Currently known as Nottingham, THE ANCIENT BRITONS called it “Tig Guocobauc” (‘the dwelling of caves’).

Given the documented multiple failures of the ‘Judiciary’ operating in and through the Crown House of Rothschild’s de facto court and tribunal service to provide remedy to the people in this geographical locale in the face of a variety of most serious matters relating to, without limitation, void mortgages and other financial tyrannies, unlawful council tax collection and enforcement, institutional child abuse and trafficking through state-run children’s homes and general levels of state-sponsored tyranny, many of which are backed-up by the bully-boy collectors commonly known as Notts Police, it is established beyond doubt that that said local justice service is unfit for purpose.
In the light of which, the good and sovereign people of these parts, having been utterly failed by their ‘public servants’, are required to provide that which the judiciary has denied them – lawful remedy.

The state-sponsored terrorist attack of 02 July, 2015 on the Crawford family of Carlton, to the east of the city, may well be taken as a clear demonstration of how lawlessness pervades, particularly when individuals successfully challenge any of the Rothschild-controlled Banks and particularly the Treasury-owned UKAR (Bradford and Bingley and Northern Rock) who continue to plunder these lands, in the same violent tyrannical manner of their illegitimate forebears.
Wherefore, it is declared that a Grand Jury of the people is to be formed with immediate effect in this place.
Any and all concerned individuals who wish to bring this about and offer their support (in whatever form it takes) are encouraged to urgently make contact at this address confirming who they are and stating their genuine intent.
In the meantime, please read and print off the HANDBOOK which informs and educates the individual on the historical context and form of the ancient Grand Jury of the Britons.
The Grand Jury will be convened under the protection of the Treaty of UCT.
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