A Christmas Message & a Tale of Inheritance
I write this as an acknowledgement of my ancestral lineage and as a celebration of all those with whom we stand, shoulder-to-shoulder, in the good fight against the forces of darkness.
As regular readers will be aware, my childhood was spent in the rain-lashed town of Huddersfield, in a place called Lindley, high on the Eastern edge of the Pennines, the range of hills that separates Lancashire and Yorkshire and stretches from Derbyshire to Northumberland.

Like many of my generation, that childhood was one in which I was steeped in a Christian tradition. A tradition that seemed to me to be as old as the millstone grit upon which much of those lands stand and from which much of its architecture was constructed. Chapels, churches, church halls, the re-purposed Mechanics Institute, even my junior school were built in a grandiose style of such endurability that, at this point in my life, some 50 years later, I am increasingly of the view that they are more ancient than we have been led to believe. In other words, they were not capable of being built in such numbers and with such precision and skill as the official timelines would have us believe.
Another example of a repurposed building was the former workhouse in which I was born:

One aspect of this Christian up-bringing was that we would sing hymns, songs of joy that mapped out the seasons of the year and filled my young self with a sense of awe, a knowingness that these hymns lifted my heart and instilled in me the understanding that their lyrics were powerful declarations that had a warrior-like quality to them. These hymns are muscular declarations of our faith in the truth. They are declarations of love for God, underpinned by the power of the Christ archetype and a love which will armour us in the battle against the dark (or Ahrimanic) forces which I knew to be existent from an early age. These forces had swept me up as an infant who endured a circumcision, they were the entities that pursued me in my sleep, to leave me bathed in cold sweats and they were the source of all that was malevolent in the world.
My people
As I have previously written, as a young lad I was always conscious of the tough climate in which I found myself and, all around me, this toughness was reflected in the people, a quality that was matched by the friendliness and generous spirit of the folk of Huddersfield, in common with countless other communities across the northern lands formerly known as Bernicia and Deira.
By way of example, here is a photograph of my infant self with my two granddads: on the left, my paternal grandfather, Tom Kaye and, on the right, my maternal grandfather, Stanley Thompson:
At that time, Tom would have been 60 years old and Stanley, 65. Take a look at those beaming lined faces and those calloused hands and you will see that they were, self-evidently, tough men, unlike the lily-livered Eugenists like the effete Billy Goats, Matt Wancock, Neil Ferguson, Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and the rest of those poor specimens who advocate culling Mankind as if they are some superior specimen altogether.
Stanley had fought in France in the First World War as a teenager. He was gassed in the trenches and blinded for a number of months. He didn’t fight in WW2 but worked in a reserved occupation at Hawker Aircraft Ltd, Blackpool.
Tom was an engineer who worked in the mills and factories of Huddersfield. During WW2, he was also not conscripted as his work at David Brown Ltd was also deemed to be a reserved occupation.
I write about this because it has become ever-apparent to me over the last two decades, but particularly these last 24 months, that we are in a spiritual war and victory will be achieved by all who have the requisite levels of ancestral toughness, fortitude and connected-ness with the forces of good.
Such people exist in their tens of millions across these lands and it was my pleasure to connect with a good number of them on the Winter Solstice, 2021 at a gathering next to the Robin Hood statue outside Nottingham Castle that celebrated the laying of the charges for Government Mass Murder by Midazolam that very day and held a candle-lit vigil for all those who have been murdered by the syringe-carrying murderers in white coats.

