How and why this CPS action lays naked #TGBMS [The Great British Mortgage Swindle]
The Crown Prosecution Service’s [CPS] trumped-up charges of ‘Conspiracy to commit criminal damage and aggravated trespass’ leveled against the ‘bungalow toppers’ and Craig Crawford were dropped on Tuesday 12 January, 2015 when the Crown’s malicious prosecution at Leicester Crown Court fell apart due to what the mainstream media reported as a lack of evidence. In such circumstances, the Court could only record a ‘not guilty’ verdict.

For more than six hundred years– that is, since Magna Carta, in 1215–there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of, such law.”
–Lysander Spooner, The Right of Juries
The demonstrable failings of the CPS and subsequent collapse of the trial of the ‘Roof top six’ + 1 was founded on Common Sense on the simple basis that without a valid signed/executed Possession Order and Warrant for Possession the eviction of the Crawfords on 02 July 2015 was and never could be lawful.
Time and time again it has been demanded that the warrant be produced. It has never been forthcoming.
It couldn’t even be produced when Judge Fowler of Leicester Crown Court demanded it. He had, under pressure from Craig Crawford and the ‘defendants’ demanded that CPS provide the Court with the verified and original possession order and warrant for eviction documents.
So, little surprise then that Judge Fowler urged the CPS to drop the case when Mr Coupland , its beleaguered prosecutor, was unable to produce said documents in the trial.
Craig Crawford, son of Tom, was one of the seven who was being maliciously prosecuted. HIs plea to the charges of ‘Conspiracy to commit criminal damage and aggravated trespass’ had been consistent from the start:

If Nigel Godsmark, the man acting as County Court Judge in Nottingham, were so confident of his judgement of 02 May 2015, then why did he not sign an order for possession or the warrant?
It came out in the Crown Court that Nigel had added a memo to the ‘Warrant’ that it be not shown to any one without his say so and that it not be allowed to leave Nottingham County Court.
Now, why might that be the case?
There was also the issue of a valid possession order – again, this was not provided by the CPS
The phoney ‘High Court Enforcement Officers’ who played such a violent role in the eviction of Sue Crawford certainly had neither document nor was there ever an order to transfer the matter to the High Court.
In other words, there was no valid judgement in this matter. No walk in possession order. No money judgement. Nothing.
Craig Crawford defended himself in Court. In his own words, here are the inherent irregularities which highlight the unlawfulness of the eviction and the CPS’ prosecution, a prosecution which was founded on quicksand:
We’ve never seen the warrant and the facts speak for themselves when you look at the inconsistencies/faults regarding the paperwork… Like (these are as accurate as possible):
-The bank never paid a fee to the court. And no step can be taken by the court in the first place without them paying a fee! So it should never have been put in motion.
-They didn’t show a warrant or identity themselves. Which is against the law
-My mother was a vulnerable person as her mum just died. They shouldn’t have gone in.
-The High Court cannot force entry
-The High Court enforced a county court warrant. This can’t happen!?
-The possession claim for was for land.. But the expired warrant was for property
-Many of the documents we’d seen from the cps was never signed, Dated, Sealed or even filled out
-The warrant was never produced. Even when a criminal court judge asked for it! Still no proper warrant has been shown
-The only warrant shown was from 2012 and had expired. It was a copy.. That was a fake!!!
-The Godsmark judgement was NOT a reissue of a warrant. It was to lift the stay on the warrant from 2012 which had expired already…
-The apparent high Court bailiff didn’t identity himself or produce the warrant.
-The coppers pulled my mum off of her land which they cannot do. It’s a civil matter they shouldn’t have even been there
-The cps said in front of a room full of people that NO JUDGE would sign the documents to prove their legitimacy!!!
All of this confirms things were so messed up and the eviction was unlawful.”
The discreditable CPS once again demonstrated their innate ineptitude- this case should never have begun.
In the Criminal Courts of Britain, the facts must be heard – which is not to say they always are.
It is a thus a fact on the public record that the signed warrant for the eviction of 02 July, 2015 could not be produced. The judge, a man commonly known as Michael, knew this was the cornerstone of the Crown House of Rothschild’s malicious prosecution and demanded the embattled CPS prosecutor, Mr Coupland, produce it. He could not. Hence the collapse, and the not guilty verdict.
In the simplest of terms, this means that the warrant does not exist and never has existed. The implications of that are immense for it means that the eviction was entirely unlawful on that ground alone.
On a wider scale, it means that every eviction that takes place across the Isles of Britain is unlawful as this is the common practice of Her Majesty’s Courts.
RM personally demanded it be shown on the day in question. Tom Crawford did too. Others who attended on the day to stop the unlawful eviction will have asked for it too. At no point was it provided. It simply did not exist.

