Apocalypse Now

The Apocalypse Reveals the Enemy and, inevitably, the Warrior Steps forward. It scarcely needs stating but an apocalypse is upon us. apocalypse ORIGIN Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’, from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover’.” Yet, every force has its opposite; and so, the forces... Continue Reading →

Awaken, Men of the North!

I come from the North, I sing of my ancestral line, Without whom, I would not be here for this time,   ‘Get off your high horse,’ runs the earthing refrain; ‘No, get on it,’ the mount of righteousness is again,   The steed of the ancestors, it flows in my blood. Dismount not -... Continue Reading →

Oh, Mr Rothschild!

Hey diddle diddle, Mr Rothschild, let's expose the fiddle Behind 200 years of a web-like deceit, a financial riddle; When you realise International finance funds all sides, You know you’re living in the Rothschilds’ paradise. Are you dancing to the financiers loony tune, Goose-stepping in a masquerade, hastening your doom? The rise of the House... Continue Reading →

Of Kith and Kin – the inevitable rise of our kindred

When your back's against the wall, when the enemy's at your door and the lies have no thrall, then you will know your kith and kin, for spirit is all: kith | kiTH | noun (in phrase kith and kin or kith or kin) one's friends, acquaintances, and relations: a widow without kith or kin.... Continue Reading →

Armageddon by Needlepoint

Armageddon may be defined as, • a dramatic and catastrophic conflict, typically seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race Armageddon was never so popular a notion as during the Convid years, the fallout and damage from which continues to manifest all about us, as millions of people die suddenly without any... Continue Reading →

Lien on Bank CEO Pym Exchanged for Crypto Currency.

  If one wishes to defeat the rigged money systems, which control every aspect of our lives, including the courts, then one needs an alternative, You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller Is Ilien the world’s first crypto-currency... Continue Reading →


HOW AND WHY THE SO-CALLED MONARCHY -  THE QUEEN, ‘REGINA’, THE ‘CROWN’, ‘ROYALTY’ & ALL ASSOCIATED LEGISLATION FOR THE LAST 179 YEARS IS BOGUS. ‘Don’t gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold.’ Bob Marley Close readers of these pages will be aware that RM is firmly of the... Continue Reading →


Currently known as Nottingham, THE ANCIENT BRITONS called it “Tig Guocobauc” (‘the dwelling of caves’). Given the documented multiple failures of the ‘Judiciary’ operating in and through the Crown House of Rothschild’s de facto court and tribunal service to provide remedy to the people in this geographical locale in the face of a variety of... Continue Reading →


On Saturday, 11 October 2014, a Grand Jury consisting of indigenous men and women from across the lands known as the Isles of Britain was convened in the city known as Nottingham. The last Grand Jury that sat in these lands was August 29, 1933, at the London Court of Sessions. Those Sovereign men and... Continue Reading →


...BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS OWN FOLKS? Today, 02 October 2014 is Sting's birthday and the RM wishes him many happy returns. At 1'02 into this short 'interview' with Luke Rude(owski) Sting states: I've always been in support of indigenous rights and I'm happy to be marching with the indigenous group here because their message has... Continue Reading →

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