If one wishes to defeat the rigged money systems, which control every aspect of our lives, including the courts, then one needs an alternative,
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller
Is Ilien the world’s first crypto-currency backed by security instruments (liens)?
TGBMS is actually a World-Wide Swindle.
And Covid1984 is another fraud to cover up that fact.
The fake ‘great’ plague, aka Covid1984, as many critical thinkers have correctly discerned, was and has never been about the health of the world’s people. It was and is about total monetary control and the continued enslavement of mankind by a debt-based system of ‘money’ the ultimate aim of which is the theft of the people’s wealth on a scale never before experienced.
12 years ago, I asked for the CEO of the Bradford and Bingley PLC, a certain Richard Pym, to provide me with the written agreement, or contract, signed by myself and an authorised representative of the bank in order that I could determine the lawfulness of the purported mortgage I had been paying for the previous 15 years.
No such document exists – which is the case for every mortgage in the UK and across the world – as the following demonstrates:
This explains why German judges – blindly – adopted in their pronouncements the assertion of Deutsche Bank that it was normal for a bank to issue loans without a loan agreement in the hope that, sometime later, it would be possible to conclude a suitable loan contract; the thinking being that the issue of a loan at the request of a potential borrower leads to a loan contract being concluded, yet since, at this time, Deutsche Bank did not have the documents necessary for a valid contract, it was not possible for a court to determine that a contract had come about merely by the funds being made available – because if it had, the Deutsche Bank would have sunk like a stone – except that none of us had imagined that the Deutsche Bank was only one part of the Davos clique, albeit a most important member for purposes of money laundering, and that today we have to reckon with a thoroughly corrupt elite which will stop at nothing. Newsletter 355, 06.01.2021: Money Talks VI and the worldwide lawsuits
It followed that the bank took me to court on the basis that by withholding my payments, I was in breach of contract. A contract that did not exist.
The man acting as judge in the matter was a certain Richard Inglis. In my hearing I stuck to the plain facts, namely –
- There was no written agreement (contract)
- There was no valid deed of mortgage
- There was no evidence that the bank had actually made a loan.
On top of which, I had a fully completed lien against Richard Pym, the culmination of which was a notarised Affidavit under which the facts were confirmed and to which the CEO had remained silent, thereby proving its validity by way of his acquiescence to the facts of the matter.
It should have been game over – no judge has any authority to overrule a sworn affidavit.
Nevertheless, he chose to take on the role of flunky for the bank, effectively acting as though he were an advocate for the fake ‘money-changers’. What followed, over the course of some 16 months, was a series of further cover-ups in which Her Majesty’s judges simply obfuscated the key facts of the mortgage’s illegality, often by using the line, “Well, you had the benefit of the funds, didn’t you?” All of this has been documented in the 5 star-rated film, ‘The Great British Mortgage Swindle’.
Nevertheless, the Affidavit (of Obligation) against Richard Pym was now a perfected instrument proving his debt towards me (the process establishes the facts of the matter and the Affidavit is signed and sealed under oath). After 90 days, it became a valuable and thus tradable financial security. How? On the simple basis that it was a now a valid charge – a lien, a common law defence to a wrong-doing – that, by comparison to the bank’s fake charge (the ‘mortgage’), was wholly based in truth. This lien could, in effect, be sold on, at a discounted price, to a debt collection agency or deposited at a financial institution (a trust depository, which deals in such instruments) and enforced against Pym, the ‘lien debtor’.
However, it soon became apparent that the entire securities exchange system is owned by the international banking cartels, the head of which is the House of Rothschild. The same can be said of most, if not all, debt collection agencies which are (supposedly) licenced by the controlled courts and their associated acolytes like Dickie Inglis.
Over the course of the years subsequent to my violent eviction, Richard Pym was regularly served notice that his continued failure to settle the matter had resulted in exemplary charges being applied to the original lien value of £369k. The final value was in the tens of millions. The process is refreshingly honourable yet hard-hitting in every sense and it can be read here at The Bernician site. This is the work of Michael of Bernicia and, though applicable everywhere on the planet against individuals who have acted fraudulently, whether banksters, doctors or bureaucrats, it is UK specific. In any event, this is the definitive version.
If one accepts the fact that decentralised currencies are the antidote to or the nemesis of the current monetary system, which is founded in inequity and fraud and controlled by Lord Jacob Rothschild, the would-be emperor of the planet, then it behoves us to pay attention to the creation of our own systems of finance. Indeed, there is little point in challenging the legitimacy of the all-enveloping financial system of enslavement: it is better by far to have our own financial in place; one that is based in truth and honesty.
This is why, of course, tangible assets and their associated securities (like a mortgage deed and consequent charge over a property), along with gold and silver are of value: they hold their own worth no matter whether the fiat currencies like the pound or dollar are being artificially inflated or deflated. A mortgage deed gives the banking institute the potential for seizing the real asset, namely, the property it is registered over. Stop paying the mortgage and the bank will move in for the house usually within 3 months.
In addition to gold, silver and property (land), over the last decade we have seen the rise of a number of other assets like Bitcoin. In this regard, a number of crypto currencies are also worthy of our attention – not those issued by the international centralised banking system but those created in a genuine for genuine by individuals who are seeking to remove the vice-like grip of the financiers and release the people from the soul-sapping burden of financial enslavement.
