A Question of Law: The Triads of Britain


It is reasonable to state that the Peoples of these islands [commonly known as the ‘British Isles, including Ireland’] have a long and noble history of common law.

Natural law may be seen as the innate understanding of what is fair or right (correct). The common law rises from it.  Natural law, being of the creator/nature/god, is superior to any man-made law (positive law) which may be used to place a state, corporation or any individual between a Man and his maker.

From the common law, there arises knowledge of certain key principles like the right to a fair hearing, freedom of expression, due process of the law and the power of a jury to nullify an unjust law or exonerate an individual who has been wrongfully accused. It includes the reasonable principle that a crime cannot have been committed without there being a victim, or injured party.

“Blind unquestioning obedience is the law of tyrants and of slaves: it does not yet flourish on English soil… Arrested with or without a warrant, the subject is entitled to know why he is deprived of his freedom, if only in order that he may, without a moment’s delay, take such steps as will enable him to regain it.” Christie v. Leachinsky [1947] A.C 573.

From: “Freedom under the Law” by Sir Alfred Denning, One of the Lords Justices of his Majesty’s Court of Appeal in England’ 1949 (Thirteenth Impression, 1986)

Common sense is the innate understanding that rises in a man when he is faced with an issue or situation that and it is founded in intuitive reason. Common law, in so far as it depends on the ability to reason, is common sense.


For an overview of the distinctions between natural and common law, here is an interesting read:

In Western culture, the philosophical conception of natural law first appears among ancient Greek thinkers. Although natural law is often conflated with common law, the two are distinct.

Common law is not based on inherent rights, but is the legal tradition whereby certain rights or values are legally recognized by virtue of already having judicial recognition or articulation.

Natural law is often contrasted with the human-made laws (positive law) of a given political community, society, or state.

In legal theory, the interpretation of a human-made law requires some reference to natural law. On this understanding of natural law, natural law can be invoked to criticize judicial decisions about what the law says, but not to criticize the best interpretation of the law itself.

Some jurists and scholars use natural law synonymously with natural justice or natural right (Latin ius naturale), while others distinguish between natural law and natural right.”

“Cicero wrote in his De Legibus that both justice and law derive their origin from what nature has given to man, from what the human mind embraces, from the function of man, and from what serves to unite humanity.

For Cicero, natural law obliges us to contribute to the general good of the larger society.

The purpose of positive laws is to provide for “the safety of citizens, the preservation of states, and the tranquility and happiness of human life.”

In this view, “wicked and unjust statutes” are “anything but ‘laws,'” because “in the very definition of the term ‘law’ there inheres the idea and principle of choosing what is just and true.”

Law, for Cicero, “ought to be a reformer of vice and an incentive to virtue.” Cicero expressed the view that “the virtues which we ought to cultivate, always tend to our own happiness, and that the best means of promoting them consists in living with men in that perfect union and charity which are cemented by mutual benefits.”


The Isles of Britain: Ourstory

Our ancestral story goes back further than we have been led to believe – way past the principles of law as enshrined in the Great Charter, the Magna Carta of 1215 and to a time predating the arrival of the armies of Rome. For an eloquently straightforward overview of the evidence of the geometrical, architectural and cultural sophistication of our ancestors, the reader is invited to watch the following film by Tom Brooks:

To return to 1215, the most often-referenced parts of the Great Charter are,

+ (39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

(40) To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.”

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A free man is simply one who is not a slave. In other words, he is a man who is not a citizen; one who has revoked his consent to be governed by authorities which common sense shows him to be tyrannical and oppressive.

We live in times of great deception, where pollutants bombard our earth and our biology from every source (land, sea, air, water and sky/ether); a world in which fake religions like that of Money/Banking, the State-corporate and organisations such as Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam et al seek to control our minds and hearts. Whether by ill-intended design or not, the effects are the same.

We also live in an era when the Law is being applied selectively by corrupt judges, barristers and solicitors, when corporations have the same rights as persons, Judges ignore the evidence and when certain individuals falsely believe they are above the law.

It logically follows that those who have no knowledge of these matters are those most vulnerable to the sophistry of those who prey on them by way of deception. For instance, until one knows how little power a bailiff has, then one will be thrown into a state of emotional imbalance (fear) which makes one easy to manipulate and vulnerable to attack from those who seek to psychologically, financially or spiritually dominate one.

This, of course, is what lies behind the fake paperwork and oppressive conduct of those who act as ‘debt collectors’. An individual will be similarly fraught with anxiety if he knows not how MON-EY is created. In the sense that huge swathes of people have no idea whence it comes from, what it means and hold the view that it is all-powerful, then they have fallen for a religion for they place blind faith in its ‘magical’ powers. To understand how it is created and controlled to the advantage of an elite is to break its hold over the psyche.

Quite how and why certain individuals and state-corporations seek to achieve such control is for the individual to investigate – the information is out there and people may choose to not use their common sense. They can live in willful ignorance or not.

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What is the truth?

The truth is that which can be evidenced. It does not rely on emotion. The enemies of truth – and there are many – seek to dominate our emotions in order to make feelings reason subordinate to emotion, the result of which is a populace that is easier to control.

