New Zealand Gov Threatens to ‘Take Down’ Rogue Male Site

Yes, you read that correctly. On 25th August, 2023, the “Internal Affairs Dept” of the NZ Gov issued a ‘take down’ notice to the hosting platform for this site, the specifics of which can be viewed below.

The referenced article is a short piece linking to a documentary about the staged Christchurch shooting of 2019.

Making a Mountain out of a Mole Hill.

Given the very modest traffic the piece has gathered since its publication on 22 February, 2022, I am inclined to state it is much ado about nothing. The proverbial storm in a teacup. As such, I will, for the sake of preserving the site, remove it from public view within the next 24 hours.

NB: In no way should this be taken by any and all interested parties that I accept the claim or that NZ Gov’s “Internal Affairs” Department has any jurisdiction over my creative output – it does not. Therefore, it has now been made private. In any event, should any reader have had their interest piqued, the referenced documentary is out there and can be easily found at the Anarcho Film Productions and Odyssey sites.

It is, of course, a wonderful irony that this action may only serve to garner more publicity for the film. By drawing attention to it, the censorship arm of the NZ gov has unwittingly shot itself in the foot and probably made more people interested in it as a consequence. Shine light upon the darkness and it vanishes.

A Classic Case of Inversion.

It also reveals that a somewhat paranoid and desperate mindset exists within the ‘Ministry for Truth” of the NZ diktat (just as exists within all governments who attempt to cover up the truth in order to prop up their false narratives).

If you’re a liar, you’d better have a good memory.

I state this on the simple basis that the truth does not need to be defended. The converse to which is that falsehoods take an enormous amount of defending, as can be plainly seen in this instance.

When you are defending a false narrative, the web of lies inevitably becomes more tangled and prone to collapse.

When individuals operating in government go to such great lengths to suppress the truth by way of omission and misrepresentation then it is blatant that they simultaneously attempt to defend whatever lie they are promulgating.

“Schedule A” of the notice states,

“The blog contains a link to Part 1 of a documentary film which includes the entirety of the livestream footage from the 15 March 2019 Christchurch Mosque attacks.

 The content has been deemed as objectionable (illegal) in New Zealand in accordance with OFLC decision 2200062 “

For the avoidance of doubt: the only “objectionable” behaviour is that of the NZ gov which has consistently lied to its people and imposed draconian measures against them over the last three and a half years of the Divoc 91 psy-op.

People in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones.

Notice the risible attempt to conflate ‘objectionable’ with ‘illegal’ – a misuse of grammar that renders it meaningless. Indeed, the language used throughout the notice is vague and subjective and the author evidently is of the false opinion that he has the critical thinking skills necessary for his role as a moral arbiter and censor.

1984 on Steroids

It goes on to claim that

“the content is likely to be injurious to the public good under Section 3, as the publication > Torture or the infliction of extreme violence or extreme cruelty” and,
“> Acts of torture, the infliction of serious physical harm, or act of significant cruelty
> Degrades or demeans any person.”

which is even more hilarious as the documentary reveals the footage to be fake in the extreme, meaning it is unlikely that anyone was hurt. It is that fact that the NZ gov wishes to cover up in order to continue its psychological fear operations against its populace.

Quite how the NZ gov can legitimately claim to be concerned about “degrading” or “demeaning” individuals after its criminal behaviour during the entirety of the Convid psy-op only proves the point that these entities are so lost in their vacuousness of soul that they falsely accuse others of doing that which they are engaged in themselves which is the same modus operandi that underpins the pathetic machinations of the UK Gov’s mouthpiece, the BBC and its figurehead of “disinformation”, Miss Marianna Spring.

Anarcho Film Productions Website

As ever, my gratitude goes out to David R for his relentless support of Rogue Male. Should any reader like to contribute to the running of the site, then please ‘Buy me a coffee’ via the button. Thank you.

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