Episode 48: The Dog Star Rages

As we enter the Dog Days of August.

Yesterday, I posted an article which covered the scripted street theatrics that are breaking out across the Isles of Britain right now and posited that the riots are socially engineered. It is as though the controllers are baking a cake of civil unrest from a WEF recipe book.

Those ingredients include the mass unfettered immigration of hundreds of thousands of illigal ‘settlers’ of dubious worth. This is blatantly designed to cause disaffection and when combined with a series of false flag operations, it is relatively easy for the writers to sit back and watch the plebs scramble over the hubris of an entirely scripted stage play, albeit with a fair amount of improvisation.

However, getting mad and becoming involved in some kind of street-theatre is not what is required. The situation calls for calm heads and stout hearts, for manly stoicism and, as I outline in this Rogue Cast, for a more cerebral approach.

The de-facto situation that we are facing is one in which a multi-cultural fake society has been foisted on the people without their consent by those lickspittles who falsely believe themselves to be our superiors. The complete collapse in trust for the UK government is exemplifed by whichever puppet is in place in the role of Prime Minister.

So it is with Keir Starmer-Starmer-Chameleon, a man who is directly responsibe for the tolerance and consequent imposition of illegal immigration under some bogus Human Rights case he won as a legal advocate some 20 years ago. He then, as Head of the moribund CPS, covered up the case against Jimmy Savile when there was clearly enough evidence to try him for his crimes against Mankind. On the back of his dark service to his overlords, he was knighted. It all amounts to a systemic and scripted collapse in representative governance, though I do doubt whether such a thing has ever really existed. Starmer has openly professed his allegiance to the WEF, which makes him a traitor and, in response to the engineered riots, is now trying to push forward the digital ID package, which is self-evidently of the same tenure as China’s social credit scheme.

Readers may be well aware of all this, but how many know of the fact that he has a specific statute that was awarded to him that prevents his pension being taxed? As incredible as it seems, here it is on the UK government’s legislation page. Just when you may be forgiven for thinking no-one could match the previous short-arse, Rishi Sunak for money-making scams and sheer personal greed, along comes Starmer, a man whose closet must be bursting at the seams with skeletons.

Dog only (sic) knows how much longer he will last in this lead-role as PM but by his fruits shall ye know him and he stands alongside each of  the traitors who manifestly comprise the Enemy Within.

It thus follows that we have to tackle the roots of the problem – a parasitic class is leeching from each of us and needs to be starved of nutrition – namely the funding and compliance they require to keep their overlords’ grift going. Starve the beast.

Thanks for watching and listening. Should you be feeling appreciative, please buy me a coffee or several.

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