What many may have overlooked is that a Grand Jury of the People of Nottingham had already returned a True Bill that there was a case to answer that the eviction was unlawful.
The GJ’s declaration was subsequently served on all officers at Nottingham County Court, Chris Eyre, the Chief Constable of Notts Police, the Police Commissioner, Paddy Tipping, and all officers at the Magistrates’ Court and the head of the CPS.
They ignored it at their peril and those parties continued with what was demonstrably a malicious prosecution of all those, not just the 7, who were arrested by the fools of the duped Notts Police Force, who in spite of the facts under their very noses, took part in what was known as Operation Hooper and, in clear breach of the Oath of a Constable, chose to protect and serve the fraudulent interests of the banks and not the genuine interests of their real employees, the People of the County of Nottinghamshire.

They are factually unfit for purpose. Unless, that is, they come clean and admit they are operating fraudulently as their masters are in fact the freemasonically influenced bankers and courts.

Is there a schism in the levels of intelligence between the Crown’s prosecutors, its henchmen and judges and the People?
Given that a GJ of 25 People were able to return a wholly unanimous decision on the eviction, having heard personal testimony to the facts of the matter, the answer would appear to an emphatic ‘yes’.
This gives rise to the question of how and why the CPS and the Judges could not see for themselves how and why the eviction was unlawful. Could it be that an expensive education creates a more blinkered intelligence, one more suited to tyranny than justice?
The CPS had a similar meltdown in 2009 when the case against the Ratcliffe Power Station protestors collapsed on the basis that they failed to disclose/investigate the fact that Mark ‘Stone’ Kennedy was an under cover copper who had actually organised the mass trespass.
The recent failure to prosecute Greville Janner also gives rise to the not unreasonable view that, like Notts Police, the CPS is unfit for purpose. Unless, of course, its hidden raison d’etre is to protect the interests of the Crown, at all levels including its banking sector and the Royal Family of Saxe-Coburg Gotha who also misrepresent themselves to be ‘British’ when the are in fact Germanic in origin and have no legitimacy whatsoever.

My oh my. Could it possibly be that all so-called power structures are built on legal, religious, accounting and media misrepresentations?
Could it be that the entire system of control is built upon deception, fraud and abuse of ‘power’?
Anyone who is reasonably open-minded and embodied with a modicum of common sense can see where one is going with this and what the implications are.
This whole tyrannical charade of ‘power’ is propped up by an increasingly bewildered and inept mainstream media who similarly operate a system that is based on misrepresentations of facts.
The failure of all those paid-for ‘journalists’, actors and conjurors to present the facts in anything approaching a balanced narrative is demonstrably the case here.
Listen to the following BBC ‘report’, featuring a mealy mouthed studio ‘presenter’ and a ‘reporter’ outside the court and take note of how much of the narrative has been left out. It is a report that is based on deliberately presenting the State’s interpretation of the facts. Do he and his colleagues in the studio seriously consider themselves to be journalists whose modus operandi is to the present the truth to the people?
Why is there no mention of the issue of the warrant in any mainstream media report?
Has any mainstream reporter looked into how all evictions are unlawful on that basis alone – i.e. that no judge ever signs a warrant for possession and that the bailiff signs it off when he has successfully stolen the property in order to get his slice of the fraudulent pie?
Why didn’t the presiding judge, Nigel Godsmark simply sign it? Could it be he knew it was a fraudulent claim and wanted nothing to incriminate him in the theft of the house? Yet, he cannot be exonerated since without his misrepresentative, deliberately ambiguous and void order of 01 May, 2015, none of the ensuing tyranny would have taken place?
The mortgage had been securitised, with the facade known as the Bradford and Bingley [UKAR] and its lying lawyers, Walker Morris of Leeds, simply acting in the role of collector on behalf of those individuals and entities who had invested in a portfolio of securitised promissory notes [by which the alleged debtors were the actual creditors by way of their signature of acceptance on the mortgage application forms (which magically became ‘promissory notes’) via the fake power of attorney clauses which a bank then falsely relies upon to permit them to create any and all securities it deems necessary]. The signature on the application is conjured into a promissory note using accountancy ‘magic’ which is immediately sold on via an SPV created by the Bank in order to sell it on the securities markets.
The Crawfords, like all mortgagors, as a matter of accounting fact, are the creditors. The mortgage notes are treated as cash. They are assets which are deposited on the other hidden side of the ledger. The house is paid for on the day and the mortgagor has funded it himself, the bank only providing an administrative service by way of its accountancy.

