They Shoot Footballers, Don’t They? How Football is Crocked.

In this Discourse, the Rogue Male Considers How Association Football Shot itself in both feet and how Staged Events Like Football Are to Be Expected in a Theatrical World.

Has Association Football Moronically Assigned its Thoroughbreds to the Knacker’s Yard?



  1. Welcome and a heartfelt thank you all those who have kindly left a donation or taken out a paid subscription to my Substack page.
  2. Whilst we are able to hear and see what is around us, that does not prove we are in a natural world, in which events unfold randomly. The opposite is the case – everything in this construct occurs on a timeline, with events echoing other events with a mathematical and a calendric patterning that can be measured, as demonstrated by the incredible work of Jason Breshears of
  3. The Freemasonic Sorcerers who write the scripts for False Flag events can easily predict the responses of the masses. However, they can never predict how the individual rogue being will act.
  4. The Skripal False Flag event – Salisbury, Porton Down connections of Chris Whitty who was also prominent in the Divoc 91 Scamdemic Psy-op as conducted between 2020 and 2022.
  5. Taking the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) – UK ‘Gov’ has been criminally permitting the spraying of the people with all kinds of poisons for at least 70 years now.
  6. Kicker Conspiracy – the freemasonic origins of Association Football – marked contrast to its original form. It’s all about rules and regulations, occultic ritual, psychological manipulation and energy harvesting, in all its forms.
  7. Energy harvesting via stirring up of opposing football crowd energies, magnetic polarities, cash-credit extraction via merchandising all offered up to the false god of Freemasonry, Jah-Bal-On.
  8. It is all psychological manipulation, distraction and football is but another version of bread and circuses – all to the benefit of the controllers, the freemasonic sorcerers and script writers, or the predictive programmers of this perceived reality.
  9. The hypnotic effect of TV and the induced suggestive state wherein the individual is open to receiving any and all propaganda, having no ability to think critically, he is easily influenced
  10. They shoot footballers, don’t they?
  11. I also have a strange encounter with a man who falsely believes filming in public places, in this case the woods, cannot take place without his permission.
  12. Shakespeare’s analogy is correct – we are players/actors acting our roles on a series of stages. Football is no different.
  13. As is always the case, the question is, who is writing the scripts and directing the action?

Thank you for listening.

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4 thoughts on “They Shoot Footballers, Don’t They? How Football is Crocked.

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  1. Thoroughly enjoyable as always. This realm truly is a scripted reality. I think we are assigned our parts before we enter the avatar but as we become conscious and aware of what this place is and our innerstanding of how we affect it as eternal spirits then the magic ignites because we can rewrite and redirect our script.

    I too walk those woodlands, beautiful there.

    Appreciate your insights and wisdom and great nod to Chris and Doms terminologies. You too bring the great humour.

    Warm wishes

    1. Hi, Sarah. Thank you for sharing your insights. I must admit to being rather intrigued with your comment that you also go walking round the same woods!

      All the best, Michael

      1. I’ll be sure to come over and say hi should I spot you when I’m on one of my walks. I’ve lived in that area of Nottinghamshire for all of my life. I also drop in the Green Dragon pub for a pit stop every now and again too.

        Keep up the great work Michael you’re a gem.

        1. Great – please do so. Did you see the encounter with the bloke who falsely believed I needed his permission to be filming in a public place (Blidworth Woods) – priceless…

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