The definition of a cryptocurrency is a digital asset containing cryptographic protocols that make transactions secure and immutable. Cryptocurrencies are built on top of distributed ledger technology, blockchain — which allows it to be decentralized and immune to government control and interference. Transactions involving cryptocurrencies involve public and private keys, enabling minimal processing fees, allowing users to be able to make transfers without traditional third-party institutions. Source: Blockchain News
Personally, I think it best to value those which are run by those of an Anarchist persuasion.

In other words, De-Centralised Finance (DeFi) is the way forward for all those seeking to free themselves from the yoke of Centralised Finance as practiced by way of the Bank of International Settlements, as controlled by the self-appointed overlords of planet, the House of Rothschild.
Remember too that fiat currency has always been a form of confidence trick: it is not backed by anything, other than our continued belief that it has value. Moneys of exchange are simply whatever the two parties to a commercial action agree to.
For example, my butcher could accept payment for his meat in seashells if we were both in agreement that they were of an acceptable value in our transactions. How? If we both agree that said shells have value, then they can be used as our medium of exchange – he gives me meat in exchange for seashells. This ability to trade and to barter cannot be interfered with by any third party, contrary to the desire of the Rothschild financiers and extortionists who are seeking to track and record each and every transaction an individual makes.
To return to the lien. As a victim of the criminality that riddles the Civil Court system, which operates underneath the aegis of the banksters, I always had the sense that the lien – which is a common law defence to any wrong-doing – was an insurance policy. Given the afore-mentioned domination of the depositories and collection agencies by the banksters, I was naturally unsure as to how it would become effective and could be ever used to right the wrongs I had experienced by way of the loss of my home and the inequities thereof.
Update: the previous reference to the crypto-currency, ILN has been removed. This is a consequence of mutually agreed rescission of the agreement as it failed to reach its potential, for a number of reasons which I won’t go into right now.
However, a new development can be read about here and all those who have completed the process are now invited to join in with the emergent UCT crypto-currency:
We are now in a position to offer you all the opportunity to exchange your perfected liens for a new and exciting cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockckain.
How did we find ourselves in such a fortuitous position with a new currency, when until very recently we intended to facilitate the exchange of perfected liens for a currency called iLien?
We fast-tracked it through development for that very purpose, after we hit a fork in the road which meant we had to amicably withdraw from the iLien project because of fundamental disagreements about the way it should proceed.
The extremely positive outcome is that we now have a tailor-made tax-exempt crypto damages token, which can now be exchanged for perfected liens at 100% of their value.
An individual who has been wronged and followed through with a lien process against the wrong-doer has a perfected security instrument that is evidenced by the process, culminating in the Affidavit of Obligation. This Affidavit (the lien) is, as previously explained, a valuable and genuine security that exists against the wrong-doer and his property (the lien debtor). Under commercial maxim, it is valid for 99 years and, contrary to what the legal system would have us falsely believe, it cannot be interfered with or nullified by any judge or court. It has to be settled before it can be discharged. If not, then the CEO of the mortgage company is effectively held to be bankrupt. As such, he has to resign. If he fails to disclose the lien to the shareholders, he is operating fraudulently. To my knowledge, the CEOs of HSBOS (the Lloyds group), HSBC, Ukar (Bradford and Bingley and Northern Rock) and others, are all operating fraudulently on the basis that they have been bankrupted by at least one lien being issued against them. Have they resigned? If not, they are operating illegally in their roles.
Read more here UCT Token

For those who may be new to crypto-currency, one of its major advantages is its anarchic essence and how it operates beyond the powers of the tyrannical state:
The cryptocurrency asset class is stateless, borderless, unfettered by bureaucrats, and presents barriers to entry no higher than downloading a phone app or running an .exe file. Bitcoin, trading 24/7 globally with low and declining transaction costs, is ideal as a silent, incorruptible barometer of trends and events in monetary and fiscal policy. With the heightened pace and expanded scope of economic intervention over the last ten or fifteen years, the avenues through which markets can respond to government policies have been blunted. But fortunately for the genius of Satoshi Nakamoto, where the bond vigilantes once stood––and may someday return––now stand the crypto vigilantes. Zero Hedge
Disclaimer: nothing in this article is intended or to be taken as financial advice. Moreover, its intention is to provide a broad overview of the subject matter from which an individual can carry out his own research.
Much appreciation, as always, to The Bernician and David R.
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Can’t find iln or eiln on that app?
Hi, Marga,
try the steps I’ve added to the foot of the article.
Hi Michael, I have a number of perfected liens that I was intending to pursue via statutory demand, but that involves going through their system. iLien looks very interesting. Can we speak?
Stuart of Forvik, Acting First Minister of The Sovereign Nation of Shetland
Hey,Stuart. If you send me an email to mod@a-fp.net, we can take it from there.Good to hear from you, all the best, Michael
I have assessed the significance of this whole post as worthy of panel 2 update to this other iLien pioneer, who struggles nonetheless to find time to keep us all informed with this active-on-our-forums presence.
Nice to “meet” you too, Stuart, this being the hub-page we built back in 2014…
Hi the link for e.ilien as above doesnt work its says the page can’t be found I’ve downloaded the atomic DeX which is a trail I think but can’t do anything with it please help
Hi, Jason. I’ve just checked and it appears to be working. Please note, that is the Beta version. Another site will shortly be available. Cheers, Michael
This should help, Jason:
Hi Michael, I’ve my first three liens to finalise and I’ve been wondering how to perfect them and then securitize.
Ilien sounds perfect. Would it be possible to ask some advice on this please?
Hi, Dean, please email me and we can take it from there. Cheers, Michael