Who is the Holder of your Mortgage?

Having sold on your mortgage (see below) the Bank is no longer the holder in due course of the void mortgage deed. Thus, the Bankster Boot Boy literally has no Right of Possession over your Mortgaged Home (or any other mortgaged property). None whatsoever. How the City of London State and its lapdog UK Parliament are Guilty... Continue Reading →

Nottingham – Remember, Remember the 21st December

Nottingham has a long and proud tradition of rebellion - as evidenced by these four events alone: Corn Riots 1776 The Luddites 1811 1831 Reform Bill Riots resulted in the burning down of the castle And, more recently, the grassroots reistance to the Great British Mortgage Swindle It is a well-known fact amongst hypnotists (whether... Continue Reading →

Divoc 91 & The Great British Mortgage Swindle

A critical thinker will have long-since discerned that the Divoc 91 hoax was never about protecting the well-being of the people over whom the criminal UK Government falsely claims to rule. One of the clearest illustrations of this fact was the appointment of the former banker and Rothschild acolyte, Savage Jabhead, as the successor to... Continue Reading →

I Remember – 2 Evictions in November.

When November is upon us once more,   I am reminded of the cops battering down my door.   Eviction, treason and Covid plot.   I see no reason   Why fraud, genocide & treason   Should ever be forgot.” It is exactly 10 years on from 7th November, 2011 when I was violently evicted... Continue Reading →

Lien on Bank CEO Pym Exchanged for Crypto Currency.

  If one wishes to defeat the rigged money systems, which control every aspect of our lives, including the courts, then one needs an alternative, You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller Is Ilien the world’s first crypto-currency... Continue Reading →

Remember, Remember, these Days in November.

"Eviction, treason and Covid plot. We see no reason Why fraud, genocide & treason Should ever be forgot!" Get Wise and Rise. Mother, Son and 10 month old baby Evicted in Kent Aided and Abetted by Cops  Ten years ago, on 04 November, 2010, I was violently and criminally evicted from my home of 16... Continue Reading →

#TGBMS – a very British Renaissance

  Across the lands of Europe and the isles of Britain, the people are increasingly aware of just how corrupt their 'governments' are. For instance, the Gilet Jaune movement in France is now in its 23rd week and shows no sign of relenting. Some might well argue a revolution is required. But, what of a... Continue Reading →

TGBMS: the Fraud of Antonio Horta-Osorio.

Consensus Reality is a phrase that means those sets of things which the majority of people consider to be real. There are countless examples but for the purposes of this article, let’s focus on the fraud of the banking system. Most people wrongly believe that the banks loan them money. This false belief leads them... Continue Reading →


As the cogs of the Gregorian calendar shift into another numerical gear, RM has recently been considering the cultural swamp that is the social media and my disenchantment with its seething, babbling and incessant content.  This insight of Jasun Horsley focuses that view sharply: “Too much cultural immersion is no doubt accentuating the focus on... Continue Reading →


THE RISE & FALL OF THE WHITE COLLAR CRIMINAL Separating the Image from the Reality. From 26 August 2009 and until he was violently evicted on 4 November, 2010, RM’s home of 16 years was under siege. Under siege from the forces of the ‘state’ and its controllers, the all-powerful House of Rothschild and its... Continue Reading →

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