Should one doubt that, then ask the question,

Why would a creator give us the ability to reason, if he wanted us to have a blind unquestioning faith in what we’re told, without ever thinking for ourselves based on scientific proof ?”

Who benefits from nihilism?

nihilism |ˈnīəˌlizəmˈnēəˌlizəm|
the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
• Philosophy extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence.
historical the doctrine of an extreme Russian revolutionary party c.1900, which found nothing to approve of in the established social order.

early 19th cent.: from Latin nihil ‘nothing’ + -ism.

Modern nihilism, whereby the origins of life and life itself are taken to be meaningless and without reason, having begun by way of some mythical ‘big bang’ only leaves us swimming and drowning in a sea of lies. One would do well to ask cui bono (‘who benefits’?) from this state of affairs when millions of people believe that life is meaningless?

To reiterate: historical truth goes by evidence not emotion. Some may say that Magna Carta was based on those principles of law as established by the English king known as Alfred (the Great). Yet what of the more ancients kings of these lands, the ones who were here long before the Saxons and others who invaded these shores? What of those indigenous Britons whose ancestral lineage extends back over 4,000 years into antiquity?

The lies of history have sought to bury that knowledge in favour of those who have usurped these lands for their own material benefit, of which William the Bastard, who invaded in 1066, is a prime example.

Freedom from tyranny

And yet that which is true cannot be buried – or at least not indefinitely. Which is why it is crucial to uncover the hidden history of the indigenous people’s of these islands known as Great Britain.

“tyranny |ˈtirənē|
noun (pl. tyrannies)
cruel and oppressive government or rule: people who survive war and escape tyranny | the removal of the regime may be the end of a tyranny.
• a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
• cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control: she resented his rages and his tyranny | figurative : the tyranny of the nine-to-five day | his father’s tyrannies.
• (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who has absolute power without legal right.”

When a man finds himself subject to tyranny, it is by way of his common sense and the process of natural law that bring him to rebel and to stand his ground on that which he knows to be true. The tyranny is too much for him to tolerate – he knows it is better to die on one’s feet than on one’s knees.

Such was the state of affairs that led to the sealing of the Magna Carta by the despotic King John at Runnymede in 1215.

A man is a divine body of spirit and matter, as rooted to the earth as he is connected to the heavens in the firmament above, his potential is only limited by his imagination and his connectedness to the great soul from whence he came.

The unearthing of the truth by way of his common sense can effect his escape from the tyranny he perceives. By releasing the mental shackles, he steps into the power of his divinity.

The world of MATTER is inseparable from that of the spirit. Born of mater (mother), one has materialised on these lands in order to play an active role in the world and if tyranny stands in one’s way, then so be it: it must and will be vanquished.

The ancient laws of Britain were laid down by Dyfnal Moel Myd (Dyvnwal Moelmud) and they arise from Natural Law. It is self-evident that they pre-date any of the masses of fake statutory/legal systems of control as traitorously put in place by the psychotic controllers.

The law and society as they stood in ancient Britain during the centuries preceding the Roman invasion of 55 BC. It is based upon the surviving laws of king Dyfnal Moel Myd (Dunvallo Molmutius), who reigned in the 5th-4th centuries BC. The account, from pp. 20-24 of Flinders Petrie’s paper, bears repeated reading, for it reveals a level of culture and literacy amongst the early Britons that is quite unlike the popular image that has been cultivated in recent years by the modernist treatment of British history. It also speaks volumes for the existence of a king whom modernists have always said was a mythical figure, and it reveals our ancestors to have been a highly cultivated and civilised people, and not the illiterate painted savages of popular fame.”

“The condition of pagan Britain is remarkably preserved in the laws of Dyvnal Moelmud. That these laws are certainly long before the tenth century is proved by the gulf that exists between the state of society shown by them and that of the laws of Howel fixed to AD 914.

The laws of Howel show a highly complex and detailed condition of law, and an elaborate royal court, with the rights of officials minutely fixed. In the laws of Moelmud there is very simple law, always subject to proved custom and to adaptation to circumstance; there is no royal court, and very few officials, with no defined claims.

Moreover, the laws of Howel refer back to Moelmud. What takes the laws of Moelmud at least to Roman times is that they are purely Pagan, and the only Christian allusion is an addition to the forms of legal oath, saying that ‘In subsequent times the form of oath was given by the Ten Commandments, the Gospel of St. John, and the blessed Cross’ (no. 219). T

his stamps the previous oaths and the rest of the laws as of the pagan period, and therefore at least of the third century, as British bishops attended the Council of Aries in AD 314. How much farther back these laws may date, towards the traditional time of Moelmud, the fourth or seventh century BC, we cannot now enquire.”

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The laws as codified by Moelmud were based on the ancient rights, usages and customs of the people.

Those principles exemplified in Magna Carta were therefore inspired by and founded in more ancient traditions.

These central tenets of law therefore go back thousands of years.

