Whatever the means, be it Midazolam, Morphine or Graphene Oxide in jib-jabs delivered via a criminal mass-innoculation policy, the parallels between life (and death) under the Big Pharma Junta that deems to rule the lands of Britain and Nazi Germany are chilling.
First, they come for the weak…
The Mass Murder of the elderly, the infirm and the disabled has been underway for some time but never as blatantly as it is now.
Children aged 12-15 years old with conditions that put them at increased risk from COVID-19 – including those with severe neurodisabilities, immunosuppression, Down’s syndrome, and those with multiple or severe learning disabilities will be offered the Pfizer vaccine.
People aged 12-17 years old who live with an immunosuppressed person will also be offered vaccination against COVID-19 at this stage, while the jab has already been offered to people in at risk groups who are aged 16 or 17.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said that it had considered available evidence for vaccination of all children, and concluded that it ‘does not currently advise routine universal vaccination of children and young people less than 18 years of age’. Source
I have recently been receiving a series of unsolicited emails from a previous associate who is firmly of the view that Adolf Hitler was a misunderstood individual whose beliefs, actions and policies throughout his tenure were admirable, that he was a man who stood for freedom, a celebrant of Aaryan (European) culture and that he was correct to identify the Jewish people as being the root cause of the cultural, spiritual and financial demise of the European populations.
Whilst I appreciate that the official history we are fed is mostly a false narrative, my instincts have always led me to the understanding that Hitler was another jumped-up tyrannical statist who falsely believed that the collective was all that mattered. ‘Fuck the individual, it’s all for the greater good’ being the mantra of all statists.
This, of course, is the repeated refrain behind the insidious propaganda that the UK gov and its advisers in SAGE has targeted the people of these lands with so remorselessly over the last 16 months of this fake pandemic.

Whilst Hitler and his Third Reich did not have the ultimate brainwashing device at their disposal, the television, they successfully organised mass rallies and used print and film propaganda to good effect in convincing millions that the State was great. In other words, the people bought into the fake narrative. Just like the majority of people have in the UK and elsewhere.
The state is never the answer to any problem. Factually, it is the greatest killer of people, the world over. Hitler took the position that involuntary euthanasia (murder) was best carried out in war time, in other words, under the cloak of a ‘greater evil’.
Evidently, the Big Pharma Controlled Statists nowadays are of the view that their mass murder programmes for the elderly and the vulnerable (children with disabilities targeted with the vaxtermination jib-jab) are best conducted under the ruse of a fake pandemic. The promulgation of which is a war – an information war on the minds of the people.

Karl Brandt, doctor to Hitler and Hans Lammers, the head of the Reich Chancellery, testified after the war that Hitler had told them as early as 1933—when the sterilisation law was passed—that he favoured the killing of the incurably ill but recognised that public opinion would not accept this.
In 1935, Hitler told the Leader of Reich Doctors, Gerhard Wagner, that the question could not be taken up in peacetime; “Such a problem could be more smoothly and easily carried out in war”.
He wrote that he intended to “radically solve” the problem of the mental asylums in such an event. Aktion T4 began with a “trial” case in late 1938. Hitler instructed Brandt to evaluate a petition sent by two parents for the “mercy killing” of their son who was blind and had physical and developmental disabilities.
The child, born near Leipzig and eventually identified as Gerhard Kretschmar, was killed in July 1939.Hitler instructed Brandt to proceed in the same manner in all similar cases.
On 18 August 1939, three weeks after the killing of the boy, the Reich Committee for the Scientific Registering of Hereditary and Congenital Illnesses was established to register sick children or newborns identified as defective.
The secret killing of infants began in 1939 and increased after the war started; by 1941, more than 5,000 children had been killed.
Hitler was in favour of killing those whom he judged to be lebensunwertes Leben (Life unworthy of life).
A few months before the “euthanasia” decree, in a 1939 conference with Leonardo Conti, Reich Health Leader and State Secretary for Health in the Interior Ministry, and Hans Lammers, Chief of the Reich Chancellery, Hitler gave as examples the mentally ill who he said could only be “bedded on sawdust or sand” because they “perpetually dirtied themselves” and “put their own excrement into their mouths”. This issue, according to the Nazi regime, assumed a new urgency in wartime.” Source
An Echo Chamber: the Edicts of Adolf Hitler, Dr Luke Evans and Matthew Hancock
Read the wording of this edict of Adolf Hitler, translated into English:
Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are entrusted with the responsibility of extending the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, so that patients who, after a most critical diagnosis, on the basis of human judgment [menschlichem Ermessen], are considered incurable, can be granted mercy death [Gnadentod]. — A. Hitler”
When put alongside the conversation between Dr Luke Evans and Matt Hancock, the parallels are clear and apparent. Evans calls it a “good death”, Hitler, called it “Gnadentod”.
As previously stated, Evans and Hancock are hoisted by their own petard – an unwitting criminal confession is what spills from their mouths. Here is a Mail On Sunday article from July 2020, that amounts to yet another smoking gun in the ever-mounting pile of evidence against the murderous UK government and others like them around the world.
Further reading:
Mail On Sunday article https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-mail-on-sunday/20200712/282059099296609
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Midazolam, probably named from the nitrogen atom in the middle of the compound and ability to make lame… mid-middle, az-presence of Nitrogen, lam – to beat, to lame.
Gotta love the tact of Big Pharma
A deep and sinister meaning emerges depending on one interpretations…
Mid- with
azo a (not) + zoion (a living being) “not a living being”
lam- “to thrash, beat” lemja “to beat,” literally “to lame,”
With not a living being, beaten, made lame.
They call the use of this drug in palliative care(?) “continuous deep sedation therapy” and its commonly used on death row as the first drug administered in a cocktail of three.
A chemical cosh used to beat the life out of people.
He who lives by the jab, dies by the jab Mr Hancock & co.
My prayers are for the elders murdered in their beds and for the families they leave behind.
Hey, Al. As is often the case, the etymology reveals the intent behind the word. As you state, it’s truly sinister. There will be hundreds of thousands of families whose elderly members have been murdered this way.
“He who lives by the jab, dies by the jab Mr Hancock & co.” – I couldn’t agree more: one way, or another, these deeply disturbed indviduals will get their comeuppance.