The Loosening Grip of a Death Cult

The War on the Brain being waged by a Death Cult known as Eugenics. This war is reliant upon a mesh of control that ranges from propaganda, to an unquestioning cult belief in its practices to a literal nano-particulate covering of Graphene Oxide being injected directly into the bloodstreams of the victims.

Yesterday’s piece highlighted poisoning as the preferred method of murder for those anxious to conceal their crimes, and what better way for mass murderers to ‘cull the herd’ than by the injection of poisonous vials into the targeted victims? I have previously written of how and why the NHS is effectively a Death Cult, which is actively killing off the population, selling body parts and slowly poisoning the people via its prescription of oil-based medicine.

Similarly, we have the Cult of Covid. Like any cult, its believers are required to swallow its central tenets without question. They know not from whence, how or why the tenets are to be believed and repeated, only that they should put their faith in its fake science.

My body, my choice.

The Quackery that is ‘modern medicine’ has been advocating mass vaccination for over 200 years. At one point it was ‘mandatory’ in Britain but that was brought to a halt by the people of Leicester who simply refused to allow themselves to be injected:

In 1853 the government made vaccination against smallpox compulsory in the first three months of a child’s life. This law was known as the New Vaccination Act because the first Vaccination Act of 1840 had largely failed to take off; despite being free, vaccination was also voluntary and, still a relatively new invention, many were yet to be convinced by its safety. […]


The people of Leicester finally achieved some of what they wanted when the 1898 Vaccination Act was passed. This Act removed some of the penalties imposed for resisting vaccination and included a conscience clause, which allowed parents to get a certificate of exemption if they did not wish to vaccinate their children. Now anyone with a suspicion of vaccination could cite the Leicester Method as a government sanctioned alternative and, as long as they followed the rules rigorously, couldn’t be prosecuted.”  Source

Mass vaccinations of the UK people were carried out in the 1800s, having been ‘invented’ by Edward Jenner,

Edward Jenner,(17 May 1749 – 26 January 1823) was an English physician and scientist who pioneered the concept of vaccines including creating the smallpox vaccine, the world’s first vaccine. The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1798 in the long title of his Inquiry into the Variolae vaccinae known as the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of cowpox against smallpox.” Source


Again, the history of mass jib-jabbing has all the hallmarks of being a death cult, a Eugenics wet dream, designed to surreptiously kill off the elderly, the weak, the vulnerable and debilitate whole swathes of the population.

Little wonder that once mass jib-jabbing began, there was an apparent rise in neurological diseases, which has continued alongside the increasing rates of innoculation, from the cradle to the grave. Some men, like doctor James Parkinson, actually had such diseases named after them. Parkinson first published his theory in An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, in 1817. Source

Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, and epilepsy result from damage to the brain, spinal column or peripheral nerves. Some neurological conditions are life threatening, with many severely affecting an individual’s quality of life.


There are over 600 types of neurological conditions, which are broadly categorised into:
Sudden onset conditions (e.g. acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury)
Intermittent and unpredictable conditions (e.g. epilepsy, ME, certain types of headache, or the early stages of multiple sclerosis)


Progressive conditions (e.g. motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s disease, or later stages of multiple sclerosis)


Stable neurological conditions (e.g. post-polio syndrome, or cerebral palsy in adults)


Key facts

  • £3.3 billion spent in 2012-13 on neurological services (3.5% of NHS spend)
  • 14% of the social care budget spent on people living with neurological conditions
  • There are an average of 12.5 million episodes of care per year
  • An average clinical commissioning group (CCG) has 59,000 patients with a neurological condition
  • There is an increasing trend in neurological deaths: 39% increase in annual deaths compared to 6% decrease in all-cause deaths since 2001. Deaths associated with a neurological condition are 35% more likely to be premature
  • People with neurological conditions have the lowest health-related quality of life of any long term condition
  • £750 million spent on urgent and emergency care including admission to hospital with 3.6% growth in emergency admissions year on year. Source


The All-Enveloping Graphene Oxide – also present in Flu Jib-Jab

Another laboratory analysis, this time pointing to Graphene Oxide being in VaxiGrip Anti-Flu Vials, is yet further evidence of the usage by the Death Cult of the jib-jab as its preferred means of mass murder.