These laws give a remarkable view of a community with the greatest respect for weakness and misfortune, high rights for women, full consideration for foreigners, and great privilege for learning, for the arts, and the crafts. Social duty was strongly held, and the full power rested on the vote of every free man and woman, even to deposing the king. Arms were prohibited civil assembly, and the harp was as necessary to a free man his coat and his cooking-pot. The whole air is that of simple conditions and a free life, with much personal cultivation and sympathy in general conduct. It would be impossible to produce such a code from a savage or violent people, and this intimate view of their life is the best ground for judging of their qualities. That there was generally a well-organized peace kept in the country is shown by Caesar’s statement that ‘the number of the people is countless, and their buildings exceedingly numerous.”


The Welsh triads

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The Molmutine Laws are given in the form of triads – a poetic form which comes in ‘threes’, an aspect of oral bardic tradition whereby information was more easily memorised:

1. There are three tests of civil liberty: equality of rights, equality of taxation, freedom to come and go.

2. Three things are indispensable to a true union of nations: sameness of laws, rights, and language.

3. There are three things free to all Britons: the forest, the unworked mine, the right of hunting.

4. There are three property birthrights of every Briton: five British acres of land for a home, the right of suffrage in the enacting of the laws, the male at twenty-one, the female on her marriage.

5. There are three things which every Briton may legally be compelled to attend: the worship of God, military service, the courts of law.

6. There are three things free to every man, Briton or foreigner, the refusal of which no law will justify: water from spring, river, or well; firing from a decayed tree; a block of stone not in use.

7. There are three classes which are exempt from bearing arms: bards, judges, graduates in law or religion. These represent God and His peace, and no weapon must ever be found in their hands.

8. There are three persons who have a right of public maintenance: the old, the babe, the foreigner who can not speak the British tongue.

9. There are three things free to a country and its borders: the roads, the rivers, and the places of worship. These are under the protection of God and His peace.”



It is those long-established principles which formed the bedrock of the demands made by the Barons to King John in 1215 and which were subsequently used to form the constitution of the United States:

For more than six hundred years– that is, since Magna Carta, in 1215–there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of, such law.”

–Lysander Spooner, The Right of Juries

They will never be lost as they exist as imprints within the very dna of all free-thinking and righteous peoples across the planet.

Contrary to the deceptions at the heart of nihilism, we are each born free and exist under God only. No man, potentate or de facto agency of the state-corporate can come between the man who knows who he truly is and acknowledges the Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

That is the legacy of Dyfnal Moel Myd (Dunvallo Molmutius) and the ancient ancestors of the peoples of Britain and that is why a system of control that seeks to bury the principles of justice and divinity by way of ‘Civil Law’ and nihilism is doomed to failure.

Tyranny will fail as it is a closed system that none will thrive under. Freedom will always reign supreme and it is gaining in popular awareness. It is there to be claimed and exemplified by the independent man, not granted by pope, prelate or fake potentate.

Was man created to live in a closed system?

It is a given that freedom is an idea and a natural way of being that can never be vanquished. It is for this reason that the laws of ancient times, the Magna Carta, the common law, the constitution of the united states and all systems of justice that are predicated on them and common sense are as valid now as they have ever been. Their validity is based on them existing as eternal truth and not simply upon some dusty document that the people were not party to.

It may be stated that they are of incalculable value in these times given the demonstrable tyranny of the state-corporate whose modus operandi is more control and less freedom.

All men thrive in an open system of mutually respected freedom – one is free to do as one chooses, providing no harm is caused to his fellow beings.

The Great Charter of 1215 embodied the spirit of that time and it also carried within it the principles behind the more ancient laws of these lands. Those principles hold good today as they are founded in the truth.

RM posits that a Great Charter for the present (2016) has already been created and exists as the treaty of Universal Community Trust, a voluntary association of self-governed individuals, forming anarcho-nations under natural law

Anyone to whom these words and principles resonate in their hearts and minds, is hereby invited to drop their citizenship and declare their individual sovereignty and, under voluntary association with like-minded souls, form his own anarcho-nation, wherever he so be, each living under natural law, in accord with the terms of the treaty. A pdf of such a declaration is attached below along with a Sovereign Declaration by which the individual may relinquish his citizenship.

Blessed be the righteous.

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As always, a huge thank you to all those readers and listeners who have shown their generous appreciation for my discourses and essays. Should you be able, please chuck a few quid in the pot via the Buy Me a Coffee button and/or take out a subscription to my Substack pages. if you like, you can also support me by taking out a paid subscription which will grant you ‘first dibs’ on my output.
All the very best, Michael.

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4 thoughts on “A Question of Law: The Triads of Britain

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  1. Excellent!!
    One correction required in the sentence Such was the state of affairs ….. a typo error the date is shown as 2015 instead of 1215

  2. Brilliant. Just wondering if the original text of Moelmud defined ‘people’ ‘living beings’ as citizens, as such term references to the fictional ‘legal’ of the ‘state’ and thus being slaves in the ‘system’ (two-tier slave and control system). Maybe the translator made an error. Anyway, great material and good find.

Respectful and insightful comments are greatly appreciated, so, please fire away and I will reply. Cheers!

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