UCT: An Overview

The following video is of an interview featuring yours truly in which I discuss with Yogeeta Mistry (the host) the subjects of UCT (Universal Community Trust) and The Great British Mortgage Swindle.

The issue of law and jurisdiction is crucial to understanding how and why UCT came into being.

It is a broad overview of the mortgage swindle, the bait and switch aspect, the deliberate fraud behind the failure to disclose how the funds are created by deposit of the associated promissory note (the hypothecation of the mortgagor’s future earnings), the misrepresentation of a stream of credit as a loan, how the recent case of Bob White vs Regina -re-established the fact that the police cannot use violence to break into a mortgagor’s home when it is a civil matter (the police were “unwelcome intruders” and how Bob had every right to defend his home, irrespective of the lies of the police and the woeful CPS.

It also touches on the extra-judicial remedy of a Commercial Lien process against the individual men acting as CEOs of the mortgage companies.

The conversation then moves onto Universal Community Trust, its foundations, its lawful status as a jurisdiction under Natural Law, its key tenets – ‘Do no harm, take no shit’ – the development of its own permanent credit facility (via UCT crypto-currency), how the financial system is an all-encompassing method of enslavement, how freedom from financial servitude will release the individual’s energy, creativity and imagination in ways we cannot predict but which will be for the benefit of all. It also covers Sovereign Community Trusts aka Anarcho-Nations, private Family Trusts and how each fit in under the aegis of UCT. In contra-distinction to the tyrannical regimes of world government, UCT is underpinned by its structure which, first and foremost, is designed to protect the rights of the individual and how, ultimately, it exists as an anarchist organisation, in the true sense of the term.

Voluntary association is the opposite to megalomania which is entirely predicated on fraud and coercion.

As the ship begins to sink, the rats will jump off. Further and as I predicted some 8 years ago and in my previous article, as it capsizes on the rocks, the crew (the tax-payers) will also be ready to jump – secession from the state being essential to any right-minded soul.

Admiralty law has had its day – Natural Law is all there is and ever will be and that is why I suggest anyone who wants to step outside a Crown jurisdiction that is founded upon satanic inversion, looks into Universal Community Trust as the only one which was created to defend the rights of the individual through voluntary association.

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Many thanks.

Further reading:

UCT https://www.universal-community-trust.org/

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