No Deed – No Possession Claim (Pt 3)

In Part Two of this series on how International Globalist World Banking interests have purloined your Deed of Mortgage and are holding the valuable security in one of a number of Depository Trust vaults, I explained how, under Common and Constiutional Law, any possession claim made by your fake lender against your home is fraudulent.... Continue Reading →

UCT: An Overview

The following video is of an interview featuring yours truly in which I discuss with Yogeeta Mistry (the host) the subjects of UCT (Universal Community Trust) and The Great British Mortgage Swindle. The issue of law and jurisdiction is crucial to understanding how and why UCT came into being. It is a broad overview of... Continue Reading →

Ukraine – the Brain Drain.

The volume of social media virtue-signalling from the morons about standing with Ukraine is further evidence of the cradle-to-grave brainwashing and social-engineering that has so befuddled those who have fallen into Mass-Formation-Psychosis. I’ve previously written about the inevitable and engineered rise of the moron

. These tosspots blather on about ‘democracy’, about freedom and human rights... Continue Reading →

Shipwrecked – Megalomania’s Going Down

The Ship of Genocidal Fools and Megalomania is Sinking. Smashed on the rocks and washed up on the face-nappy littered beach of its shattered megalomaniac desire to rule over all and sundry via its Graphene Oxide and AI mechanised inoculations, the corporate ship has floundered. It has been wrecked by its ill-gotten and Satanic intent... Continue Reading →

Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood.

Was German Chemist Dr Andreas Noack Killed for Revealing the Truth about Graphene Hydroxide in Vials? The following video features the findings of the (allegedly) murdered German expert in Carbon and Graphene Oxide and their applications. The fact GO is an undisclosed ingredient in the vile vials produced by Pfizer et al renders any and... Continue Reading →

I Remember – 2 Evictions in November.

When November is upon us once more,   I am reminded of the cops battering down my door.   Eviction, treason and Covid plot.   I see no reason   Why fraud, genocide & treason   Should ever be forgot.” It is exactly 10 years on from 7th November, 2011 when I was violently evicted... Continue Reading →

High Morality

I had a realisation whilst listening to Clif High. The highest maxim of all is “Do no harm; take no shit” In addition to the power of its inherent truth, the maxim is simple enough for everyone to fully comprehend it: it is about doing the right thing in any situation. Is this not the... Continue Reading →

Apocalypse Now

The Apocalypse Reveals the Enemy and, inevitably, the Warrior Steps forward. It scarcely needs stating but an apocalypse is upon us. apocalypse ORIGIN Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’, from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover’.” Yet, every force has its opposite; and so, the forces... Continue Reading →

Awaken, Men of the North!

I come from the North, I sing of my ancestral line, Without whom, I would not be here for this time,   ‘Get off your high horse,’ runs the earthing refrain; ‘No, get on it,’ the mount of righteousness is again,   The steed of the ancestors, it flows in my blood. Dismount not -... Continue Reading →

Oh, Mr Rothschild!

Hey diddle diddle, Mr Rothschild, let's expose the fiddle Behind 200 years of a web-like deceit, a financial riddle; When you realise International finance funds all sides, You know you’re living in the Rothschilds’ paradise. Are you dancing to the financiers loony tune, Goose-stepping in a masquerade, hastening your doom? The rise of the House... Continue Reading →

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