At which point, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to the blessed people of Nottingham who turned up for the Solstice event (above) – estimates as to how many were there vary from 100 to 200. Whilst I don’t know the exact figure, as I turned the corner of Friar Lane I was somewhat taken aback by volume of the crowd. I’d say, from my position there and on the statue, there must have been well over a hundred. There’s no doubt about it, Nottingham stood up on the Solstice and I was proud to be there. If anyone has any photographs to share, please do so and watch this space for news on future events.
In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to thank my ever-growing readership for their support and encouragement over the last 12 months and to wish every fellow warrior out there a joyous Christmas and a most prosperous 2022, in every sense.
May you continue to Fight the Good Fight, for the sake of all those who came before us and who will follow after us.
Further reading:
Universal Community Trust (UCT)
The Bernician – Charges Laid Against 8 Defendants over Mass Murder by Government
Over 23.5 Million in England Remain Unjabbed
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Good tidings and Blessings Michael.
Thank-you, John. May your cup brimmeth over!
Know your enemies.
Who’s company released a chemical bio weapon in China?
Who owns the media?
Who owns the vax companies?
Who controls life insurance policies attached to the “person”?
Who pockets £400million per vax casualty from above policy?
When you have worked that one out.
Who sits in Rome and fealty has been given by the above?
There you have the 2 biggest mass murderers in human history.
The rest are accomplices.
Love, peace and joy to all.
Each warrior connects with source, a spring, a transcendent heart, an irridescent stream, whose energy seeks the great river where all converges in great unstoppable moving power, divergence united and stilled by the knowledge that it has met truth in its vast, beautiful, infinitely loving universe.
God bless you merry gentlemen, women and your children everywhere, good Yuletide.
Thank you Michael. As ever.
Beautifully expressed, Marianne.
All the very best to you and yours over the Yuletide and here’s to a resurgent 2022.
Thank you Michael of beautiful Bernicia!
I’ll pass on your regards to the other Michael (this is the website of Michael of delightful Deira) 🙂
Hello dear Michael of delightful Deira!
Thank you for clarifying! I am sorry for the mix-up.
I love your posts and I am ever grateful for men such as you who light the way for so many.
My heartfelt wishes for a wonderful 2022, Happy New Year.
You’re kind, Marianne 😉
… and the very best to you in 2022.
The very tenets of identity and strength of culture you mention are the very things so much time, money, energy and propaganda has been invested throughout our lives into obfuscating and destroying.
For me, it’s taken almost a full life before you can actually identify the pattern and tactics of the attack.
They are now moving on to destroying the very connection between God and man.
(just a afterthought that may be of interest?)
I spent the past 7 months traveling throughout the outback of Australia and what occurred to me was the overwhelming evidence of the complete lack of passion in those people under about 40.
It was evident and obvious.
Some tangible quality or ‘thing’ that the boomers had growing up at the same age has now completely disappeared among this following generation. Maybe it’s right ‘across the board’ but, I found it very noticeable among the younger ones.
Something is missing. Hope and maybe a wildness? It’s difficult to define a missing passion but the absence of it is noticeable.
For me, at least, it akin to reaching the point where I can look back and see the purpose behind all that has happened and taken place. When people used to write their autobiographies, it was usually later in life; at the point where their vision is clear and the context is evident.
I have heard the under 40 generation (the ‘millenials’) labelled the ‘MMR’ generation. For many, it is as Rudolph Steiner predicted when he said that in the future, ‘innoculations’ would remove man’s ability to connnect with God. In effect, the jib-jabs have lobotomised that generation.
I thought this might interest you?
I wrote this back in ’96 but it is so relevant for today imo. A bit prophetic maybe?
These are lyrics to a song although I’ve omitted the chorus lyrics because they don’t work as well in a poetic format. You gotta hear it sung!!
Anyway, I don’t care if you include this post in your comments really. I mainly wanted you to read them.
The Devils Hands©
Vaughan & Clare Famularo
There’s more people lying, less people trying,
Seems like a recipe for success
But there’s more people hurtin, and less people certain
Everybody’s racing to impress
We’re no longer asking, why everyone is masking,
the truth of the situation with a lie,
and the gays are getting louder, as they’re called to get prouder
While we, scratch our heads and wonder why?
The Politicians scramble, when they find out their gamble,
was not as popular as they first thought,
but it doesn’t really matter, as the people are in tatters
as they only know what the TV taught
The Media Baron manipulates, while our reasoning capitulates,
They set societies morals into solid fudge,
and they manicure our heroes, and treat us all as zero’s
and we act the part without even a budge
The Police are stuck in the middle, they’re open to the fiddle,
They’ll dance as long as the music plays,
and the media play the groove, only the conductor is removed,
by the democratic voters, voting through the haze
How long can we live the lie, condemn the truth to die
and draw only from the mind of man?
For when we declare ourselves creator, and tie the hands of the narrator,
We place ourselves into the Devils Hands!
into the Devils Hands
As true today as it was 25 years ago – thanks for sharing, Vaughan.
Why the big push to stick a genocidal needle in the children? This article fully explains why.
I believe you need to watch these Michael. Why isn’t anyone questioning 15C temperatures in late December?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/5Z6y2LTFVzzk/ 3 minutes long
https://www.bitchute.com/video/0CemEs4hLolg/ 23 minutes long
Time to get physical me thinks before there’s no one left to be physical.
The Universal Community Trust were mentioned in this video by Common Law Constables.
It seems i forgot the video Michael.
Pope Francis murdered Xmas Eve.