It is a tyranny that is going Tits Up.
Remember, Remember 21st December.
On the Winter Solstice, beginning at 6:30pm on Tuesday, the people of Nottingham will be meeting at the iconic Robin Statue to voice the fact that they have had enough of the tyranny, the mass murder ‘program’ and any and all attempts to curtail their god-given freedoms.
As well as venting spleen, there will be a minute long candlelit silence for those who have been murdered by Midazolam and all those attending are asked to bring a candle for the vigil..
The anger is rising
This comes at the same time as the laying of the charges of mass murder against the 4 Horsemen of the Divoc 91 Apocalypse.
Yesterday, there was another massive turnout in London of hundreds of thousands of people who have evidently had a gut-full of the tyranny.

23.5 Million People in England Stand their Ground and decline the Divoc 91 Arm-spear
On top of which, it would appear that there is an enormous display of critically-thinking public non-compliance with the diktats of the criminal gov and its SAGE controllers, as exemplified by the fact Savage Jabhead and co. have lied about the actual numbers of unjabbed people in England alone:
As I have been stating for some time, the dark forces behind the Divoc 91 Psy-Op are, inevitably, losing the all-important control of the fake narrative. When it collapses, and that moment is imminent, the associated Rothschild Bankster’s manipulation of the psy-op and their attempts to further enslave the people via a centralised digital currency will come into sharp focus. This is exactly what the would-be controllers fear the most.
In short, the people have had enough.
Those who voted for Brexit did so in greater numbers than was claimed – this was why the controllers had to go along with it, to make it appear that it was a very close vote when, in reality, outside the bubbles of the dominant chattering classes, there is a sizeable number of British people who, quite simply, do not fall for the bullshit.
There are two measures that suggest this is the case:
Firstly, the fact that, as any stage or therapeutic hypnotist will confirm, there will always be at least a quarter of the people who remain unsusceptible any attempts to ‘put them under’ (mind-control them) :
Studies have shown that about 25% of the population cannot be hypnotized.
And about 10% are highly-susceptible to hypnosis.
And Professor Desmet simplifies this even more for us. He says that 30% of people are now deeply hypnotized and have irrationally accepted the experimental shots as their solution.
40% are not yet hypnotized but will ultimately go along with the herd.
And the rest of us are seeing things clearly.
What the enemy is trying to do is extremely dangerous, because if the masses ever awaken from their spell, they will demand justice and so stress must constantly be maintained upon the masses until the mass formation is complete.
Secondly, the fact that there are some 23.5 million people in England who have not even had one jab, according to the state’s own figures, is a solid indicator that the entire Divoc 91 Genocide programme is simply not going to work on huge swathes of the population.
A Message from the Dark Lord Rothschild?
On top of which there is this letter to Henry Makow, purportedly written by Overlord Jacob of the criminal House of Rothschild. Whether or not it is genuine is difficult or impossible to state – perhaps the Rothschild-owned Reuters Fact Checkers could confirm or deny it?
“Everyone must do the same. In all communist nations we have fostered, it is customary that for “equality” for the desired and planned “levelling” in this new order, in order for people to have the same in their needs and wants, everyone has to be psychologically trained to obey the same commands”“The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation – psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental. Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.” Henry Makow website
In any event, it is written in response to the voluminous works of Henry Makow who says it rings true. The link gives a clear analysis of the alleged Rothschild post, as do the comments below, which highlight the behaviours of a psychopath and the errors in his Dark Over Lordship’s inverted thinking, particularly with regard to the false claim that the truth is of no consequence for the majority of Mankind has lost its ability to think critically and in the name of ‘equality’, it has fallen to the Sabattean Frankist bullshit as espoused by a man whose family has parasited upon Mankind for over 200 years.
The collapse of the narrative and its associated revelations about the mass-murdering Overlords is imminent. Now is the time to stand our ground and make it clear we have had enough: the genocide must end.
Seasonal greetings to all my readers and especially to all who have made a donation over the past 12 months – all of which are truly appreciated.
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What is being portrayed here is that once supermarket shelves are empty, they are staying empty. The central banks are on the brink of collapse. When they do, slavery ends.
Official Objection and Public Notice and Protest
By Anna Von Reitz
This is an Official Objection and Public Notice.and Protest
It has come to our attention that former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu set up a “trigger” mechanism using Turkey and debts incurred by Turkey when Turkey undertook the cost of maintaining a million man army as security for the Middle East to (at least momentarily) collapse the European Central Bank and an unidentified UN Bank.
This leaves Europe paralyzed and global commerce at a standstill.
In less than a week, the World Trust “window” will open on Christmas Eve, and all the banks and governments will be lined up like the beggars and miscreants that they are, wanting to be bailed out, but as an Heir of St. Germain I can guarantee that this was never his intent in creating the trust. This chronic, deliberate abuse of the World Trust funds for bailing out banks and governments is contrary to the spirit, letter, and context of the World Trust Indenture.
