Episode 54 – The Truth

Plainly expressed, the Truth is simple, which is in marked contrast to the falsehoods that are so manifestly pumped out right now, largely by the state-institutions of propaganda but also by individuals who put their rhetoric before the grammar (the data) and logic (reason).

However, the Truth is always a beautiful thing for when it is expressed, there is a resonance in our bodies by which we intuit it to be correct.

As John Keats expressed it in his Ode on a Grecian Urn,

When old age shall this generation waste,
                Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st,
         “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
                Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

Please join me on this impromptu RogueCast in which I distinguish between those who are simply morons and those who are gobshites.

Edit: this episode is dedicatd to one of my lovely supporters, Dina whose birthday it is today. Many Happy Returns, my dear and thank you for your generous support.

If you haven’t already, then please take the time to  read these articles on promissory notes and the one on the promise to pay in order to add context to what I am discoursing upon.

Please note also that I will shortly be offering a Saturday night webinar, An Introduction to the Trivium, in which I will take the audience through a practical application of this keystone of the 7 Liberal Arts which stands as the most effective method for uncovering the truth.

Many thanks to all those who have helped to keep my work going via their donations through the ‘Buy me a Coffee’ button https://www.buymeacoffee.com/modb

As stated in the RogueCast, I have been denied any form of credit across a variety of platforms – I am currently banned from accessing my Faceborg account and Google/YouTube is literally blocking me from uploading my latest RogueCasts, so please like and share this post as far and wide as you are able and be sure to subscribe to the Rogue Male email list for all notifications.

Thank you for watching – yours,  In Truth and Honour, Michael

Further reading and listening:

The Promissory Note

A Promise to Pay

If you haven’t seen it already, then the Great British Mortgage Swindle can be viewed for free at the link provided.

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