Episode 40: The Path Less Travelled.

The path of this episode is tangled to such an extent that few are prepared to walk it.

“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”
- H. G. Wells (1866-1946).

It’s been a while since I visited the subject of feminism and how destructive it has been since its insemination – it was funded in its entirety by the usual financiers – just like the suffragette movement, which was a terrorist organisation, with Emily Davison being little more than a bitter spinster with a penchant for violence and endangering lives (see below).

In my last article, I posited the view that the government indoctrination camps aka schools are pumping out a feminised curriculum that is to the blatant detriment of all boys but particularly those from poorer families.

Reference is made in the RogueCast to Emily Davison of the Suffragettes and her criminal history as detailed in this overview of a sinister spinster:

“… but Emily Davison was far from being a gentle martyr. In fact she was an extremely volatile and unpredictable woman; rootless and unemployed.

She was responsible for injuring at least one person so severely that she almost faced a charge of causing grievous bodily harm, as well as being the first suffragette to use arson as a weapon and also responsible for carrying out the first bomb attack in twentieth century England.

In many ways, Emily Davison epitomises the more aggressive type of suffragette, those who cheerfully engaged in acts of violence and destruction, giving no thought at all to those who might be injured or lose their lives in the process.” Simon Webb on Substack

The lie of feminism.

A number of women have come to the realisation that their lives were most content, not when pursuing the vain-glory of a career but when they were with those they loved and able to nurture them. One of them was a novelist called Taylor Caldwell, whose words echoed those of Jo, one of the little women in Louis Alcott’s eponymous novel.

If rank and money come with love and virtue, also, I should accept them gratefully, and enjoy your good fortune, but I know, by experience, how much genuine happiness can be had in a plain little house, where the daily bread is earned, and some privations give sweetness to the few pleasures.  Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

The feminisation of public bodies like schools does, of course, extend far into other governmental agencies and institutions. It is part and parcel of a bankster-communist takeover – the financial overlords are communists through and through – acting like a soviet politburo, a Soviet Union that those same overlords funded into existence via the usual suspects – namely, the Bolshevik Jews.

Linda Yaccarino, CEO of Twitter, a woman with a deep involvement in mass mind control via the media, stated,

Freedom of speech, not reach basically means that if it is lawful, but it’s awful, it’s extraordinarily difficult for you to see it on Twitter,

Not only does she have a long history of working in media propaganda and brain washing – but she is also credited with putting together a Covid 19 “vaccine campaign” for the captured US Gov under Biden. That means she has blood on her hands as a consequence of her role in brainwashing millions to take the needle of death. She also has worked with the WEF.

Reference is also made to former Post Office CEO Paula Vennells, whose performance in the job was evidently as useless as her protestations of selective memory loss and appeals to emotion at the inquiry iinto the PO Scandal.

As ever, thank you for watching. Should you appreciated the work at RM, then you may wish to buy me a coffee, or even several. Thank you very much in particular to everyone who bought me a brew and especially to Dave Sharman for his generous support and also for this comment,

“Really enlightening, intriguing, & mind opening information. All your casts are like a piece of music, where aspects in life become harmonised, similar to finding those missing pieces to the jigsaw puzzle.

Loved the way you handled that ‘tramp stamped’ bailiff bogey, with more ink on him that a years worth of tabloids!. Also admiration for the apt expressive bespoke expletives, such as see you next Tuesday waffle!. Cheers for these much appreciated masterpieces Michael.” – review from Dave Sharman


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