The time for pussyfooting is over.
The fake state is attempting to kill off Tom Crawford and his family. The real threat of this action amounts to state-sponsored terrorism.
Any and all evictions over fake debts are acts of genocide and they are being carried out by the phony ‘UK’ government which, in turn, is a front for the Crown House of Rothschild.
The very same forces were at work behind RM’s unlawful eviction in 2010.
RM has first hand experience of this fact as the very same forces attempted to kill him too in 2010 and 2011, by way of the Crown House of Rothchild’s policy of genocide. It is factual and accurate.
Twenty years ago RM entered into a void mortgage agreement with the Bradford and Bingley Building Society.
The bank used a duplicitous ‘conveyancing solicitor’ to trick him into believing it had made a loan of £34,000.
For a period covering September 1994 to January 2009, RM paid the bank some £67, 747 pounds from moneys he had earned through his labour (his sweat equity) – almost twice what it falsely claimed to have ‘loaned’ him.
It was his home for over 16 years and he owned it – both in Equity and at Law.
Upon discovering the fact that the B&B had not made a loan, between January and August 2009, he repeatedly challenged Richard Pym, the CEO of the company, to provide him with the lawful contract and the accounting proof that RM had borrowed any moneys from them.
The Great British Mortgage Swindle begins and ends with the deception that one is loaned any thing from a Bank. All that is created is a credit facility which is streamed from the deposit of the fatally defective mortgage deed with the Bankster.
The bank failed, upon repeated request, to provide a lawful contract and any proof that it loaned any of its own moneys.
As a matter of accounting fact, the ‘mortgagor’ is the CREDITOR of the Bank.
The success of the Swindle requires that this position is switched and that he falsely believes himself to be the debtor.
This creation of credit, the illusion of debt and the consequent enslavement of the individual to paying off a loan that never existed, is the modus operandi of the MON-EYE changers.
Thus, the scam begins and ends with the agreement for a mortgage and the (void) deed of mortgage.
All of this was contained in a notarized Affidavit that was entered into evidence as a Defence and Counter Claim to the B&B’s fraudulent possession claim as heard on 26 August 2009 by Richard Inglis, a man who formerly was the acting High Court Judge (HHJ) at Nottingham County Court.
In what was a void order, said Judge falsely ruled that RM’s defence and counter claim had “no merit” and should be dismissed.
In what is taken as a gross miscarriage of justice, Richard ruled that the B&B be granted possession of RM’s home, with no substantiation of a loan having been made, no proof of contract and no rebuttal of RM’s affidavit.
The Bradford and Bingley PLC (B&B) and Northern Rock (NRAM) were two of the British fronts for the House of Rothschild controlled financial system.
In 2008, when they ‘crashed’, the Rothschild Zionist Government stepped in to ‘bail’ them out with moneys it had stolen from the British people.
Subsequent to that, the B&B and NRAM were subsumed under the UNITED KINGDOM ASSETS RESOLUTION, a private company run by the organisation known as HER MAJESTY’S TREASURY. Richard Pym, the former CEO of the B&B who had personally failed to provide any evidence that RM had a valid and enforceable contract for a mortgage with the B&B, was appointed CEO of UKAR.
The expressed aim of UKAR is to wind down the mortgage books of the B&B and NRAM. This means that no more fake loans for houses are made and as soon as a mortgagor falls into 90 days of arrears, it initiates a bogus claim in the County Court for possession of the family home.
This what they are attempting to carry out against Tom and his family.
In the vast majority of cases, the Courts simply rubber stamp these claims, usually with no objection from the duped mortgagor who is fearful of losing the roof over his head.
As and when the mortgagor leaves his home, the banks cash in by selling the house at a fire sale price and taking the moneys.
They then chase him over a fictitious shortfall. This may lead to the bankruptcy of his ‘legal person’.
RM vigorously defended his home in and out of court against what he now realises was a genocidal attack on him that was perpetrated by the Rothschild Zionist UK Government, a criminal organisation that is determined to wipe out the native peoples of these lands by a variety of social engineering programmes and through a collection of weapons of quiet extermination.
During the period from August 2009 to November 2010, he was subjected to acts of terrorism by agents working for the Crown House of Rothschild.
When he was violently evicted on 04 November 2010, his home was stolen whilst he was falsely imprisoned at Bridewell Police Station in Nottingham under the orders of a man called Cook who was acting an inspector with Notts Police Force.
After 9 hours of false imprisonment, he was released on to the streets of the city with nowhere to go – his home was boarded up and a trespassing security guard was placed therein. As RM emerged from the cell and into the cold night, he understood in an instant that the actions of that day had been deliberately engineered and that, in the simplest of terms, each and every agency of the UK State wanted him dead.
That winter of 2010-11 was bitterly cold and without the kindness of friends and family who provided him with shelter, he may well have perished as a consequence of the genocidal actions perpetrated against him by UKAR, which is an agent of the fake UK State, run by the Treasury.
Since that time, RM has been working with a number of others who have also been subject to the GBMS by UKAR.
This attack on the indigenous peoples by way of fake debt and the violent theft of their homes is a familiar tale anywhere in the world which has been subject to the House of Rothschild’s financial apparatus.
This film, produced in the days following the successful halting of an attempted eviction (Genocide) of Tom Crawford and his family, explains how and why all such evictions are perpetrated on the indigenous peoples of the British Isles by the UK Government itself, an organisation that is dominated on all sides by an axis of Rothschild-Crown-Zionist-Marxist controllers who masquerade as politicians representing the interests of the citizens.
The phony UK Government wants to kill off the indigenous peoples and it carries this out through the Treasury which uses the UKAR front as a means to do this.
That is the bad news.
The good news is that the people are awakening to this attempt to kill them off and they have the power to bring it to an end.
If you are against the genocide of indigenous peoples, wherever it may be happening, then wake up to the fact that it is occurring in Britain right now and it is being carried out by the State.
At the very least, this means that all those psychotic financiers, fake royalty, duped cops, bailiffs and any and all working in the fake legal system are manifestly guilty of crimes of genocide against the people.
One such individual who sadistically relishes his genocidal work is a man called David Caress.
He has personally evicted thousands of families from their homes in Nottingham.
Ipso facto, his continued employment in that role represents a very real threat to the peoples of that town.
As such this mantra is released in the sure knowledge that it will grow in the consciousness of the people and will become manifest,

In the meantime, whilst Tom and Sue are under the threat engineered by state sponsored terrorism, any one in the vicinity of Nottingham who is able to assist them is encouraged to provide a mobile number to Tom, Craig or any member of the family at which a message can be received should the mercenaries of the Crown House of Rothschild attempt a ‘without notice’ dawn swoop and eviction on the family and its home, as happened to the RM on that treacherous 4th day of November back in 2010.
In the simplest of terms: it is the criminal UK Government that is attempting to evict the family and steal the Castle of Crawford.
Let us stand together to prevent this happening.
Only the Sovereign Indigenous Peoples of these Lands can prevent it happening.
The depravity of the House of Rothschild criminal fiefdom known as Israel is manifest here too.
Any eviction, anywhere, is an act of genocide.
Whilst the native Briton as an individual may believe himself powerless to stop the murder being perpetrated on the Palestinian peoples, he is most certainly able to affect change in his own community.
But first, he needs to wake up to the fact that his own phony government wants him dead too: it may not have resorted to the use of bombs but it is using a plethora of other devices to cull him.
Though the methods may differ, the cause and effect are the same: genocide of indigenous peoples.
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