emerging decentralised and sovereign grassroots systems are as certain to happen as the demise of the old tyrannies of the over-arching and phoney state.

By way of example, and there are others, the reader is invited to peruse the emergence of Universal Community Trust:

What is UCT Treaty?


Treaty of Universal Community Trust is a declaration of independence, sovereignty and jurisdiction, founded on the principles of Natural Law. UCT Treaty was ratified by 25 independent sovereign nations of indigenous peoples on 21 June 2012 CE.



What is Natural Law?


The principles of Natural Law (also sometimes called the Common Law) can be summarised by the following divine maxim:


“Do no harm, cause no loss, and accept no wrongdoing against you.”  Read more

In a whirled (world) war  and in reality, God and the laws of Nature are the only genuine authority. The current mad whirled is an artificial construct that is constantly seeking to keep Mankind cut off from his true nature as a divine being.

Genuine artists and seers of all hues and creeds have always attempted to show us the reality of our divine being, with varying degrees of success. Often, we are left with a sense that it is all so vast, so deep and so complex that we cannot truly understand it. God is ineffable. Direct experience of God cannot be relayed by words but some artistic expression can come close to showing it.

As above, so below – man is as connected to the firmament above as he is rooted to the earth.

Vast veils of illusion are deliberately cast over the consciousness of Mankind for purposes of control. What is it that tears apart the veils of illusion? The truth. The great unveiling is the apocalypse.

The Existence of Evil

One model of perception has been created by Clif High and he terms it the ‘Woo’. In his model, the devil is the ‘bug’ – an eons-old malevolent insect being which he met through his psychedelic wayfaring.

On the face of it, that sounds crazy. However, it is but his model of the ‘satanic’ enemy. For others, it (the ‘bug’) is the Devil/Ahriman/Lucifer – the Anti-Christ.

In his 1856 publication, “Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times”, Pastor William Ramsey included this passage:

One of the most striking proofs of the personal existence of Satan, which our times afford us, is found in the fact, that he has so influenced the minds of multitudes in reference to his existence and doings, as to make them believe that he does not exist; and that the hosts of Demons or Evil Spirits, over whom Satan presides as Prince, are only the phantacies of the brain, some halucination of mind. Could we have a stronger proof of the existence of a mind so mighty as to produce such results?

Clif High’s ‘bug’ is essentially just that, only he has created his model to illustrate his understanding of it and, of course, as a way of more effectively communicating its existence to his audience.  As he puts it,

In my world the bug is trying to change people into willing victims… trying to create a disease that makes us more susceptible to their mind control techniques.”

His model is one he has constructed by way of his understanding of the forces and entities behind the veil of Mankind’s illusions.

In his model, the whirled has shifted into the Age of Aquarius which is the Age of Knowledge. Whilst I am uncertain as to the accuracy of that calculation, I do sense we are approaching some kind of tipping point, as more and more warriors wake up. Clif predicts, based on his data sets (which use algorithms to identify language trends across the web of social media etc and forecast what may be about to happen), that,

30% of normies [will be] awake and waking up by [end of October, 2021].”

He also states there is an on-going Socially Organising Collective (SOC) that is on the rise which is, in effect, a battle between Sovereignty consciousness and Deep State consciousness.

Whichever model one chooses, it is crucial that the individual does not dismiss the clear and apparent threat to his very existence – namely, the murderous intentions of those who seek to mag-jab him. The cracks in the Convid nonsense are widening and perhaps the biggest problem for the controllers is that the indigenous peoples of Europe are never going to accept the offer of a Communist model, as propagated by Klaus Schwab of the House of Rothschild and the Word Economic Forum. Communism is built on nihilism and atheism and those concepts are anathema to the sovereign peoples of the whirled.

Thus, the rise of the warrior and the sovereign peoples is inexorable:


A special thank-you to David R and those readers who have kindly made donations. Any and all  are greatly appreciated. Should you feel it appropriate to support the work at RM, please click on the donate button. Thank-you.

5 thoughts on “Apocalypse Now

  1. As the apostle Paul said to the (alleged) Romans – “I beseech you therefore, brethren… be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”

    And as the Master said to (the alleged) Pilate – “… My kingdom is not of this world…”

    The real pandemic is Wetiko. A mind cage called “The World.” A mental kingdom walled off from the whole.

    world (n.) Old English woruld, worold “human existence, the affairs of life,”… from Proto-Germanic *weraldi-, a compound of *wer “man” … + *ald “age” – https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=world

    I doubt the validity of the calculation of the “Age of Aquarius” and the concept in its entirety. It appears to me the constellation known as Aquarius is a direct reference to John the Baptist and the whole system of constellations was an aid to remembering the story of the Gospel. The central figure of Ophiucus, the thirteenth constellation, conveniently forgotten in the new age diatribe.

    Modern astrology is a programme running in the world matrix. Like everything else worldly it contains an essence of the truth, but its been distorted beyond recognition in an attempt to prevent one from being transformed by the renewing of the mind.

    Suggest we start dousing one another with vessels of water!

    1. I came to your worthy site after searching for cliff high and age of aquarious to see if it brought up an results. why ? well i am very aware the the age of aquarius is a new age thinking, new age thinking looks to have be started off by some very shady characters (just look at Findhorne) whi suggest that this age of auquarius comes after the age of pisces is killed off ( aka christianity) I dont feel too happy about this personanally. Im also very uncomfortable with new age thinking,

      1. I agree with you both. However, there is certainly a shift in consciousness, regardless of Clif or anyone else’s modelling. Thanks for dropping by, Marshall.

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