Episode 36: Preposterous

Preposterous: the brass neck of an imposter in Derry, a judicial cover-up and a rigged election.

pre·pos·ter·ous| prəˈpäst(ə)rəs | adjective contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous: a preposterous suggestion.


ORIGIN mid 16th century: from Latin praeposterus reversed, absurd(from prae before + posterus coming after) + -ous.


The preposterous mayoral appointment (not election) of a Native Kenyan woman who has been in Northern Ireland for only 3-4 years is as marvellous example of the clown world as it gets.

In her recent diatribe against the native people of Ireland, whom she falsely claims to represent, she opines the official narrative of the globalist hegemony that is behind the mass-immigration of hordes of men into the islands of Britain. She literally repeats the propaganda that diversity is strength, that re-population is necessary due to declining birthrates and that, ultimately, the indigenous population is too white, too racist and, in this case, too right wing. And what exactly makes them ‘right wing’? Could it simply be the fact that they’ve also had a gutfull of this political correctness – and are, rightly, concerned that foreigners are being elected on account of their skin tone only and never appointed on merit?

It is to be noted that rarely, if ever, is any of this nonsense defined – for instance, what on earth is racism? How can it be measured? Does it actually exist?

A hop, skip and jump away in bonnie Scotland, the ridiculous puppet Hamza ‘Useless’ Yusuf has resigned (or been pushed) as the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party. Given his speech about how Scotland is ‘too white’, one can scarcely conceive how he could have any claim to be a Scottish Nationalist.

Just like the false Mayor of Derry, this barely-functional fookwit is an arrogant outsider with delusions of adequacy.

We live in a Soros wet dream, where political correctness and satanic nihilism exist behind the life jackets and the movement of pawns around the international chessboard. In essence, it is not unlike a game of Risk.

And speaking of placed Mayors, the traitor Sadiq Khan has been positioned for a fourth term as Mayor of London after rigged election.

It’s all doomed to failure, being built on the mother of lies

Simultaneously, across the Atlantic Ocean, the US Senate deems ANY criticism of Jewry/Zionism is deemed immediately illegal on University Campuses following the staged ‘protests’ at UCLA

Meanwhile, the Post Office scandal gets murkier and murkier as Judge and Council for the PO agreed to cover up evidence of the accused’s  innocence as it was not in the public interest and to falsely grant the PO “Public interest immunity” – which is as fine an example of the the snake-tongued legalese deception as you can get.

I have long-stated that ‘legal’ professionals are simply whores who lie for a living and this assertion is vigorously supported by the interrogation of PO lawyer, Jarnail Singh, who lies about an email he claims not to have seen when the fact is he saved it to file and printed it off, according to his own computer records.

Any and all of these preposterous actors stand and fall in accordance with the machinations of their globalist puppet masters. As such, we should not be surprised when these empty marionettes appear, metaphorically, to have noses that lengthen in direct relation to their lies and the ears of donkeys that sprout from their foolish actions.

Many thanks for listening and particularly to Dave Shaman and David R for their kind support of the work at Rogue Male.

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