Every member and trustee of the World Bank should be shamed in public. Photographs of their names and faces should be posted in every city and hamlet, so that they can be recognized for their criminal misadministration of funds meant to — first and foremost, ensure freedom and abundance and progress for humanity.
My illustrious ancestor obeyed Universal Law and that was his entire secret. He not only obeyed it, he fought for it. He paid for it. He established it as an inheritance for all Mankind. And the pimps and perverts of this world have imagined that all their scheming and fraud and cruelty and prejudice has gone unobserved?
I tell you that nothing that has gone on in secret is unknown. Not a single syllable. Not even a thought. The words and the deeds of the men and women responsible for the misuse and constructive obstruction of the World Trust Mission are all known, down to the minute, time, place, words, and actions.
The Great Judge of the Universe and the Source of Life within it will not be mocked. The Primal Creator will not sit idle any longer. You “Elders of Zion” have proven what you are in our midst, and all your feeble attempts to prevent the Word of God and the rebuilding of the True Temple are for naught.
Neither death nor the pollution of the blood of the innocent will prevail. Your childish attempts to reduce Mt. Zion to a rubble pile and a slope beside a highway where no temple could ever be built again, your attempts to pass the Roman Fort off as the site of the ruined Temple of the Moneychangers, all of it, is nothing but the vain supposing of children steeped in iniquity.
Hear me, the trap you built for others will become your own jail. The evil you intended will go homeless and come back to you. Every spell you cast shall be broken; every lie you tell will be revealed.
See? The curses of their Fathers hang around their necks, the putrid scars of dead minds and hearts, the insanity of Satan passed on generation to generation must come to an end.
So it has been foretold for all the generations that the Good Lord shall separate them, as a Shepherd separates the goats from the sheep; and the hand of the Knowing One shall be upon their necks.
Why should the Beloved fear when she sees these signs, and knows that her True Love is near, yes, even knocking at the gates?
Nay, we will not fear or falter, nor concern ourselves with the Gates of Hell. Our spirits will be light and our days full of blessing. In the middle of the chaos, we shall be firm and fixed as the stars of the heavens. His hand is stretched above us; his legions stand at our backs and at either hand. His Spirit leads us on to victory even now, so don’t worry or fret.
Be like Joshua, full of faith, and like Gideon when he saw.
Open your eyes. Stand firm.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
the link to Henry M page takes you to an article ‘Insider reveals…’ there is a photo of Kissenger with a quote. However the photo has all the 666 symbolism, the MM master mason. Its fake as Christmas.
From Man to Human to Transhuman — Rebel Now
By Anna Von Reitz
Your blood is being polluted. Literally. This is ancient advanced warfare being brought forward into the modern day. If you want to know more about it, read Isaiah and the Vedic Manuscripts that record the events of The Great Plasma War, when Lord Krishna successfully defended Earth from invasion.
This is where the “bloodline elitism” comes from—- the “elites” polluted the blood, meaning the genetics, of their victims —and have attempted to maintain their own bloodlines free and “pure” from this man made genetic pollution they engineered.
They did this to ensure that they would have longer lives and greater intelligence and be able to maintain control over the rest of the population.
Even the term “blue blood” is specific to this practice. It refers to the engineered change of the hemoglobin molecule to selectively accept the Iron Ion which gives blood its red color and which causes the oxidative stress that limits our lifetimes to around 100 years. There is a reason that Lord Krishna is always portrayed as blue-skinned.
We originally had blue blood and this gave us a blue tinge to our skin. It also allowed us to live for hundreds of years, as the ionic composition of “blue blood” is relatively immune to the oxidative stress that kills those with iron-based red blood.
This conversion from blue blood to red blood is recorded in the Bible, where God is vexed with Mankind’s lack of improvement, despite all the years of life originally ordained for us; and shortened our life cycle. It doesn’t tell us how this was done, but other records do.
It was done by genetic engineering that altered the metal ions in hemoglobin and changed our blood color from blue to red.
There is also a reason that the blood of those who received the jab cannot be mixed with the blood of those who didn’t receive the jab. Don’t believe it? Call your local blood bank.
We are in the clutches of madmen, who have studied the ancient manuscripts of the Aryans (Orions) and who are continuing the practices of the Nazis, seeking to build first “Super Soldiers” and then, AI Interfaced “Transhumans” that they can control as slaves and gun fodder in wars for profit.
There is no greater criminal in the history of the world than Bill Gates.
If you disagree, watch this:
And remember to regularly check my homebase: for news that is fit to print, but not being covered by the Mainstream Media.
The people have been murdered so that queen lizard breath could cash in on the life insurance policies attached to the person via the fraudulent birth certificate. They have used ancient technology to pollute the blood and destroy the soul. The blood is the soul.
In this latest webinar by Anna Von Reitz, she explains after the 10 minute mark how they have used ancient blood pollution technology to murder those who took the jab. Who benefits? Attached to every “person” is a life insurance policy ($1million average) via the birth certificate. Not just upon death, but upon the administration of the kill shot, the Queen that abdicated 3 days after taking her Coronation Oath, stands to receive the proceeds from every one of those life insurance policies.