Episode 52 – The Golden Valley Mysterium

This latest Rogue Cast is from the Golden Valley, a mysterium within a mysterium. It is to be found to the West of Hereford and it is where I had the greatest pleasure of staying this last week. It is a landscape that is suffused with a magical quality which I have hitherto not experienced before and, as will be gathered from the ramble, has a divinity that impregnates each and every aspect of it all.

Indeed, it began with a visit to two mysterious sites – the remains of Snodhill Castle and Arthur’s Stone.

The visit to the glorious Hereford Cathedral, the viewing of the intriguing Mappa Mundi and the famous Chained Library therein added to the intuitive sense of my being in a most holy place, a locale where I instantly felt a deep resonance.

The Rogue Cast is but a metaphorical attempt to express all of this and, as I state therein, it can only be hinted at via the mystery of it all – I can only hint at the wonderment by way of the words I use: it is a divine mysterium that simultaneously humbles and uplifts the soul to such glorious levels of understanding.

If it all comes across as being enigmatic, then I consider it to be successful as that is its very purpose. After all, the over-soul or God is ineffable and the individual journey can only be hinted at, never fully understood by another. That is the nature of our lives within the construct, or the simulation which exists for the purpose of nourishing our souls and uplifting them – the path of the One is for him and he alone to walk and experience through the medium of his divine avatar.

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to my wonderful hosts, Adam, Anna and Idris for their gracious hospitality and great company.

Also, a special thank-you to each and every viewer, to those who have so kindly chucked me a few quid via the Buy Me a Coffee button and my dear friend David R, whose generosity down the years has enabled the continuance of the Rogue Male site.

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