Armageddon by Needlepoint

The vax is the (bio) weapon and the body is the battleground: ‘top’ vaccine advocate and insider expresses grave concerns that there will be an Armageddon like situation over the destruction of the immune systems in those who take the jab.

I am not one for hyperbole or promoting fear but the extraordinary time has arrived when, for those with the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the critical thinking skills to work out the machinations of the NWO, we are forced to admit that we are in an Armageddon or world war, the like of which has not been experienced in living memory.

The previous ‘World Wars’ of the 20th Century were ultimately about culling the herd whilst making a profit from it. Armageddon is profitable for genocide always pays. This time, there is no need for bombs, guns and gas for now there is a world-wide deployment of a Trojan Horse injection weaponry where the battlegrounds are actually our own biological bodies. In the words of Del Bigtree, it amounts to

Carnage like we have never seen

as he explains how the vax kills off the recipient’s immune system in everyone who has received the vile vial:

For hundreds of millions around the planet, this will be akin to Dante’s inferno, or the Armageddon of people by needlepoint. Genocide by another name:

The vaccine is helping the virus gain function […] It’s turning hundreds of millions of people into a gigantic gain of function laboratory… it (the virus) is being turned into a hulk and we will be powerless to defeat it.

Del Bigtree

The creation of an Armageddon by way of injection is a eugenics wet dream. Gerrt Vanden Bossche, the interviewee in the above clip, has actually worked for the Gates Foundation and Gavi, amongst others. He is thus a highly placed insider and when he says he fears for the future of his children, as well as the world’s people, it behoves us to take him seriously:

You are losing the most precious part of your immune system imaginable and that is your innate immune system … the natural antibodies will be out-competed by these antigen specific antibodies and you lose every protection against any viral variant or corona virus variant etc.

So, effectively, each recipient will develop Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome [AIDS] and it’s just a matter of time. When not if. That is a ‘eugenocide’ – Armaggedon by needlepoint.

Right now, I would encourage all discerning individuals to consider removing themselves from the state’s tentacles and claiming their natural sovereignty, under the jurisdiction of UCT. Please follow the link and read through the information. 

After all, if the house is ablaze around you, is it not time to get out?


8 thoughts on “Armageddon by Needlepoint

  1. When the people promoting the vaccine are congenital liars you really have to pause and ask if you are a free person or a worthless drone. I dread what is coming down the road for those that take these mRNA non vaccines.

  2. I got my first and only 12 hour ban on twitter for my reply to a tweet. The tweet was similar to Rodolfo’s comment,
    ” I dread what is coming down the road for those that take these mRNA non vaccines.”
    My reply went something like this “What I think will happen is that anyone who takes the vax will be eventually controlled by G5”.
    Any thoughts?

    1. I think the scale of what they are attempting with the mrna jabs and the 5g, along with all of the associated frauds will be their downfall. Why? Because you can’t fook with nature and expect to succeed. One has to work with nature, not against it – a fact well-known to our ancient ancestors who had energy devices we have been made ignorant of.

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