Education: A Discourse on its True Meaning

In this RogueCast, I consider How Education Has Been Inverted.

The word ‘Education’ is from the Latin, Educare, the definition of which is,

late Middle English: from Latin educat- ‘led out’, from the verb educare, related to educere ‘lead out’ (see educe).

  • Notes
  1. How the Truth has become an Inversion.
  2. Appointment of Sir Hamid Patel as Chairman of OFSTED – Star Academies
  3. Divide and Rule – Mohammedism is a Trojan Horse designed to perpetuate it.
  4. Inversion of public servant – master roles when it comes to those in government
  5. Lindsey Hoyle has grown fat on the public purse.
  6. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.
  7. Reform party. Nigel Farage is an ex banker.
  8. Chair of Reform Party is Zia Usuf – another Mohammedan
  9. The placement of former bankers in geopolitical roles – Mark Carney, former Governor of BoE, now unelected PM of Canada
  10. Quote from Phenomenal World, p 46
  11. “Consciousness is not located in the brain, but is a ‘plasmic holographic energy field’ that permeates and surrounds the physical body. Is this hologram built of thought waves or thought particles? In a holographic universe the concept of location is an illusion, everything being nonlocal, including consciousness. Although consciousness seems to be localised somewhere inside the skull, it can at times appear to be localised elsewhere, as in the case of out-of-body experiences. The nonlocal aspect of consciousness is also suggested by dreams, where location and space are completely illusory and shifting.”

  12. We are not our biological meat suits, our avatars, these vehicles in which we travel through this construct.
  13. Archaix on X (Twitter)
  14. You become that which you suppose yourself to be –
  15. “I am that, I am.”

  16. The most powerful among us are the autodidacts, the free thinkers who have removed the mind shackles of their miseducation and the propaganda that they are immersed in.
  17. Substack is but another limited hangout
  18. The Limited Hangouts – the actors and gobshites who dominate them
  19. Freedom of speech but not freedom of reach – Yaccarino, CEO, X.

  20. How paying for X’s blue tick is like a man who is already in a straitjacket paying to be put in a muffled and silent padded cell (above)
  21. Musk as DOGE, the Sheriff of Venice
  22. The entire episode is, essentially, focused on the subject of Education and it is only by bringing out his spirit from within that the individual will free himself of the shackles of his perceived reality.

Thank you for listening.

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8 thoughts on “Education: A Discourse on its True Meaning

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  1. Another thought provoking discourse. I often ponder at what point do the parasites who appear to run this realm become privy to the understanding of the true nature of the realm we find ourselves in. But of course this has many layers. The more I go along the journey the more questions I have. The answers tend to come in the quiet moments when immersed in nature.

    Warm wishes Sarah

    1. In my view, those ‘controllers’ at the ‘top’ are well-aware of the nature of this realm. Those directly beneath them are not and simply accept it as a gross material ‘world’. Thank you, Sarah, for taking the time to comment and for your kind donation.

      1. Yes I think that too. The sheer amount of controlled opposition that they have in play within the so called truth movement, indicates to me that people like us that have come to this awareness about the mechanics of this realm are on the right track.

        You are welcome – your works is truly appreciated by us.

        Enjoy your day and the sunshine ☀️

        1. I’ve always known that I am on the right track; it’s simply a case of being misdirected down some wrong turnings and into a few cul-de-sacs, from time to time.

          The controlled opposition’s existence is simply to corral and distract those who are in the process of working it out.

          I am indeed about to head out into the sun. Wishing you are great day, Michael

          1. Brilliantly explained. Myself and I’m sure many others that follow your work can completely relate.

            Many Thanks Sarah

    1. He’s had a busy time sorting out some legal issues but the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. Watch out for his upcoming account of what has transpired.

      Cheers, Michael

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