Episode 37: A Question of Authority

Under whose Authority Do You Stand?

The ‘UK Establishment’ is firmly and deliberately embedded in the ‘Legal’ system, meaning they are in league with their satanic paymasters to cover up certain swindles, like the Great British Mortgage Swindle, or exposure of such salient matters as the Name Game.

The majority of those judges, barristers and lawyers are expensively educated individuals into whom the false notion of superiority has been inculcated. All of which, interestingly enough, reminds me of another indoctrinated group of tiny hat wearers who hold on to the same sense of entitlement over the Goyim.

It is to be noted that this sense of superiority, naturally, breeds a level of arrogance that deems them to falsely consider themselves as the Authority, the judgemental ones whose word is infallible and whose cover ups are justified by the perverse notion that certain swindles, banking frauds and criminal behaviours of those atop the dung heap of the pyramid are acceptable in the interests of national security. Having created this inverted house of cards, built from a deck of flimsy statutory ‘legality’, they then rely on this as a way to establish a ‘legal immunity’ that they say ties their hands and prevents them providing lay litigants the equitable remedies to which they are entitled in His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Services (HMCTS).
However, their authority is fake. In support of this claim, I quote the learned Gerald Massey, who stated,

“They must find it hard to take Truth for authority who have so long mistaken Authority for Truth.”
— Gerald Massey

The following testimony from Anthony Carlin provides us with a current example (there are literally thousands of them) of how this false authority is used by certain bewigged men acting as judges in the High Court of HMCTS (Northern Ireland) to railroad him and shut down any chance of an equitable remedy to his battles with the Great British Mortgage Swindle. This battle has been raging for a decade or so and at one stage, in early 2016, involved Anthony carrying out a lawful arrest of a particular judge who was, demonstrably, committing fraud against him in court.

The Court of Appeal found against me on 24th April 2024 .
As expected. It stank of unfairness and predetermination in ALL dealings since 2nd Feb 2024. I have now officially exhausted the civil legal process in Northern Ireland to try and save my home.


The measly 60 minutes granted to me for a hearing that was initially set for 1 day but was reduced to one hour after I requested it be extended to 2 days, was adjourned at the end for 20 minutes, before the collaborators delivering their biased and predetermined judgment.


The shocker for me was the audacity and sheer effrontery of Lord Justice McCloskey and Mr Justice Humphreys to continue to hold the appeal despite my strong well founded objections. They simply disregarded the fact that there was and still is a live complaint before the lady chief justice about their bias and discriminatory treatment of me in all previous hearings to date. The Lady Chief Justice still hasn’t responded to my complaint or even acknowledged it. It seems the levels they stoop to holds no bounds.


They doubled down when I asked for time to do the extra applications I needed. Once I paid the £10k in Feb they simply set the appeal up to give me the least time and least evidence. I was put in a “legal straitjacket” as one advisor stated.


The upside ( if there was one) is that despite me having to do another all nighter to prepare for court after 11 weeks of personal hell and stress, my verbal delivery in court on 24th April was one of my best ever.


After they handed down the judgement, I raised the issue of the Court granting a Stay to enable me to appeal to the Supreme Court without the ongoing threat of eviction and they directed that I had to have an application before the court by 4 p.m. on Friday 26th April regarding keeping a ‘stay of execution’ in place to block the bailiffs and facilitate an appeal to the supreme Court. The Justices stated there would be no need for any hearing and they’d just decide all by themselves. It was an utter disgrace.


I submitted it by the deadline and then served stamped copies on all parties. Santander’s legal team responded on Monday 29th April stating a few things including that that they objected to me having any further level of appeal. I then sent a responding email to the Court of Appeal and Santander stating that I had paid a £165 fee for a hearing and wanted one as I hadn’t been given the opportunity to respond to Santanders response. I stated that it was a breach of my article six ECHR right to a fair trial and insisted that I be given an opportunity to orally argue the points in a hearing about the Stay.


Just as I have become accustomed to in recent months since reaching this level of Court, neither the Court of Appeal or Santander have had the decency or respect to bother their backsides either acknowledging my email or responding to it.


I asked for 3 things:


1. The “Leave” of the Court to appeal to the Supreme Court.
2. A stay of execution to give me space to submit my appeal.
3. To challenge the exorbitant costs awarded to the crooks at A&L Goodbody.


Apparently acknowledging receipt of emails or simply responding to the likes of me is beneath these esteemed individuals


I anticipate as much resistance as the Court of Appeal and Santander can collectively throw at me moving forward. Time wasting – you name it.

I am currently working on this application to appeal to the Supreme Court which has a very limited time and is a large and complex amount of work for any lay litigant. I am fully focused on that right now, hence my regretful lack of updates.


In my experienced opinion – the civil justice system in Northern Ireland is irreparably broken. It is simply not fit for purpose. A home stealing business.


Maybe getting higher courts from outside this jurisdiction involved will help shed some light on the crookedness and blatant unfairness experienced by so many self represented litigants in Belfast High court.

And maybe it won’t .

Proceed though we will.

Many thanks for your support.”

As I state in this week’s RogueCast, when the people are denied remedy at every turn by a captured juidiciary, then they will create their own remedy. In the case of TGGMS, I posit that the application of the Common Law and the Common Law Equitable process are the 2 weapons in our armoury against this Rigged System of enslavement.

Stand your ground: do not accept void orders from those who falsely claim authority over you. After all, when all is said and done, no man-made entity and/or system of oppression/organised religion can stand between you and the Creator without your expressed consent.

When I state that the system is satanic, I mean it is wholly reliant upon inversion of the truth and the fact and its overlords, whether or not they know it, are acting in cahoots with the demiurge, the false god of this realm.

Whichever way one wishes to frame it, the war is, ultimately, a spiritual one of good vs bad, of truth vs lies, of fact over fiction, of Love over “Dungeon Programming” (Jason Breshears), of ‘collective interests ‘over the rights of the sovereign individual.

The time for politeness is over – You are the antidote and all power lies with and in the immortal soul, the hero who is passing through this construct. No Surrender.

Legibus sumptis disinentibus, lege naturae utendum est. When laws imposed by the state fail, we must act by the law of nature. 2 Roll. R. 298.

Essential Reading and further viewing:

  1. Sir Ross Cranston – the ‘Knight’ by whose false authority my negligence claim was closed down.
  2. Common Law Equitable Lien Remedy
  3. Universal Community Trust
  4. Treaty of UCT
  5. MOB on Alec Zeck podcast
  6. Void Orders
  7. The origins of the Great British Mortgage Swindle lie in the Jewish Shetar

A huge thank you to all those readers and viewers who support my work. If you appreciate the work at the RM site, please consider making a donation via the Buy Me a Coffee button.

Thank you.


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