The following video contains microscopic imagery of the contents of a flu jib-jab called VaxiGrip, made by the Sanofi-Aventis Company.

It is targeted at “Adults and children over 36 months”.

Vaxigrip Tetra is a vaccine. This vaccine helps to protect you or your child against influenza (flu). Vaxigrip Tetra is used to prevent flu in persons of 6 months of age and older. If you are pregnant, one dose of vaccine given to you during pregnancy may protect your baby from birth to less than 6 months of age.”  Source

What are the other ingredients? According to the official document of the company, it is a


Buffered saline solution composed of:

  • Sodium chloride
  • Potassium chloride
  • Sodium phosphate (monobasic)

Water for injection

VAXIGRIP may also contain traces of egg proteins, formaldehyde, octoximol 9 and neomycin.

This is what the Spanish research team into the usage of graphene oxide state by way of a preamble to the video below.

Did you think that only COVID vaccines contained graphene? Well, now this nanomaterial has been also found in the flu vaccine Vaxigrip Tetra.
La Quinta Columna revealed this information today in its 84th program.
This vial’s analysis is being carried out by a researcher, for the moment anonymous, who is in contact with the Spanish team.”

Progressive supranuclear palsy was the neurological disorder which my father was diagnosed with in 2011, after being initially mis-diagnosed as having Parkinson’s Disease in 2008,

In 1877, Charcot described a 40-year-old woman who had rigid-akinetic parkinsonism, neck dystonia, dysarthria, and eye-movement problems. Chavany and others reported the clinical and pathologic features of a 50-year-old man with a rigid and akinetic form of parkinsonism with postural instability, neck dystonia, dysarthria, and staring gaze in 1951. Progressive supranuclear palsy was first described as a distinct disorder by neurologists John Steele, John Richardson, and Jerzy Olszewski in 1963.


[…] The unique frontal lobe cognitive changes of progressive supranuclear palsy (apathy, loss of spontaneity, slowing of thought processes, and loss of executive functions) were first described by Albert and colleagues in 1974.”   Source



On top of all this, it is well-documented that the mass jib-jabbing of children, particularly over the last 40 years has ‘coincided’ with an enormous rise in neurological disorders amongst the young for which oil-based pharmaceutical products are dispensed, to the financial benefit of the companies that manufacture them and then push them out via the licensed drug-pushers, commonly referred to as ‘Doctors’.

Remember, the perfect murder requires the perpetrator to get off Scot-free, for the means to be undedectable and, hence, unprovable. It is hardly illogical to state that the vile vials being injected directly into people’s bloodstreams is one such tried, tested and  successful means. Add on top of that, the fake ‘immunity’ from prosecution that is granted to the quacks who manufacture the poisons and you have the recipe for ‘perfect’ mass murder.

My dad passed away in 2017 after being admitted to hospital from his care home with an issue regarding his catheter. This developed, or so we were informed, into pneumonia and he was put on ventilator. From that point on, the staff at the hospital were able to determine that he would not survive the night. Was he murdered by the Eugenics Death Cult? What was the cause of his neurological disease? Could it have been the fact he was jib-jabbed with a flu vial some 2 years previously, never having had cause to visit the Doctor or Dentist in his previous 64 years of life on this realm?

He was a strong, tough man who enjoyed walking everywhere and only ever suffered from common colds, yet he was suddenly struck down with a neurological disease, totally un-connected to a flu jib-jab?

I would posit that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, who have witnessed their own elderly family members passing on this way. Maybe a more accurate expression would be murdered.

However, the truth will out and we are moving to the point where the machinations of the death cult are being exposed in their entirety and there is no clearer example of that than the ‘confession’ of Dr Luke Evans and Matt Hancock that the NHS was injecting people with lethal cocktails of Midazolam and Morphine to kill them off, in accordance with the Eugenics movement, or Death Cult as it could reasonably be termed.


Further reading


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