The Dog Star Rages

as engineered riots break out around the Isles of Britain.

The Dog Days of Summer are those days when the heat is at its fiercest, the tempers their shortest and the canine rage at its highest. The intensity of life is never more keenly felt than in the month of August, the height of the Summer.

Appropriately enough, this week’s Rogue Cast (to be released here tomorrow) was recorded on one such Dog Day and I had to temper my thirst with a pint of IPA at a pub called the Old Green Dragon in Oxton.

This week’s stagecraft has continued unabated, to first pump up people’s ire at the various injustices and criminality being unleashed by the illegitimate state, and then to take advantage of the ‘heat’.

Am I saying it’s all engineered? No but key elements are. It’s as though the stage is set, the mind virus is spun out and the directors of it all sit back and watch as people get sucked into participating in the roles that have been laid out for them. That is how it is engineered and it is very powerful.

So powerful, in fact, that I confess to have fallen for the dubious narrative spun out from Southport and the subsequent fallout of riots there as well as Hartlepool and London, each of which has revealed the presence of those treacherous mercenaries or agent provocateurs. All of which Keir Stalin pounced upon to deliver his ‘solution’ as the synthesis to the problem and reaction part of the Hegelian dialectic. It couldn’t have gone better from the point of view of the Freemasonic-sorcerers, the mind benders and conjurors who manipulate the populace as easily as a spider traps a fly in its web. All of which was the intention all along – hence Starmer-Starmer-Chameleon, always the eager slut, jumping up to the podium with a revealing eagerness to deliver the technocratic solution to a problem his overlord masters created and which he simply went along with like the lickspittle to the WEF he undoubtedly is.

It’s interesting to note that the Dog Star is the star, Sirius

“translating Greek kuon or Latin canicula ‘small dog’, both names of the star; so named as it appears to follow at the heels of Orion (the hunter).”

“Sirius is colloquially known as the “Dog Star”, reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (the Greater Dog).[19] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the “dog days” of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, the star marked winter and was an important reference for their navigation around the Pacific Ocean.” Wikipedia

The Dog Star rages” is from a poem by Alexander Pope (1688-1744). The opening to An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot immediately caught my attention when I re-read it (note: John is his butler)

“Shut, shut the door, good John! fatigu’d, I said,
Tie up the knocker, say I’m sick, I’m dead.
The dog-star rages! nay ’tis past a doubt,
All Bedlam, or Parnassus, is let out:
Fire in each eye, and papers in each hand,
They rave, recite, and madden round the land.

What walls can guard me, or what shades can hide?
They pierce my thickets, through my grot they glide;
By land, by water, they renew the charge;
They stop the chariot, and they board the barge.
No place is sacred, not the church is free;
Ev’n Sunday shines no Sabbath-day to me:
Then from the Mint walks forth the man of rhyme,
Happy! to catch me just at dinner-time.”

The “they” he bemoans are all those who pursue him relentlessly, no matter what hour of the day and impinge upon his privacy: the list includes, all the madmen from the Bedlam asylum, who are clearly his fellow poets/ men of letters, philosophers et al,  who are always seeking his professional advice. He is, and he doesn’t appreciate it, in a game of hide and seek, and he is the much-sought ‘hider’.

The last verse will surely resonate with many of the people across Britain right now who regard, with due cause, the mass immigration into their communities a sinister development, even if they don’t understand why it is happening.

“The Mint” I take to be a reference to the Bank of England, which, for Pope, is evidently the last place he would expect to be harassed from. How interesting that in 2024, we are one and all held in surety by our financial overlords for the usurious ‘debts’ falsely claimed to be owed to the BOE (a private entity, under the aegis of the Rothschild dynasty) by the money launderers commonly known as the individual MPs whose fat arses squelch about on the benches of the Houses of Parliament. It is a cycle of fake debt that very few can see through and most never will, let alone those whose job is to see it perpetuate for ever and ever. Amen.

You can’t take it with you – true, but you can leave it for others. The adage is evidently not one shared by the elite cabal of inter-locular aristocratic dynasties, mafia operations and financiers who preserve their purloined gains for their offspring and decedents down the centuries.
Ultimately, it is simply one big conjuring trick, a bending of reality by those who write the scripts and deploy MK mind control techniques to create Manchurian Candidates, trained to play out the induced roles of automaton assassins, invariably in the engineered theatre of the absurd.

The aim is to create outrage and fear, in whatever proportion, to generate a riot and then deliver whatever statutory measure they deem to be necessary in order to perpetuate their insane superiority complexes. These patsy-assassins are never, of course, trained to target anyone other than individuals who are deemed ‘undesirable’ to the elites.

To realise that you are, in the final analysis, a divine soul, so-journeying through a simulacrum of Mandelbrot design and function, is to know that you, unlike the parasitic class, are of divine essence and purpose and, quite literally, steering your avatar through a soul-led (souled) adventure which can only be played when you truly understand that. No-one can teach it you. A few can point you in the direction but be sure to look ahead and not focus on the finger, as an old Buddhist once said.

Challenges appear, psy-games draw us in, people create problems by not following the law – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you – and a kleptocracy drains us of our energy via the medium of an imaginary money system created to enslave Mankind. And, of course, all the while, your treacherous government, for and on behalf of its controllers, is deploying all manner of weaponry against you in an attempt to remove your avatar from this game of Hide and Seek.

Keep your wits about you and don’t buy any of the guff that’s being pumped out right now. Although some may take issue with this assertion, the immigrants are not the enemy. The real enemy is within (and beyond) the corridors of power but it cannot win without the slimy obsequious underlings that ponce about on the collapsing stage of the entire racket, the shop-front known as Parliament. That is the real enemy and is the one that wants to kill us and replace us. We deal with them and then we deal with the immigrant dupes who have been deliberately moved into place like pawns on a geo-political chessboard and are here simply as part of a freemasonic-sabbatean-jewish-aristocracy of controllers whose text-book game play is the ages-old one of Divide and Rule.

Thanks for reading – watch out for the Rogue Cast which should be up tomorrow.

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