Culpability is the name of the game. As is Misfeasance in Public Office.
It is a woeful and, some might say, treasonous state of affairs.
In the light of this, how could anyone with a modicum of common sense not see that the trial was doomed to collapse as it was simply built on a flood plain of lies (misrepresentations)?
For those new to this, why not take a look at the shockumentary film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle [#TGBMS] which can be viewed for less than the price of a pint of beer or a cup of coffee and which helps to unravel the genocide of eviction?
FOOTNOTE: This article has been edited today, 14 January, 2016 in order to include additional information that has come to light since it was originally posted.
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Excellent article after an excellent result!
Could I please ask people to read this free e-book if you haven’t already done so http://www.thebcgroup.co.uk/What_Exactly_is_Austerity_V1.0.pdf A huge and contrived financial meltdown has started and we have the trump card (the Bradbury Pound) to bugger up their criminal plans.
Thank-you, Justin. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the Bradbury pound promotion an attempt to demand that the entirely illegitimate UK ‘Gov’ does the ‘right thing’ and introduce a currency backed by the sweat equity of the people? Since when has the Treasury listened to the will of people? Do you actually believe that the ‘State’ has any legitimacy when its modus operandi is treason and genocide of the people?
How can one seriously expect a criminal cadre to listen to those whom it is actively robbing and/or killing by way of its genocidal practices?
Brilliant article Rogue Male. I’ve hear of so many heartbreaking stories of illegal evictions, all with the aiding and abetting of the police. Our police seem to be nothing more than henchmen for the banks! It is an outrage. Thank goodness that the truth is coming out at long last. The truth of the corruption of our courts and our police. thank goodness that there are SOME honest judges left.
Thank you Francis. Judge Fowler could not get round the issue of there being no valid possession order or warrant. Were it not for the insistence of Craig Crawford that it be produced in court for inspection, its non-existence would have been ignored. Those barristers representing three of the defendants went nowhere near the issue and were pushing for plea bargaining – ie admit to the charge and we’ll get you a lighter punishment. Therefore, it would be somewhat hasty to presume said judge to be honest…
A truly excellent article imparting facts and analysis in an understandable accessible way – thank you.
For those who consider ‘mere paperwork’ an irrelevance – of which I’ve seen much said tosh by quatloos and their ilk – you are reminded that procedures requiring correct completion, and crucially that it be signed off by a human being accepting liability, are in place for very good reason, i.e. in order to ensure those at every level of ‘decision making’ affecting the public take their paid professional role and responsibilities seriously acting with fairness and integrity. It is a mechanism and in many cases a legally required one at that – as in the Crawford family case – to safeguard the public from abuse by the psychopathic and socially toxic self interested who would confuse democratic public responsibility with autocratic abuse of authority and self serving despotism.
Therefore when public safety mechanisms/procedures requiring paperwork and signatures are ignored, circumvented, obstructed, and/or tampered with or concealed in any way whatsoever, it is a clear indication of self serving criminality at work – most likely on multiple levels given the nature of commercial hierarchical constructs and associated internal and external policies and procedures. Mistakes happen yes, humans err. But not so on mass, organisationally and systemically spanning different organisations and connected agencies both private and public, repeatedly. Commercial and interagency collaboration and cooperation is necessary and so the crimes become those on a scale of organised crime – albeit ‘normalised’ via repetition and so slipping under the radar of the uninformed and ignorant.
Sadly the common denominators who could intervene to protect the public don’t themselves even know the law never mind seem to have the intellectual capacity to understand sophisticated criminal strategy. The police nowadays just react to low life bailiffs of increasingly similar garb, like knuckle dragging male silverbacks on heat wanting to impress similarly adorned specie counterparts while being awestruck by the authoritative accessory – the clipboard – containing no legally required paperwork at all. Please warn all stock controllers and bingo players they risk the indiscriminate adorations of the police, lol!
On a more serious note, while the mating rituals of less evolved species can be interesting to study, in a civilized human society where intelligence fortunately still reigns supreme, compliance with the minutia of procedure and legal technicalities matter hugely. Where absent, the owners of the missing signatory fingerprints and DNA solves the whodunit. Is that the sound of aggressive confused screams coming from the jungle undergrowth hahaha ? Yes, criminal fraud includes deliberate acts of omission and concealment.
Well done to Craig Crawford highlighting the missing warrant etc and absolute respect to all those who have and continue to help and assist the mercilessly persecuted Crawford family.
Thanks again RM for clarifying everything.
Thank-you for the feedback Debbie. You’re quite right – it is a criminal and genocidal racket in which the judges and all officers of the courts are complicit. All those who you rightly state “mercilessly persecuted the Crawford family” should be ashamed of themselves. What price ignorance?
I wanted to share an exciting update about a petition I signed on Change.org: “David Cameron MP: Bank Abuse of Customers must end NOW!”.
Read about the update “Police and Judicial Corruption hits British families” below, and join me in supporting this campaign by signing the petition!
Hi, greatbj. Whilst RM doesn’t personally have any truck with petitioning criminal organisations like the ‘UK gov’, I am more than happy to share valid information that raises the consciousness of others and exposes the criminality of all those would-be-statists who masquerade as ‘leaders’ and potentates of all hues. Best wishes and blessed be the righteous.